Post your screenshots! WIP thread Created 17 years ago2007-12-16 00:58:58 UTC by doodle doodle

Created 17 years ago2007-12-16 00:58:58 UTC by doodle doodle

Posted 7 years ago2017-07-14 22:06:20 UTC Post #336045
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Don´t suffer :crowbar: :walter:
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 07:44:07 UTC Post #336050
My laptop would suffer. badum-tss
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 09:13:33 UTC Post #336051
As I told you before my PIV throws (with this final version) 16 fps during gameplay, your core2 is way powerful ;)
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 09:58:55 UTC Post #336056
My Core2Duo would keep 17fps, for sure. :P
Don't forget my 1-decade-old GPU.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 10:01:27 UTC Post #336057

The map itself is epic. Can't believe you made it using player_starts as a measure...
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 10:32:02 UTC Post #336059
Thanks :glad: , It looks much better in "movement" with all the APUs firing, the Gargoyle turrets firing the hole, the infantry shooting their lightning guns, the trolley guys running to give you ammo... :cool:

The day I finish it I will give a link for it for the TWHL members who will like to play it :crowbar:
Don't forget my 1-decade-old GPU.
What model it is?, old AMD or nVidia GPUs still rocks!
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 10:54:27 UTC Post #336060
It's an Intel GMA 965... >:P

IT SUCKS AT EVERYTHING. The only thing it's good at is rendering the Windows GUI, but even that is laggy sometimes. I HATE IT, I HATE IT AND I HATE IT. I'm so envious of people with Intel HD Graphics. They feel like they're entitled to complain about Intel HD Graphics. No, they don't know jack s*** about it.
Of course, there's always someone with a worse GPU than mine, so I'm at least happy that it wasn't a GMA 950. xd

See, I have a laptop from year 2007. But still, this thing manages to impress me by not dying, lol. I'm thankful for that.

Anyway, with my anger out of the way...
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I was told by Glockster that the Bevel texture is useful for this. Basically, I hid the ramp so you can see what's going on.
When I'd go up the stairs, I'd have a little bump on the top part. When I put the Bevel texture there, going from the flat surface to the slope felt like a smooth transition. Mmm... :]

Also, for comparison:
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Low-poly vs. high-poly version. :3
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fun_kobbl will be more like a mix of high-poly and low-poly.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 11:11:45 UTC Post #336061
BEVEL can cause clipping bugs if not used properly. Make this doorway in the editor, compile it and then try to pass through. You'll see what I mean.
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Sadly, my English is not good enough to describe the bug.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 11:16:41 UTC Post #336062
Admer, man, you can map...
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 11:45:22 UTC Post #336067
Yes, I can, but BSP mapping seems obsolete today, apparently. Since most people use UE4, you can't do mapping without modelling, can't you? xd
There's HammUEr, but meh.
I like CryEngine, though. :)

In fact, I'm going to show a few WiP screenshots of something I'm going to make for CryEngine. Not now, but in a few hours. xd

Oh, @everyone else
You know what? I realised that de_kobbl is some sort of a successor to one of my old WiPs I'll never finish.

Cool! :biggrin:
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 11:49:23 UTC Post #336068
Abaddon is that Zion (the docks)?
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Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 12:17:54 UTC Post #336070
This is the dock area of Zion.

Started working on demon model. It takes quite a bit of effort to turn the face from ugly geometry to ugly demon, fine geometry. Probably messed a bit too much with lips, going to fix them.
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Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 12:23:00 UTC Post #336071
I guess the gameplay is going to be a mix of "Dark Messiah of Might and Magic" and "Knights of the Old Republic", right?
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 12:51:10 UTC Post #336072
This model is actually not related to the game project (I haven't done anything for it in quite a while, might change that soon). I'm making it to not get rusty, and I like modelling. I'm much better modeller than coder or level designer.

Haven't played any of those, so I can't really say if it'd be different or similar. I can say that combat would be more like Heretic 2 or Dark Souls, typical RPG character progression (level up, raise stats), skills unlockable in the world (either through trainers or sigils), and hub-based world, with backtraking involved (though means of fast travel will be in the world).
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 12:58:59 UTC Post #336073
You obviously should try KotOR I and II. There's a lot of interesting game mechanics you might want to use in your project.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-16 09:43:58 UTC Post #336086
Any critique for my func_tank?
Includes ejecting brass, env_shake, the sort
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DL here
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-16 11:49:40 UTC Post #336087
Use plain green texture in the front of the left...motor?. The lenght of the barrel is too much, maybe a bit shorter , but I like it so much!. Also the screen is a touch of good taste, I love the way it is built between the fire handles. Those could be, btw, less like the ones of the Browning MG of the 2nd. World War. :)
Abaddon is that Zion (the docks)?
Yes, and that´s an A.P.U!!, you can pilot it and hunt sentinels until the Mjolnir breaks the gate 3 and shhot the E.M.P to win the battle :)
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-16 12:35:48 UTC Post #336088
Really cool brushwork on that func_tank!

Here's latest progress on HRAFD survival map:
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A crude bed, a bedside table with candle and a whiskey bottle on it, and a weapon case with sabre.
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Same from afar, also shows wooden trims and pillars.
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Going to place here a desk, wardrobe, perhaps a table with chair by a window, and a few pictures on walls. There'll be obviously doors too.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-16 15:54:20 UTC Post #336089
you can't do mapping without modelling, can't you? xd
Oh, yes, but I discover that making things with models looked better un certain situations. Actually, I think I will not be able to do a very detailed map without model props... :(
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-16 17:07:05 UTC Post #336090
Speaking of Models & brush models, Id thought id share some research I did the other day:

I did some tests with this program called "VMF2SMD" which can take .map or hammer files and dump SMDs out of them and grab the nessasary textures from the wads which is damn convenient.

Functions similar to like source engines "propper"; also places the root bone at world origin. Now the big issue is that while you get a reference SMD which can easily be brought into source engine; the problem is the UVs work on tiled space (so not gonna work for goldsrc) so they are all over the place. So in order to not get your UVs borked on compile you either have to basically redo the UV layout in the 1st UV space which is a massive pain. Sure you could do some simple planar unwrap or something but you are still gonna have to do alignment on multiple texures.

There is a quick and dirty method i tried where i moved the UVs onto Channel 2 with an Unwrap UVW modifier, then regrouped the unwrap using the automatic packing so it all went into the 1 space, then did a "render to texture" so it projected it all onto a 512X512 map. Then I moved the channel to onto the 1 exported the SMD and compiled. It was not the most efficent textel density due to a lot of repetition and whatnot but sorta worked (albiet at probably worse resolution). If you did the baking method with a bit more care in the UVs and did some overlaps you could wind up with something nice.

Furthermor, brush to model's usually have unwelded verts, bad triangulation and iffy smoothing groups too. Its an interesting concept but IMO its a lot of "clean up" work and probably just faster to grab wad textures and model it as new in a 3d editor.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-16 18:21:56 UTC Post #336092
You are right, I can model hings pretty fast, uv mapping is way boring.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-16 19:16:15 UTC Post #336094
Nice stuff from everyone lately
I have taken noted all of the comments and will improve it from here.

Also nice house, it has a real cosy feeling to it. How about some stylish bookshelves or other furniture?
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-16 19:29:17 UTC Post #336095
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Alright, this is the healer for fun_kobbl. :3
When you enter it, your health goes up, and then you get squashed by a func_door which gives you 500 health. I know this will cause lots of issues, but who cares? xd
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-16 20:52:47 UTC Post #336097
good idea :D
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-18 16:16:25 UTC Post #336125
More screenshots:
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Added a chest of drawers and wardrobe, window and outdoor part, which might also change, depending on from how many areas it would be visible.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-18 17:10:51 UTC Post #336131
Maybe it's just me, but you should raise the ceiling a little. The light that is emitted by candles looks unnatural, try to lower the brightness.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-18 17:12:59 UTC Post #336132
Height from floor to ceiling is 128 units, standard for HL.

Lighting is WIP, and it's brightness was already reduced.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-18 17:16:46 UTC Post #336134
Well, to me it looks a bit claustrophobic. Just my opinion.
Maybe I simply got used to large interiors.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-18 17:20:14 UTC Post #336135
The claustrophobic feel was intended.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-18 18:53:41 UTC Post #336137
I think I posted something similiar a year ago, so here's version 2 of the fully player controllable combine sniper rifle in Half-Life 2!
And here's a video where you can see it in full action!

Now for the screenshots:
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It's essentially a func_tank with a laser parented to it. It's damage is set to kill combine soldiers in two bodyshots or one headshot.
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With the power of game_ui, it can have a cyclable scope! There are two ranges of scope, at 45 and 10 degrees respectively, but it's set up so more degrees of zoom can be added. Zoom modes can be cycled both by pressing and holding down the attack2 button.
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The rifle can also be used by NPCs, but it'd probably be better to just use a npc_sniper for that. I've found that NPCs are a little too good with this sniper rifle.

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I found an unused input for the npc_combinegunship. It's called DoGroundAttack and it will perform this big energy attack at the named target. If the target given is a moving target, it will fly over the target before performing the attack. The attack will go through roofs and ceilings, so that's something to keep in mind.
Dr. Orange Dr. OrangeSource good.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-18 19:34:40 UTC Post #336139
If only Jackhammer supported Source I'd spent the whole summer making complex scripted sequences and beautiful outdoor environments.

Well, in fact Jackhammer can open and edit a .vmf file, but some key features like displacemens and the I/O system aren't supported. And they still keep adding those useless achievements...
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-18 20:25:54 UTC Post #336141
If only my laptop wasn't so slow and sluggish...
Ah well, the least I can do is clean it, then upgrade the RAM to 4GB.

Now, let's see if we have some stuff from fun_kobbl:
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Yeah, I have more, it's just not ready to be shown to you people. xd
This one, anyway, needs a few carpets and some neat decorations.

Oh, right, I've done some terrain optimisations here:
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It's more low-poly. Doesn't affect the framerates that much, but still, it's enough to make a difference.
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Yes, I've added a teleporter for something. For the mapping gods' sake, this is the fun_ version after all.
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Furthermore, it's actually meant for this thing.
It basically charges your health back to 100 (if it manages to do it on time), and then you're given extra 500 health points, after which you're teleported on the roof. ;)
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-21 12:09:25 UTC Post #336192
Alright, time to set up the ambience system. I'm surprised that HL1 plays the ambience sounds I ripped straight from HL2.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-21 14:58:45 UTC Post #336199
That's because it's doing a runtime conversion of the samples. Check the developer output.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-21 21:49:35 UTC Post #336216
I've got some neat stuff about Kobbl coming up soon.
For now, since I don't have the screenshots, I'll just write some text:

The map will be configured to make players run a bit slower, and I'll try making the gravity a little bit stronger, too.

Basically, I can put sv_friction, sv_gravity, sv_accelerate, sv_airaccelerate etc. in the map .cfg file. This means that, if I tweak them in a specific way, the map will have the feeling of slight, additional inertia while you're moving in it.

Why is that? Well, the campaign version of the map will require that, because I just don't want players bunny hopping in the map, as that could just ruin the map since some parts will require stealth.

Ah well, what else to expect from a pack of typical Sven Co-op players? This is why I'd rather not like to see the map being abused on public servers.

Next, I'll not need to worry much about the materials. In this case, I'm referring to the sounds emitted depending on the texture. Sven Co-op allows a custom materials.txt. :D

I also found out a bug in the teleporting part of the healer. I'm yet to discover the issue and the solution.

And lastly, I am optimising the map on the VIS side of things:
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Wow. There are around 1100 portalleafs and 3000 numportals in the map. I'm looking forward to reducing that number a little bit. :3
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-21 23:45:28 UTC Post #336217
How would you implement stealth into a GS map?
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-22 07:03:21 UTC Post #336222
Into a Svengine map. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Also, have you ever seen this Half-Life mod called Operations 1942?
Well, they seemingly implemented stealth without coding, as far as I can tell.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-22 07:12:12 UTC Post #336223
Don't know where you found such a term as Svengine, but it's still GS, even though it's modified.

Of course, you can implement illusionary stealth without coding. The simpliest example is a dark jail map with spotlights scattered around. When you enter a spotlight beam, the alarm gets activated. That's the simpliest form of stealth.

Or you can try to do something with scripted_sequences.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-22 07:55:34 UTC Post #336225
I know it's still GoldSRC, but it's GoldSRC × 1.5!
The term 'Svengine', I found it somewhere. I'm not exactly sure where, but I guess I'm not the only one who calls it that way.

Also, Windawz, take a look at Sven Manor. You should look around there, and you'll surely find lots of stuff. Sven Co-op introduced a bunch of new things, and I can't wait to use them. (I actually can, but I'm just saying that I'm excited for them)

Anyway, I'm sure there's a way to add stealth. You'll see.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-22 08:14:23 UTC Post #336230
"Anyway, I'm sure there's a way to add stealth. You'll see."
If I were you I'd just mimic it, so players will THINK the map has stealth.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-22 13:38:04 UTC Post #336231
There are triggers in the monster entities for detection like if the player is seen, heard, generally detected, that kinda stuff. Paired with good mapping and a clever entity setup, it's very possible.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-22 14:44:35 UTC Post #336232
With what Rimrook said, you could get stealth à la "Condition Zero Deleted Scenes", won't be fantastic but you got a little something.

The reason I said "not fantastic" is because CS:CZ:DS doesn't feature "real" stealth. Seriously, run like a madman in the bank's mission and they won't hear you.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-22 15:23:56 UTC Post #336233
Having played CS:CZ:DS, I know what it looks like. There are dedicated hiding areas where the NPCs won't see the player, and then some missions like Miami Heat have parts where you have to memorise the NPC's walking pattern.

Lol. Well, time to get those screenshots, or maybe a video...

In the meantime, I managed to optimise the map well enough so that hlvis.exe only takes 4 minutes and 4 seconds! :D
And when you realise it took more than 2.6 hours yesterday... wow. I was mind-blown.
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Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-22 16:37:54 UTC Post #336234
"like if the player is seen"
Seen not by the NPC itself, but by the engine, I think that's how it works.
I'll test it when I have some spare time.

You can simulate stealth with cleverly placed triggers and scripted sequences as I said. I think this will look and work much better.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-22 18:06:17 UTC Post #336235
You silly, little kid, that's exactly what he said!

"Paired with good mapping and a clever entity setup, it's very possible."
Games are illusions anyway, so is every single stealth in every single game.

I'm capable of doing both, so this shouldn't be that hard to implement.
I'll do a testmap just to develop the actual setup for it. :P
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-22 19:08:50 UTC Post #336237
I'm too silly for this site xd
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-22 19:09:46 UTC Post #336238
I thought it was a "seen by npc" thing because you can change where the npc's "eye" is using the model's qc script. I gathered it was an origin point for a ray that fires at the center of the player's phys box. This is mostly speculation, I never delved into engine stuff.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-22 20:55:05 UTC Post #336240
I'll see what I can do.
In the meantime, look at some of the screenshots here:
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-23 16:47:32 UTC Post #336256
So today I:
  • Compiled SE2 engine sources (RBDoom3BFG engine, modified by motorsep and hit team for Steel Storm 2, released GPL).
  • It came with minimal assets for the engine to run at all (swf menus, hud, some of required assets like fonts), but not for running maps (would stop on loading, console throwing out errors), so I checked EoC mod and d3starterkit for reference, added some base assets and implemented my own base game logic.
  • Removed requirement for player to start with a model (as simple as turn spawnargs and model checks into comments). This would be better in the long run, as I won't be stuck with D3 rig and would be able to model player my own way (base engine searches for hardcoded joints and bone names).
  • I actually tried to make my own player model first, so I hastily modelled it out, made fast UV Mapping, rigged in blender, added idle animation then exported to md5 before taking coding approach. Learning how to rig and animate models in Blender as well.
  • Configured level editor and made simple room with player spawn and light (brightness is much too strong though).
Did all of the above in between being a "taxi" for my pal, doing some housework and running errands. This is the effect:
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The 64 dev texture has normal and specular mapping. HUD was made by engine authors for their project, but fiddling with SWF (or restoring old Doom3 GUI and making new one) would take too much time for a "Just run a map today".
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-23 19:09:24 UTC Post #336268
Discovered a more performance-friendly way of making caves:
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Storm Engine 2?
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