The "-chop #" in the VHLT compiler. Created 6 years ago2019-03-08 17:26:22 UTC by KrystevPlayz KrystevPlayz

Created 6 years ago2019-03-08 17:26:22 UTC by KrystevPlayz KrystevPlayz

Posted 6 years ago2019-03-08 17:26:22 UTC Post #342189
Hi guys. I need some help configuring the compiler the best way possible. I saw in the ZHLT's site that -chop is a really great command. Can somebody send me pictures of diffrent chop values. Also, I am using a "-notexscale", because of FIT crates and others. Send pictures of other commands with diffrent values, and thus making diffrent experience. I'd like to see them. Thanks for the help in advance.
Posted 6 years ago2019-03-08 17:43:24 UTC Post #342190
User posted image
Chop 512, texchop 256. Compilation time on my 2007 laptop: a minute or two.
User posted image
Chop 8, texchop 4. Compilation time on my 2007 laptop: an hour. An hour for just this room.

The difference is in the corners of the room. And that's all. Literally. It's almost like some sort of AO. :P
For final compiles, -chop 32 and -texchop 16 would be reasonable enough, while you can freely increase them to 512 and 256 in non-final compiles.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 6 years ago2019-03-08 17:56:26 UTC Post #342191
Well, my Intel Celeron 3.06 GHz should handle it faster. Can you tell me some other commands and values. Also thanks for the -texchop one. I forgot about this.
Posted 6 years ago2019-03-08 23:28:29 UTC Post #342193
Your Celeron will surely handle it only slightly better than my Core 2 Duo T7500. :D

BTW you can find a bunch of other parameters here with screenshots:
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
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