Hey, one more thing -- I know I have a habit of double-posting but, I agree with you on your points of improvement. Infact, I really hate my texture pack(s) that I use because I just rushed them together. I may consider going to the wadfather shortly. I also agree that the hallway is a bit to abrupt considering the kind of size, scale, and detail of the complex maintenance room with the funny structure.
At the moment I am working on another fairly complex area of this industrial/factory/warehouse type section. This is a ventillation device I copied from an urban-exploration picture I found. There is more to it but this are is pretty bland in terms of layout (at the moment). (I also changed the brightness and cropped it in order to see it a bit better cuz it was too dark at the time)
P.s. I would be more than happy to recieve help off anyone who is interested in this thing. Ofcourse, at the moment everything is purely experimental, and I am eager for your views and ideas that may shed some light onto this thing.
So ofcourse, by all means, post your images of areas you'd like to show us here that may benefit this idea.