A Horror Idea, Some Screens Created 20 years ago2004-06-09 10:04:10 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Created 20 years ago2004-06-09 10:04:10 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 11:25:11 UTC Post #33574
Hey, one more thing -- I know I have a habit of double-posting but, I agree with you on your points of improvement. Infact, I really hate my texture pack(s) that I use because I just rushed them together. I may consider going to the wadfather shortly. I also agree that the hallway is a bit to abrupt considering the kind of size, scale, and detail of the complex maintenance room with the funny structure.

At the moment I am working on another fairly complex area of this industrial/factory/warehouse type section. This is a ventillation device I copied from an urban-exploration picture I found. There is more to it but this are is pretty bland in terms of layout (at the moment).
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(I also changed the brightness and cropped it in order to see it a bit better cuz it was too dark at the time)

P.s. I would be more than happy to recieve help off anyone who is interested in this thing. Ofcourse, at the moment everything is purely experimental, and I am eager for your views and ideas that may shed some light onto this thing.

So ofcourse, by all means, post your images of areas you'd like to show us here that may benefit this idea.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 12:49:43 UTC Post #33589
you need a story. WHy are there ZOmbies attacking? are you exterminating them? are they the agressors? who were the zombies when they were real people?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 13:56:14 UTC Post #33609

just ask in the forums - you'll get plenty of help on anything :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 13:59:59 UTC Post #33611
i started the modeling today, after i finishd the ford mustang boss for hlrally
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 14:30:01 UTC Post #33620
Dude, seriously, think about mapping the basement of House of Haunted Hil somewhere in the mod. That would be awesome. You've seen that movie right?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 14:59:53 UTC Post #33632
Actually I havent, well yet. But I'll take your word for it dont worry.

And yes, a story is something I need more than this piss right now.

Ages ago I had this idea:
A mysterious epidemic has become prevalent throughout
the entire planet. It seems that the dead are becoming
reanimated by forces unknown. Thousands of civilians are continuously being attacked and eaten by the deceased.
An increasing number of people are becoming infected by
these flesh-eating dead bodies. Such was the extent of the epidemic that the armed forces were sent to destroy the influx. However, no actual improvements were made, and resulted in the use of nuclear weapons.
The weapons have destroyed much of our cities, and those who are uninfected remain in the hands of military personal in the outskirts of civilization.

You are one of the survivors. You are amongst many who are kept inside....(insert ad here!)
The trouble is with zombie-related stuff, it can be all so cliche. I mean let's look at the stages in the average zombie film/game etc:

1. Radiation or Mysterious Disease takes place.
2. People become infected, and the infection spreads as the zombies eat/attack people or the dead are re-animated.
3. Something must be done to survive this horror, so survivors start to group.
4. The survivors find a suitable place of refuge etc.
5. A group of bandits thugs ruin everything, or people become power hungry/greedy for supplies etc.

blah blah blah - and so on.

So maybe I just need to come up with something a little more suitable for what is required in order to be fully original, entertaining, and decent.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 15:17:38 UTC Post #33635
how about a sort of crazy tv game show challenge where people are put in a zomie infested city and must survive and achieve goals e.g finding items or reaching certian points. you could have a really neat coded thing where u have to find food and stuff to survive and if you dont get whatever items u require after a while u die/lose health.

thisi s a serious idea. remember unreal tournament.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 15:27:45 UTC Post #33640
lol, a good Idea.

What about a science expiriment gone wrong like the origional HL? Scientific reasearch has made it possible for a new procedure. They inject the stuff into dead human being, hoping to bring them back. there first try at this was succesful. The human could eat, drink, and talk. It had a personallity and was friendly to people, telling of how days were when it was alive. After awhile, it starts showing unusual sideffect. Anger and hostility. It breaks free of its captors and runs away, carrying some of the fluid to ingect some of his friends. IT has turned evil, killing inocennt, and reviving them to join in his army of terror...

you are one in the fight for good over evil, will you survive?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 15:40:11 UTC Post #33649
you gotta also have some type of civilian millita of securiy guards and gun fanatics who have tryed to kill the zombies. hence leaving technicals and mounted guns at various points of conflict. as well as weapons and fortifications.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 18:16:06 UTC Post #33674
yeah, but make sure they are all dead.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 19:34:49 UTC Post #33701
awesomizingly pimptastic! I see another They Hunger in this, but WAY better. BTW, They Hunger has some nice zombies (low-poly, but good to use as a placeholder)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 09:47:25 UTC Post #33844
how about a sort of crazy tv game show challenge where people are put in a zomie infested city and must survive and achieve goals e.g finding items or reaching certian points. you could have a really neat coded thing where u have to find food and stuff to survive and if you dont get whatever items u require after a while u die/lose health.
thisi s a serious idea. remember unreal tournament.
What a superb Idea!

Criminals are used as the contenders. The show is equivallent to big brother, only it's not a house (and not as mind-numbingly dull), but an entire city boared around with massive steel gates (maximum security)

Maybe, the aim is just to survive the longest -- or just die as it would seem. Perhaps, just like the running man only with the major problem of huge numbers of infected zombies.

The story could develop to be a revenge on the fascist game show. You may be a falsely accused criminal who is sent to this place as a contender. Maybe other criminals gang up on you in the zombie infested city? Maybe an explosion causes the perimeter to rupture, thus the infection spreads elsewhere?

P.s. I say better looking zombies -- more realistic. If you've ever seen the film 'Zombie' a.k.a 'Zombie Flesh Eaters', I was thinking along those terms.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 13:31:35 UTC Post #33873
Can I spiff up Ministeve's story? Its about a show where they take random people to deserted cities and leave them there but keep a few of the employees there to act like zombies. But where they take Gordon are real zombies.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 14:04:04 UTC Post #33877
and G-man is the host.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 14:06:03 UTC Post #33879
ok, i got a idea where oyu want ot go wiht the zombies, btw, i can make a replacement model of the headcrab as a flying /jumping skull
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 14:08:39 UTC Post #33882
Thats good!

The bullchicken could be some hiddeous beast as it is now. Bullchickens kill headcrabs, so its a good thing to have them killing skulls.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 16:50:13 UTC Post #33914
I don't want to spoil the who?le zombie thing, but we've had this too often already. 'They Hunger', 'Heart of Evil' ... .
The thing could be changed a little. Instead of zombies we could just make them mutants that were contaminated with big amounts of atomic radiation. Somehow like 'Stalker - Oblivion Lost', but in old abandoned places.
I intended to make mod with a lot of those abandoned places, but it turned out to be too much for one single person.

@Jahzel: The more pics you show, the more I think your mapping skills are really really good. The pic above looks really ... abandoned. The things I don't like are those colourfull pipes and the blue box, make them more - old.
You are very good at making those pipes and machines filled cellar rooms. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 23:20:36 UTC Post #34023
Make bull chickens creatures formed from the decayed parts of other dead... thingamajigers. Dude, seriously if you made fading enemies the closer you get to them, that would be sweeeet. OOOO and if you chase them you could make it so that once you get close enough they turn around and run up into your face REEEEEEALY close and really fast and their face could be something that looks incredibly scary, seen The Ring? If you have, I mean a face like that girl who died at the beggining. Pal green face, ripped jaw, light gray eyes. I'll google a picture if you want to know what Im talking about. (Like House on Haunted Hill! Seriously dude, watch that movie, its jam packed with good horror atmosphere ideas)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 09:51:22 UTC Post #34258
Yeah I kind of like the idea of contaminated/infected 'mutants' too. Maybe like the mutants in C&C, or the corprus diseased people in morrowind:
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Thing is Coolfat, it would be great if you can be able to use firearms against these things -- so the atmospheric ghost-like stuff like the ring seems a little too non-tangeable.

There could be mutants that are kind of similar to the cenebites in hell raiser -- I dont mean people with different stuff sticking out their faces, I mean folks with half a face, exposed bone, etc.
Good thing about contaminated mutants is -- you can have different mutations i.e. mutant dogs, huge mutant boss - or even genetic experiments. It wont be similar to Resident Evil, no way, those creatures are far to 'blocky' for my likeing.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 10:48:16 UTC Post #34272
YEAH! I really hated those morrowind zombies. They're probably the most scary ones I've ever seen in a game.
For those morrowind zombies it'd suffice to change the hl zombie models and use their AI and behaviour.
The Ash creatures are a bit too unhuman for zombies though.
To make them even more annoying, the player has only one mag for the pistol and no other weapon. The levels will be very dark with flickering lights, so the player must use the flashlight all the time. The creepy sounds of the morrowind zombies might be usefull too.
I remember an article about a coder team that added shadows 'n stuff to the hl engine, this could make the whole thing even more scary.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 15:23:32 UTC Post #34360
i would post my screen shot but don't know how. i looked at the posting help but still dont get it. it look pretty nice though, i only put about an hour into the entire thing. there alot more than what you would be seeing if i had the screen shot posted along with this. tell me how to and ill post it
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 15:28:21 UTC Post #34365
First you have to upload your image to a web server.
Then copy the link adress of it and post it here like this:
[ i m g ]linktoimage[ / i m g ]
without the spaces between the letters. i made them to avoid twhl from treating this as an image.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 15:28:59 UTC Post #34367
just type [img]
then the url of the image, including the http
then [b] [/img]

viola, one screenshot
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 15:30:07 UTC Post #34368
i mean - [b]
User posted image

try it
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 17:57:57 UTC Post #34453
When they say zombies, I think they are just saying that so the website doesn't get shut down for teach you how to kill people with shotguns and axes...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 18:10:03 UTC Post #34460
Why not just have zombies, but other Freak CHaracters too? ex, Scientists are ghosts that are almost invisable, and just walk around, NOT SAYING THINGS LIKE "HELLO FREEMAN"

Pepper's skull head headcrab was a good Idea, and the bullchickens kill all, so they are good for an evil beast that kills all.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 02:36:19 UTC Post #34525
yeah, its coming along nicely :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 08:00:13 UTC Post #34562
Garg, here try this link:


Its really easy, fast, and free to use -- so that you can upload any pic you want on the internet.

Once you done that copy your link and paste it here with:
User posted image

I think it might be better if it avoids half-life style monsters, I mean, It would be more scarier for someone playing through the maps if they hadn't already seen and played against the enemies. For this reason, we should come up with something new and original. Mutant-like creatures perhaps? But scary ones, not silly ones! ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 08:16:46 UTC Post #34567
that requires coding. Who can code really well here?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 08:51:41 UTC Post #34581
nah! no coding is required. the spirit engine would enough. all it takes are good new models.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 09:09:12 UTC Post #34590
....true, but then again, we dont want our creatures using their claws the same way as the hl zombies do etc. They need to completely new monster_types. Now that would be better.

And what would be cool to see is if you are sometimes completely outnumbered by them as they slowly make their way toward you. You only have a few pistol rounds, so you desperately try to make an escape. If they catch you, there could always be a short cinmeatic scen (easy to do) where they are eating your body.

And despite all these mods that come out and suggest that they are focusing more on 'family-friendly' gameplay, and include no gore (like ns),
we'll show them how it's done! I say Dawn of the Dead gore style!

(recalls a funny scene where a swat team member bursts open the door at the start of the film and instantly blows the head (with a shotgun) off that zombie guy with an afro)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 09:15:38 UTC Post #34593
If you just want other animations, that's not a problem either. All these things you mentioned can easily be done with spirit of hl.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 09:23:51 UTC Post #34600

Doom3-style flying skulls?
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Zombie Dogs?
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The Possibilities are endless!
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 09:28:05 UTC Post #34603
Oo! hound eyes as zombie dogs? noo. HEAD CRABS!
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 09:40:26 UTC Post #34606
User posted image
it didn't come out as good as i hoped. but theres a quick example of my mapping skills nothing very special.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 09:42:07 UTC Post #34608
oh its all blury and stuff. i guess I resized it wrong when i converted it to a jpg. :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 09:42:46 UTC Post #34609
your mapping style if definitively very ... dark.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 09:44:27 UTC Post #34610
can you make a brighter screenshot, about 80% of the image if pure black.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 10:16:59 UTC Post #34622
hmm, gear ideas for zombies, just post zombie pictures here.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 12:08:48 UTC Post #34670
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Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 12:17:15 UTC Post #34672
Hehe, now we need one of those thehorror.wavs from half-life.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 12:42:16 UTC Post #34676
k heres a brighter version. and im working on another area.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 12:46:06 UTC Post #34677
Still quite dark, but things are easier to distinguish.
You should make screenshots of areas without broken lights. :D Just repair it!
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 14:28:35 UTC Post #34684
here is another pic finnished it about 5 minitues ago and took about 10 makeing it.
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this one really has no point right now, im thinking about incorperating it somewhere or adding onto it. and it is defidently alot brighter then my last one.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 07:08:15 UTC Post #34811
looks interesting, but its missing something, something i don't know :
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 09:20:06 UTC Post #34829
Aha, Nice one! Looking good. What type of building is the first screenshot? Also, spiral staircases would make great cinematic scenes.

And you know what, those zombie dogs -- like, mutated, zombiefied (mashed-up looking) rotweillers or other evil-looking dogs would be great. A scene that comes to mind is that dog (although it wasnt a zombie film) in The Hitchhiker, in the police station at the end. It is feeding off a dead policeman's body.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 09:35:28 UTC Post #34830
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P.s. Anyone seen the film Phantasm? It's a pretty old 70's type horror film, but it has some weird stuff in it. Like these silver spheres that chase people, then two blades come out of the sphere, it then stabs into your forehead, and then this brain sucking drill comes out splurting blood all around:
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...And theres these really nasty looking hooded dwarf things (like those red ones in star wars - sorry I dont know their exact name)


These dwarves are basically people who are captured by this really tall bloke in a Mausoleum. They are 'embalmed' with this blue liquid, and somehow transformed into these disfigured little dudes with monk-like hoods. Weird.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 10:37:19 UTC Post #34838
its probalby that the stairs go like this |_
im working on making the under side slanted.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 11:21:06 UTC Post #34841
make the underside of the stairs smooth
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 14:31:57 UTC Post #34854
Zombies do exist but theire not living dead theire just an effect of an drug that voodoo doctors on haiti use to get free farm workers.
The victim get high fever and then "dies" when it's hearth beat actually gets so low you cant recognise it, and then when the "dead" people
is dugged(i dont know how to spell that:P) down the voodoo doctor and the one that his working for goes to the graveyard digges the "corpse" up and then give him the anti-toxid and as long as the voodoo doctor gives them the anti-toxid they Will have no will and dont need pay, The myth about zombies walking around and eating peoples brains is false, they it propper food but they dont care about theyre hygien(spelled that way?) is VERY bad. The myth about zombies Crawling up from graves comes from that they often get dugged(?) down and then digged up again.
AND thats why people says Zombies are living dead.
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