Strange visual glitch Created 2 years ago2022-09-06 02:46:05 UTC by MPS. MPS.

Created 2 years ago2022-09-06 02:46:05 UTC by MPS. MPS.

Posted 2 years ago2022-09-06 02:46:05 UTC Post #346856
Hello, this is my first thread on here, so apologies for any mistakes. I want to know how i can fix this really weird bug that affects the water rendering.

When i load an specific map then load any of the maps on the game, any map that contains water starts to glitching out in the sky and the underwater part it becomes unrendered. What's really weird it's the fact that the problematic map don't even have water in it, I've also made sure that there's not any leaks or an awkward shape brush.

Here's the compile log:

And the screenshot of the issue:
Here's what i'm talking about, this only happens when i load an specific map and then load another map.Here's what i'm talking about, this only happens when i load an specific map and then load another map.
Posted 2 years ago2022-09-06 12:26:19 UTC Post #346857
Hi and welcome. I think you should try the map on another computer. These kinds of graphical glitches are sometimes caused by faulty hardware (RAM or graphics card)
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 2 years ago2022-09-08 15:51:52 UTC Post #346864
Yeah might be hardware. Looks like the wave height is very big. Maybe that specific map that causes this has the "default wave height" set to something high in the worldspawn enitity (Map properties in editor)?
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