scripted_sequence Last edited 3 months ago2024-08-31 13:44:39 UTC

scripted_sequence - Point Entity

The scripted_sequence point entity allows you to make a monster entity move to a specific location and/or perform a given animation.

This entity is also the base of aiscripted_sequence where some changes has been made to override AI related stuff.



User posted image Opposing Force only:



This is a flowchart to visualize this complicated entity. Click here for full view.
User posted image

Example maps

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Commented 11 months ago2023-12-30 18:39:37 UTC Comment #105814
The behaviour of this entity is so complex it might need a flow chart
Commented 11 months ago2024-01-11 22:13:41 UTC Comment #105857
Would someone be willing to make that flow chart? I might actually need it.
Commented 7 months ago2024-05-08 18:59:45 UTC Comment #106175
funny, i can understand the entity pretty well (i think)
the flowchart just demonstrates how confusing it really apparently is :P

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