He means textures to enter in teh filter field in the texture browser.
crete- concrete
tnnl- darker concrete, On A Rail themed textures
glu- trims, mainly lab
c1a0, c3a1, etc.- level themed textures, signs
sign- signs
silo- metal, grungy silo walls and details
generic- useful texture set with trims, signs, vending machines, you name it!
out- outside walls, sand, rock, pavement
trk- truck textures
trd/stp- stair trims
fifties- bricks, linoleum, etc
lab- lab textures, floors, detailing
+a- animated textures
~- tex lighting
0, -1, etc tiling textures
{- decal and transparent textures
xeno- xen textures
!- water, liquid
Is this what you want?