Jeezus! Man, I love it! Nice one Pepper!
I haven't been around for a few days, so forgive me for not replyng too regulary. But appart from this, what a superb shotgun model!
I'll definately test the normal hl replacement model
As for the Jackhammer, I think it could be a great weapon to destroy hoardes of zombies (especially in a narrow corridor don't you think)
Strange weapons you don't normally use in hl mods would be good. For example, I had an idea of a makeshift shotgun with four attatched barrels for a bit more zombie devastation. Maybe -- the quodgun? I dont know, but anyway.. The duel shotguns might be good, but for the sake of realism, it may look a bit o-t-t (But then again so would a quodgun perhaps?! I don't know)
Hey pepper, do you think it'll be possible for zombies to actually try and grab hold of the player to bite/attack him, so let's say, you'll be able to fend them off using your fists/hands/legs/piece of wood or furniture?
A flaming torch/burning wood?
...A lighter and molatov cocktails?
But I agree, we do not want it to slip away from the horror thing. I mean, it won't scare the pants off you if you have
two gatling guns with unlimited ammo
Remember, its basically survival stuff. You grab what ever you can for your advantage. Obviously, there could be a particular scene where there seems to be hundreds of zombies and you are not able to kill them all, you just manage to take out the ones nearest to you to survive.
Remember that stupid 'Federal Zombie and Vampire Association' site I mentioned earlier in this thread, well, strangely enough it has some useful information that is relevant to this mod. I.e. Combatting Zombies and Survival Tips etc. This may help with the more realistic side of the horror mod.
Also, I had this Idea a while back when I was at college. I remembered being outside, and there are these stairs that lead to this area below the ground. And I could hear the sounds of shuffling footsteps that seemed to move around aimlessly -- ofcourse it was just an old bin bag in the wind or something but It kick-started ideas in my head about how the zombies could behave.
Anyway, I'll keep you up to date on anything else... blah blah blah.