Floater, I recommend you work on ONE thing at a time. What happened to your spaceship mod? And now this mod? Work on one thing at a time and take your time on it. The map I am currently working on has taken a week just for a corridor and a room, because I wanted the details and lighting to be
just right.
The screenies do like quite nice, although I am not sure how nice they would look if they didnt have the custom models in there. The screenies are a bit bland though. IMO i think you need to focus more on lighting, texturing and architecture.
LightingMake it dark, not too dark, but dark enough to be able to scare the player. You can hide the zombies in the shadows and make them pop out of nowhere when the player least expects it. Good Lighting = Good atmosphere, and atmosphere can cause horror. I recommend you read BL's horror tutorial.
TexturingThe texturing is
way too boring. They aren't properly aligned, and it is very very repetitive. You might be able to get away with it if your lighting is
just right, because the player will be caught in the atmosphere and would almost not notice the textures.
ArchitectureNeeds MAJOR work. Very very bland, and the ceiling has no supports. I think old rusty pillar type things would look nice, and would also leave a nice hiding spot for a zombie. I think you need to add railing type things on the roof (texture = {TENSION5). Pipes on the roof would also go quite well, and maybe some rusty old vents. Floor detail would also come out well. Make the walls more interesting, as they are just blocks right now. Maybe clip them into 3 or 4 different brushes and then use Vertex Manipulation to make them interesting, read the hallways tutorials if you need help with VM.
I really hope you consider my critisism, because this work is the most promising I've seen from you.
Good luck.