By the way, in the near future, all forms of protest (peace, ant-war etc)will be prohibited under anti-terrorism laws. Dissidence is now going to be an offence, and disagreeing with government policies an offence also. This is the next stage of a global police state people.
It is happening now in America, and then gradually it will shift towards the UK and other parts of the world. What we are seeing here is a fasicist agenda unfolding. This is no longer a fairy tale or conspiracy, or some kind of joke, this is the tyranny long predicted. It is Order out of Chaos. More and more evidence is emerging that proves 9/11 was a delibrate act of the globalists to enforce new 'anti-terror' laws that are going to take away people's freedom and rights.
Under the new Partiot Acts 1 and 2, ALL FORMS OF CRIME -- EVEN ANTI-WAR DEMONSTRATION, ARE CLASSED AS TERRORISM and result in immediate action. These Patriot Acts will be intoduced in the UK. They scare-mongering and threatening us with 'more attacks' to step-up homeland security and enforce a complete, militarised police state.
Soon they will have the ability to arrest anyone at any moment for whatever reason they see fit, they will be able to bust down your door in full swat team attire, and they will put you in jail if you disagree with the fascist government. It's not a laughing matter, this is happening now folks, people have being warning of this New World Order for decades and we are about to face it. See for yourself the Globalists' plan: I'm not trying to scare you out of your wits, I'm trying to inform you of the New World Order and how this is the tyranny we, the younger generation, will face in the near future.