look at his new avatar. as you can see, there is a Nazi swastica in its background.
The orange makes up the background and the black is the swastica itself.
I hope its a simple mistake...
Created 20 years ago2004-12-09 18:29:39 UTC by Luke
[20:20:46] <+Mephs> http://www.cariad.co.za/twhl/avatars/128.jpg [kols av obviously]There you go. A non-TWHLer thinks not. The moral of the story: TWHL at an unconscious level is racist.
[20:20:59] <+Mephs> does anyone find that racist?
[20:21:14] <+Mephs> ie is there a definate swastica there?
[20:21:48] <@scary_jeff> i only thought it looked like there could be one ebcause of you asking if it was racist
[20:21:56] <@scary_jeff> i would say definately not
hmm... but i thought you had no idea it was there?That's for people who think there IS a swastika there, and besides, J/K
TWHL at an unconscious level is racist.Err.. Whah?
1: kol = Not a Jew - not even remotely... "kol" was taken from the keyboard...I though #3 was quite funny.
2: kol = Not a Nazi
3: kol = Your Buddy!