Kay, follows the review;
Well, since the map was split up in parts, I'll review each one of them.
The start (ministeves?); The first thing you notice is the boxy and oversized architecture. The ladder is unclimbable and the room itself is just a box.
The "tricky" puzzle in this room is nothing but annoying.
Headcrab room and forward;
More boxy architecture, but with some better lighting. Kind of annoying to only have grenades against them headcrabs, but hey, I made it.
The puzzle in the crystal-bridge room could be made more challenging by actually putting the crystal somewhere else than the bridge ;>
The drawbridge was very cool, very good work on that one.
Overall, this section was signified by annoying lighting, bad texturing and boxy architecture. 2/5, and that's just for the drawbridge.
Pipe walk and forward;
This section was slightly better. Better architecture aswell as texturing.
The monsters were hardly challenging, considering there were a HEV Chargers everywhere, but some fun gameplay.
The gargantua part was cool, but neither challenging nor fun. I just ran around the boxes and climbed the ladders and left it at that. A neat boss-fight would've been nicer there.
The teleportation and forward;
Excellent all the way through. I was mighty impressed with hazs (and rabids?) work here. The lighting is smooth, allthough too dark at the teleportation room but it didn't matter much, the architecture is great, aswell as texturing. It's hard to believe all of it was made in hl1 original textures.
The generator/fuel puzzle was great, allthough more puzzles on the entire section would be cool. Excellent idea to use "Pick-uppable" items and "refueling" the generator.
Great work with beams and sprites and even ambient sounds throughout the section, not to mention an interesting semi-plot

Ending was v. good.
The trainstation and forward;
First thing that struck me was the very annoying lighting. The room you start in is nearly fullbright. The texturing is, well, lets say "not impressive" (hrm, the signs are inverted).
The station itself was better. The train was nicely made aswell as some (SOME) of the cliffs.
The lighting got better when you went inside - but unfortunately the texturing and architecture became uglier. The first room with the a-slaves, zombies and barnacles is just annoying and it makes no sense in them being there whatsoever. I thought it was a lab or sth, not a zoo.
The scientist cloning-machine is awesome, and the architecture and texturing in those/that room/s is good.
The corridor tha---
TRANSPORT (with no warning or fade)
The end scene
Well, what can I say? I start in(
in) a very oversized bed. After I noclip out of it I swim(
swim) up the sun beam while reading the mispelled text on my screen. I get stuck behind the beam and have to noclip my way out of there.
The room is nearly completely dark, and everything that I could see looked pretty oversized.
That section needs(needed?) some major revising and remaking.
Sum of all:
I must say I'm pretty disappointed.
Hazardous!' part was great - everything else held a very low standard.
I liked the usage of titles.txt, but that's pretty much everything there's to say.