Tutorial: In the beginning. Created 20 years ago2005-01-03 15:16:33 UTC by [OAP]MrTickle [OAP]MrTickle

Created 20 years ago2005-01-03 15:16:33 UTC by [OAP]MrTickle [OAP]MrTickle

Posted 20 years ago2005-01-03 15:16:33 UTC Post #81378
I've followed this tutorial and successfully made 2 rooms with a corridor. However in Hammer where the corridor joins the room I can see where the corridor texture comes through the room texture.

Is this just a quirk of hammer and not seen in-game?

Also if I want a big outdoor area Is it best to make a large brush & hollow it, then add solid bruses for buildings?

I'm finding it hard to get my head around hammer :nuts: It's VERY different to Unreal mapping where the world is solid :confused:

BTW Nice tutorials and forums :cool:
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-03 15:30:34 UTC Post #81379
1: You may have put a wall THROUGH another wall, causing this odd effect. My advice: NEVER overlap brushes

2: Never EVER make a large brush and hollow it. Ever. Not for any map. While it prevents leaks, the map will probably take hours to compile. It's best to make it in a similar way to an indoor map, but with outdoor features. Use sky brushes in exactly the same way as a ceiling.

Hope this helps, and remember, don't post your first map :)
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-03 15:31:41 UTC Post #81380
Hold on a minute...is this a map for HL2, or did you just post in the wrong forum? The "in the beginning" tuts. are for HL1, not HL2. And my advice is for HL1.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-03 19:07:33 UTC Post #81476
Lol, in hl2 it's the same advice though. And most of the in the Beginning stuff can be used for it. Do what vassy said tickle, if it doesn't work then send back a reply. GL :D
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-03 21:07:36 UTC Post #81507
It's for HL2 well counterstrike. Thanks for the help.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-03 21:30:00 UTC Post #81513
yeah, same rules. gl
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-03 21:43:45 UTC Post #81519
I remade the 2 rooms and corridor(just touching each other), hollowed them out then made a brush for the doorway the thickness of the 2 walls and then carved them out. When I textured them this time it was ok :)

I did notice tho that when I highlighted a wall to texture it the other face also highlighted. How do you highlight 1 face? I tried ungroup.

Finally if it's a no no for a large brush (outdoor area) what's the best way to make a street for instance and space above buildings (sky)?

Thanks for your patience :nuts: Are there any other tutorial sites for Cs:s & Hl2 mapping? I seem to find a load of dead links :(
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-03 22:05:43 UTC Post #81529
Use the texture application tool (little box with texture on one side. I think the shortcut is shift+a.
what's the best way to make a street for instance and space above buildings (sky)?
Can't really see what you mean... Skybox?
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-04 05:51:18 UTC Post #81595
The Snarkpit is the best place for HL? mapping tutorials at the moment, I think.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-04 13:04:24 UTC Post #81648
You asked for a toturial site. So here it is! It's video toturials! Really awesome :cool:

Posted 20 years ago2005-01-04 15:39:33 UTC Post #81656
Holy mother of oh thankyou your my saviour i love youuuuuu :P ;)
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-04 15:51:53 UTC Post #81657
Dude, I think he called you gay. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-04 16:41:44 UTC Post #81668
Don't be such a gay dude :P
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-05 15:58:04 UTC Post #81866
Nice site, thanks a lot.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-05 20:15:42 UTC Post #81934
Thanks Mick :cool:
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