What Console? Created 20 years ago2004-07-15 06:26:23 UTC by esmajor esmajor

Created 20 years ago2004-07-15 06:26:23 UTC by esmajor esmajor

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 06:26:23 UTC Post #41512
My wife is getting me a Gaming Console in a couple months - I'd like to just leave the deicision to a PS2... but I'm interested to know what the pros and cons are for all of them... xbox, gamecube, stuff like that.

I'm wondering what the best system would be as far as gaming and stuff - also, can you MP on consoles over a connection?

Please let me know. :
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 06:53:56 UTC Post #41514
Stick with the PS2, plenty of decent games, the new GTA is coming out soon.. XBox, and others, the games cost a bomb, and they are basically aimed at rich kids :D

Gamecube ----> Shite

And yes you can multiply on the Xbox. But again, you are talking money.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 07:49:39 UTC Post #41521
My opinion:
  • Never waste your money on consoles! Get another PC, a new graphics card, more RAM, etc!
  • Burn Sony!
Excuse me if you consider me extremist ;)
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 08:16:24 UTC Post #41525
if you buy a ps2 i will come over to your house and put you, your wife, the ps2 and a piece of bread into a 4 slice toaster. ps2 sucks. i would go with an xbox. gamecube had its moments but if u take a look at the reviews some decent games got you would understand why theres so many pokemon games.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 09:36:12 UTC Post #41534
I looove my PS2, It's my best friend.. Hrm.. :confused:
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 12:08:21 UTC Post #41591
- Never waste your money on consoles! Get another PC, a new graphics card, more RAM, etc!
A console is something we have wanted for a very long time (I'd say since BEFORE the PS2 ever was released)

She is also considering getting a few PC parts to rebuild THIS piece of, uhm, "shite" as Jahzel exclaimed.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 12:57:52 UTC Post #41604
Wife?! Dude, how old are you?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 13:13:19 UTC Post #41612
WTF??? Yes I'm married dude - I'm 32 years old. Problem?!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 13:37:59 UTC Post #41615
i would go with an xbox
That's bollocks, dont listen to him, he's deluded. He was jaded after being marooned on a desert Island and therefore cannot communicate rationally.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 13:50:34 UTC Post #41617
puts hands in the air

Keep me outta dat one...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 15:02:12 UTC Post #41635
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 16:43:05 UTC Post #41671
No problem, just suprising. Thought everyone here was at the most early 20's late teens.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 16:49:14 UTC Post #41673
megadrive... aah, good times...

seriously, choose xbox. would you trust a man who blames fileplanet for the downfall in society? ps2 sucks. gamecube went down the wrong path. i.e, the kiddie one. although if your wife has never owned a console and does not fully understand the genre of games availible on them then its best to go for a gamecube :/
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 16:53:29 UTC Post #41677
Ps2. Largest selection of games. And Final Fantasy :P .

What good games does Xbox have that you cannot get on the PS2 or the computer? Halo was the only real reason most people own an Xbox...once it came out for PC, most of my Xbox playing friends sold theirs.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-16 09:48:31 UTC Post #41906
ninja giaden. ranbow six 3 and ghost recon both came out for ps2 but were both crappy rip offs of the xbox versions. btw, xbox is the only console that can support hl2. also brothers in arms. halo 2. house of the dead III and II.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-16 09:52:56 UTC Post #41907
Listen to what 7th told you!
You won't regret it.
The only console that has real advantages towards a PC are handhelds. GameBoy Advanced SP or N-Gage.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-16 10:42:05 UTC Post #41918
Anyone remember Tenchu: Stealth Assassins ?

Well that game absolutely ruled
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-16 10:51:48 UTC Post #41921
xbox is the only console that can support hl2
Hahaha, whoever told you that, is working for microsoft.
None of the current consoles could handle any of the new PC games.
Those crapboxes still have Pixelshaders v1. The newest graficcards support v3 already.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-16 11:21:12 UTC Post #41928
Yeah, get Playstation2. Or if you werent married you could get and Xbox and Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Vollyball! (dont actually plan on getting an xbox, all their good game are also on the pc, and their good games are in few numbers)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-16 11:55:05 UTC Post #41937
The newest graficcards support v3 already.
The only card to support SM3 (Shader Model 3, which is a update of Pixel Shader 2) is the GeForce 6800 and it sucks. The x800 supports v2 but has future support for sm3 with driver updates.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-16 12:36:29 UTC Post #41949
You should get an Amiga! with Moonstone and Chaos Engine... :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-16 13:25:41 UTC Post #41957
I got an amiga somewhere at home. I reformatted it by "accident" as well.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-16 17:29:49 UTC Post #42069
the GeForce 6800 and it sucks.
The GeForce 6800 ran Halo at 32bit at 1600x1200 at full graphics settings at a decent average 55fps....not too horrible, is it?
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-16 17:56:03 UTC Post #42072
Did you play it on your own PC?
Halo is not a common benchmark by the way.
I also heard that the new Radeon has double fps on FarCry as the GeForce.
Anyway, they're not out yet.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-16 19:14:51 UTC Post #42090
What good games does Xbox have that you cannot get on the PS2 or the computer?
that really isnt so important.

xbox has more good games than you would ever have time to finish having a wife and job and all. xbox currently has the best graphix out of the big 3... that's a fact. xbox has a huge hd to copy songs of your cds that you can put in your games. xbox live allows you dl extra levels, vehicles, etc for games you own, and lets you play your games online. for xbox live you need to have dsl or cable modem, so u dont have all the 56laggers around.

theres way more reasons to go with xbox over the number 2 ps2. but the ONLY reason to go with the ps2 is because it has more games. realisticly though, go to the store and see all the games for xbox. theres PLENTY... more than you would ever have time to play.

if xbox has more great games than you have time to play, then why go with the system with inferior graphics just because it has even more games?

get the xbox... it's the only choice :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-17 15:03:53 UTC Post #42335
Listen, Dude. If you really want gaming goodliness choose a PS2!!
choose Ps2.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 06:36:30 UTC Post #42509
Floater, I already go nights without sleep.....

And coolfat.....
Or if you werent married you could get and Xbox and Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Vollyball!
How does my marriage make a difference which system I get?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 06:52:14 UTC Post #42512
he is talking about those games :lol:

Get PS2. Best range of games, as well as best games.
xbox currently has the best graphix out of the big 3...
RacerX, you obviously havent seen Final Fantasy 10/Final Fantasy 10 - 2. If you had seen them, there is no way in hell you would say something like that. The graphics in FF10 are stunning, especially since it was one of the earlier games on PS2. Look at Rabids avatar for instance. That is one of the characters from the game. Look at the detail. The game entertains you for hours, I think about 90 hours for me so far. :D

Dude, Just get a PS2. :D
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 08:51:51 UTC Post #42520
dude, ff10 sucked. "you dont really exist." "you are a dream". wtf? and ff10-2 sucked even more. "wait, on second thoughts how about you DO exist." WTF!? two words. halo. 2. and iddnt you hear me say that xbox was the only console that could support half life 2?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 12:34:09 UTC Post #42553
FF7 was defintely the best in the series who agrees with me?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 12:35:42 UTC Post #42554
yeah, you couldnt get better than hands like those ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 12:49:59 UTC Post #42556
Was gonna stay out of this thread till I saw the typical noobish reply:

"What good games does Xbox have that you cannot get on the PS2 or the computer?"

First off, the only games on PS2/PC that you can get on Xbox are all below average games compared to the rest of the Xbox library. That's what you get with multiplatform ports. That and the fact that they are always made for PS2 then ported to better systems, forcing everyone to be dragged down by the lowest-common-denominator-syndrome. In other words, butt-ugly games with less playability than Half Life 2 on a GBA.

That's all I'm gonna say, plenty of great Xbox games have been mentioned here already by people who have enough brains to know that Sony need to get their heads out of their backsides and quit brainwashing their target audience into thinking PS2 is the only way to go. It's underpowered, most of the games are old hat, the only game worth buying one for now is San Andreas - which will be on Xbox and PC mere months after anyway. PS2 fanboys should get a grip on reality and realise that their system is YEARS old and very behind the technology and features of this gen's systems. I cant believe there are people that actually think PS2 online is a good service. Obviously never touched a PC or seen Xbox Live in action.

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 13:49:03 UTC Post #42561
yeah, all you really need to do is check the system specs for both consoles to see which one is more advanced. it's very clear the ps2 is inferior. that's not my emotions talking... i'm just stating a fact.

and like i already mentioned, since xbox has way more great games than you would ever have time to play, why go with the system with inferior graphics, inferior online capabilities, etc... just because they have even more games? it doesn't make sense.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 14:27:52 UTC Post #42567
Yep. PS2 seems to be quantity over quality - mainly because a large percentage of the software are actually PS1 games. Backwards compatibility is good, but not when you have the whole Sony fanbase using it as an excuse to say they have more games.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 14:47:01 UTC Post #42568
and im not sure if anyone answered the question but you can connect all consoles to the internet (xbox being the most expensive), but i think gamecube can take modems, although i wouldnt recommend it. ps2 can connect to another ps2 with a link cable but if you have a hub you can link 4 xbox's together, without you can just link two. xbox's only downside is the cost of online play for it and that watching DVD's requires a special dvd remote and reciever for it, which plugs into a controller port. and speaking of controller ports, gc and xbox have 4 while ps2 has 2 (you need to buy a multitap for 4). i'd also recommend xbox for the hardware it has. wireless controllers, mini screens you can plug into it, light guns, memory cards and even a special memory card that lets you take data from your xbox, plug it into your pc and either put the data on the net or email it to a friend. without a memory card xbox will store data on its hard drive, which starts at +56000 blocks and will probably never change no matter how many save games you put on it. theres plenty of d/l content on xbox live and the demo discs availible with the official mag. bottom line is get an xbox. careful though, theyre pretty damn heavy.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 15:30:42 UTC Post #42578
Ive barrowed a PS2 for a week from a friend. i got an x-box anyway. x-box is better, many more original games. FF10 was only good looking because of the software not the PS2. all of x-boxs games are good looking. specificly DoA beach vollyball. and you asked eairler why that game would be affected by your marige, the game is all the chicks from the dead or alive siries in bikinis playing vollyball on the beach in very nice grafics. and get an x-box because x-box live is better then the PS2 equivelent and the 16 player support. I once was at a 4 x-box halo party. 16 people. 8 downstairs 8 upstairs and lots of pizza. the most fun ive ever had in my life.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 15:31:08 UTC Post #42579
About the cost for Xbox Live - ?34 to have a full year of unlimited online play coupled with the headset, voice in every game, loads of free downloadable content to update your games, static friends list and username throughout the whole gaming community no matter what game you play, alerts through your mobile/email/messenger/xbox live for news, updates and game invites, plus all the free tournaments and competitions Microsoft run through the service - it's a damn good price.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 15:33:04 UTC Post #42581
(Missed a bit...)

It's basically the cost of ONE game a year to use the service. No way is that a downside to Xbox Live ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 15:39:35 UTC Post #42583
User posted image
i can find a comic to relate to any issue. if its about computes i usully turn to CTRL-ALT-DEL

bottom line PS2 are acceptable. X-box is better. and camecube are worth shite and are shite nad don't deserve shite.

oh and heres another funny one involving a console
User posted image
see you couldn't do that with an PS2 now could you
/end sarcasm
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-19 14:22:58 UTC Post #42821
did you get a console yet or not
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-19 15:06:44 UTC Post #42824
First off, the only games on PS2/PC that you can get on Xbox are all below average games compared to the rest of the Xbox library. That's what you get with multiplatform ports.
Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic was f**kin amazing. Also, Hl2 will be ported to X-box. You calling those games below average? Use your below average brain to figure it out.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-20 03:22:36 UTC Post #43090
Stupid cookies...... ^thats me
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-20 14:40:00 UTC Post #43210
OKay guys - I'm thinkin a PS2 would be a good idea... lots of games, DVD capability, and someone said you can MP on it as well.

I love the GTA games :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-20 14:53:58 UTC Post #43211
GTA is also on X-box controls are better in my opinion to for that game. X-box can also support DVDs if you buy this little plugin. Get an X-box there worth more then PS2. the only thing that PS2 is better for is the number of games. most of them are remakes or a part of seires or ported or multiplatformed so your number of games accully isn't very much larger. and then theres the x-boxs harddrive. i have 12 FULL CDs stored on it and it still says more then 50000+ blocks availible. my friend experimented and got it to go down after something like 200 saved games and 20 CDs. do you know how many ps2 memory cards you would need to match that. and in GTA you can set the radio to cd changer and you can play soundtracks stored on your x-box. PS2's are good, but you can get more from an x-box for the same price.

AND NEVER BUY A :badass: GAMECUBE :badass:
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