Goldsource Error: allocblock:full Last edited 5 months ago2024-09-09 17:06:30 UTC

The map has too much texture pixelage. Causes:
  1. Map is too large and/or too detailed.
    • Solution: Split into 2 maps, or turn some detailing into models, or do some texture budgeting e.g. scaling up textures of brushes that are farther away from playable areas, and manually User posted image NULL-ing unseen faces that CSG doesn't cull.
  2. Similar as above, but because you've surrounded your entire map in a huge box to fix leaks.
  3. Brushes that have ridiculously tiny texture scales (we're talking 0.0001 scale tiny),which in turn can be caused by:
    1. Using "Fit" on texture application mode with all faces of a brush selected.
      • Prevention: SELECT ONLY ONE FACE, then do a texture fit operation.
    2. Having Scale Lock or UV lock ON then resizing a large brush into a small one e.g. a sign with a really thin edge.
      • Prevention: Always have Scale and UV locks OFF, and only turn them ON as needed. Immediately turn them OFF afterwards.
    3. Rotating/manipulating brushes with faces that are aligned to World or with Texture Lock OFF, possibly creating Error: Texture axis perpendicular to face.
      • Solution: J.A.C.K./Hammer Editor recognizes this error so look for it in Map > Check for Problems... dialog.
      • Prevention: Turn ON face alignment when creating the brush. Also turn ON Texture Lock when rotating brushes.
    • Solution: No easy way but to go through every face of every brush for a squished texture and reset them. To help find the offending brush, use the divide and conquer* technique and monitor the AllocBlock usage of the resulting map as reported by the compilers. Once you know which brush is having the issue, you can select the brush, then switch to Texture Application mode, then (with all faces selected) press Reset (J.A.C.K. only, Hammer Editor users need to type 1.0 to the scale textboxes) to reset the scale of all faces on the brush.
See also: AllocBlock.

* Divide and conquer = dividing the map into halves to zone in to the part of the map where the problem manifests. The cordon tool is very useful for this. Cordon half the map, then half of the offending half, and so on, until you found the problem.

1 Comment

Commented 5 months ago2024-08-21 12:49:54 UTC Comment #106317
[2024-09-10] Replaced Tommy's wild goose chase with actual factual causes and solutions/preventions

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