NULL Last edited 7 months ago2024-06-12 02:07:05 UTC

The User posted image NULL tool texture is primarily used to reduce world polygon (wpoly) counts by applying it to a face the player is normally unable to see in-game. When applied to a face, it tells the compiler to remove it, thus reducing the amount of rendered faces in certain areas of your map and improving performance.

The texture blocks VIS and is solid, so it can be applied to brushes facing the void. This is not a requirement, but can be helpful in the J.A.C.K. editor which can hide NULL-ed faces, so you can see the insides from the void.

It also blocks projectiles, which can be strategically used to prevent grenades getting into a room by covering the doorway with a NULL brush, turning it into a func_wall, and making it passable with zhlt_noclip key set to 1.

NULL texture can be found in zhlt.wad, which you should get with your copy of ZHLT/VHLT.

See also


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