Vlatitude Archive: Slippery Floors Last edited 5 years ago2019-04-25 02:41:21 UTC

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Want to see Gordon slip and slide in your level? You've come to the right place. We're going to play around with the func_friction entity today and wreak havoc on anyone trying to walk.

Cleanup, Aisle 7

They key player in all of this is the func_friction entity. It's also very easy to use. First you create a brush and texture it appropriately (more on that later). Then you select the brush and turn it into a func_friction entity. Then set the modifier or Percentage of standard to an integer between 0 and 100. This is how slippery the floor will be. The lower the number the more slippery the surface will be. You'll probably also want to change the rendermode and the renderamt. Set rendermode to Texture and renderamt to a value between 0 and 255 of your choosing. Remember, the higher the value the less transparent the object. Now for the textures. If you're creating a wet floor I'd texture the func_friction with one of the water textures. For ice I'd use one of the glass textures.

More on slippery floors

Remember not to make most of your floors slippery. This is annoying and also the janitors don't like to work overtime cleaning up wet floors. :)
This article was originally published on 69th Vlatitude.
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