The cycler_sprite entity is a sprite viewer of sorts. It places a
sprite within the map which, when attacked, will step through its animation.
⚠️ cycler_sprite is intended for testing and does not survive a save and load.
- Name (targetname) - Name is a general attribute used to identify entities.
- Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) (angles) - Roll sets the rotation of the sprite (as it will always face the player). Pitch and yaw are not used.
- Sprite (model) - This defines which sprite file will be displayed by the entity. This accepts an input of the form "path/filename.spr" (starting from the root folder). (Example: "sprites/tele1.spr").
- Frames per second (framerate) - Sets how many frames the sprite will automatically step through per second.
- Render FX (renderfx) - Gives the sprite certain visual effects depending on Render Mode.
- Normal (0) - No visual effects.
- Slow Pulse (1) - Sprite slowly pulses with transparency. Faint.
- Fast Pulse (2) - Sprite quickly pulses with transparency. Faint.
- Slow Wide Pulse (3) - Sprite slowly pulses with transparency. Strong.
- Fast Wide Pulse (4) - Sprite quickly pulses with transparency. Strong.
- Slow Fade Away (5) - Seemingly unused.
- Fast Fade Away (6) - Seemingly unused.
- Slow Become Solid (7) - Seemingly unused.
- Fast Become Solid (8) - Seemingly unused.
- Slow Strobe (9) - A very slow strobe effect between visible and invisible.
- Fast Strobe (10) - A medium strobe effect between visible and invisible.
- Faster Strobe (11) - A very fast strobe effect between visible and invisible.
- Slow Flicker (13) - Sprite flickers in and out of visibility.
- Fast Flicker (13) - Sprite quickly flickers in and out of visibility.
- Constant Glow (14) - If Render Mode is Glow, the sprite will remain the same size and visible at any distance.
- Distort (15) - Sprite has a slight fast pulsing of transparency.
- Hologram (Distort + fade) (16) - Sprite has a slight fast pulsing of transparency. Fades out with distance.
- Render Mode (rendermode) - Allows special rendering modes to be applied to the given entity.
- Normal (0) - Standard rendering. Render FX and FX Amount will generally have no effect.
- Color (1) - Allows sprite to become transparent. (Counter-intuitively, is the only Render Mode that is not affected by FX Color.)
- Texture (2) - Allows sprite to become transparent.
- Glow (3) - Removes background of sprite. Sprite will appear larger and become more faint with distance. Allows sprite to become transparent.
- Solid (4) - Allows sprite to become transparent.
- Additive (5) - Removes background of sprite. Allows sprite to become transparent.
- FX Amount (1 - 255) (renderamt) - In all but "Normal" Render Mode, alters how transparent the sprite is. Scales from 0 (invisible) to 255 (solid, normal).
- FX Color (R G B) (rendercolour) - Alters the colour of the sprite. Will have no effect if R, G and B are all equal.
This entity has no flags.
- cycler_sprite will produce a solid sprite which cannot be moved through.
- Triggering or pressing use on the cycler_sprite will freeze the sprite. In this state, the cycler_sprite will not animate automatically, only stepping through its animation via being attacked. Triggering it or using it again will return it to its normal function.
- Although it seems strange, this entity is one of the better entities for placing a decorative model into a map. It will not stop players nor bullets. Simply place a model into the Sprite attribute.