Sprite Last edited 8 months ago2024-06-12 01:51:37 UTC

Sprites are 2D bitmaps from the very earliest of 3D shooter days that are used in cases where 3D geometry or effects would be too complex. Things like steam, smoke and explosions are all produced by sprites. The in-game HUD in Half-Life also consists of sprites: health icons, ammo icons, weapon icons...

Their extension is .spr and they are almost always found in a game or mod's sprites/ directory.

See also

1 Comment

Commented 5 months ago2024-09-10 15:46:26 UTC Comment #106382
Probably the sprite type/orientation/format explanation from env_sprite can be moved here.

Also it appears that the sprite renderer has an in-built way to render the sprite attached to a studio model's attachment point. This is why making env_sprite render models can only use body and skin 0, because those properties are taken over to store part of the information used to get this to work.

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