The cycler entity is a weapon model viewer of sorts. It places a
model within the map that acts as a weapon pickup. When picked up, the model will be placed in front of the player as a
viewmodel. Secondary attack will cycle animations of the model, while primary attack will restart the current animation.
- Render FX (renderfx) - Gives the model certain visual effects depending on Render Mode. Does not affect viewmodel.
- Normal (0) - No visual effects.
- Slow Pulse (1) - Model slowly pulses with transparency. Faint.
- Fast Pulse (2) - Model quickly pulses with transparency. Faint.
- Slow Wide Pulse (3) - Model slowly pulses with transparency. Strong.
- Fast Wide Pulse (4) - Model quickly pulses with transparency. Strong.
- Slow Fade Away (5) - Seemingly unused.
- Fast Fade Away (6) - Seemingly unused.
- Slow Become Solid (7) - Seemingly unused.
- Fast Become Solid (8) - Seemingly unused.
- Slow Strobe (9) - A very slow strobe effect between visible and invisible.
- Fast Strobe (10) - A medium strobe effect between visible and invisible.
- Faster Strobe (11) - A very fast strobe effect between visible and invisible.
- Slow Flicker (13) - Model flickers in and out of visibility.
- Fast Flicker (13) - Model quickly flickers in and out of visibility.
- Constant Glow (14) - Seemingly unused.
- Distort (15) - Model has a slight fast pulsing of transparency, and occasionally translocates slightly. (Translocation visible with "Normal" Render Mode.)
- Hologram (Distort + fade) (16) - Model has a slight fast pulsing of transparency, and occasionally translocates slightly. (Translocation visible with "Normal" Render Mode.) Model will fade with distance.
- Render Mode (rendermode) - Allows special rendering modes to be applied to the given entity. Does not affect viewmodel.
- Normal (0) - Standard rendering. Render FX and FX Amount will generally have no effect.
- Color (1) - Allows model to become transparent.
- Texture (2) - Allows model to become transparent.
- Glow (3) - Allows model to become transparent.
- Solid (4) - Allows model to become transparent.
- Additive (5) - Gives the model a white glow. Allows model to become transparent.
- FX Amount (1 - 255) (renderamt) - In all but "Normal" Render Mode, alters how transparent the model is. Scales from 0 (invisible) to 255 (solid, normal). Does not affect viewmodel.
- FX Color (R G B) (rendercolour) - Seemingly unused.
- Target (target) - When the weapon is picked up, it will trigger the entity specified in Target.
- Name (targetname) - Name is a general attribute used to identify entities.
- Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) (angles) - Seemingly unused.
- TriggerTarget (TriggerTarget) - Seemingly unused.
- Trigger Condition (TriggerCondition) - Seemingly unused.
- No Trigger (0) -
- See Player, Mad at Player (1) -
- Take Damage (2) -
- 50% Health Remaining (3) -
- Death (4) -
- Hear World (7) -
- Hear Player (8) -
- Hear Combat (9) -
- See Player Unconditional (10) -
- See Player, Not In Combat (11) -
- Animation Sequence (editor) (sequence) - Sets the animation the model should start in.
- Model (model) - This defines which model file will be used by the entity. This accepts an input of the form "path/filename.mdl" (starting from the root folder). (Example: "models/scientist.mdl").
- WaitTillSeen (1) - Seemingly unused.
- Gag (2) - Seemingly unused.
- MonsterClip (4) - Seemingly unused.
- Prisoner (16) - Seemingly unused.
- WaitForScript (128) - Seemingly unused.
- Pre-Disaster (256) - Seemingly unused.
- Fade Corpse (512) - Seemingly unused.
- If you switch to another weapon, you will not be able to switch back.
- If you set Animation Sequence, you will notice the weapon starts in a default idle animation. Restarting the animation will place the weapon into the correct animation, and cycling will cycle from the correct animation.
value blank, your map will not load due to a precache error you can see in the console :Host_Error: PF_precache_model_I: Bad string ' '