item_worldmap (Counter-Strike: Deleted Scenes) Last edited 1 year ago2023-11-28 13:17:54 UTC

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item_worldmap - Brush Entity

This entity activate the 'World Map' mission selection GUI for Counter-Strike: Deleted Scenes.





Commented 1 year ago2023-11-28 13:27:01 UTC Comment #105667
[Speculation] (pop)
Because this brush entity is oddly named as item_ it might reflect an earlier game mechanic where it's an item in your inventory that you need to select in order to interact with.

Not putting it in because, speculah.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-28 14:04:24 UTC Comment #105668
@kimilil I appreciate the redo of the page.
In regards to the "junk" KV, not sure how it functions as of yet. The decompile of the DLL is here for reference. I doubt it will give us any clues tho.
void __cdecl CWorldMap::KeyValue(CWorldMap *const this, KeyValueData *pkvd)
  bool v2; // zf@1
  signed int v3; // ecx@1
  int v4; // edi@1
  char *v5; // esi@1

  v2 = 0;
  v3 = 5;
  v4 = (int)"junk";
  v5 = pkvd->szKeyName;
    if ( !v3 )
    v2 = *v5++ == *(_BYTE *)v4++;
  while ( v2 );
  if ( v2 )
    pkvd->fHandled = 1;
    CBaseToggle::KeyValue(&this->baseclass_0, pkvd);
Also should have mentioned, custom mission are not a thing one can make appear or function on the world map. This is due to the way that missions are unlocked within the game progression (complete X, unlock Y). This can be attributed to a 32 bit int or something of the sense.
A workaround for this is for mods to make the world map button in the menu, load into a different a hub-world type map.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-28 17:00:41 UTC Comment #105669
alright, let's add back "junk".

I did suspect that there's a 32-bit limit on the tracker for mission progression, as a community-made mod that stitches all the extra official missions into the main campaign has the mission locks bugging. In the stock game where these extra missions are standalone they appear as unlocked. I'll update that on the notes as well.

some other ideas to use the world map for custom missions would be to have a separate mod that falls back to czeror, and that mod can perhaps have its own missions on the world map. other than that, a separate hub map is unavoidable, but it should be its own map and not overwrite the training map as was done previously.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-29 04:03:09 UTC Comment #105671
Yeah, I agree. The true function of "Junk" is not really exposed to us yet. Always good to have it there if someone figures it out.

The 32-bit limit was a surprise to me as well. I even tried using an empty entry called "Sniper" (cut map) that was on the list, but not on the actual world map. It didn't work as I thought it would and remained locked. I think you are right about the Custom missions dir thing though.

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