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Point EntityThe light_spot entity allows you to create direct beams of light (like from a, err, spotlight).
- Name (targetname) - Property used to identify entities.
- Target (target) - The light will point at this target during compile.
- Pitch Yaw Roll (angles) - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.
- ZHLT Falloff (_falloff) - This option can change the normal inverse square falloff of lighting in the direct lighting layer with inverse falloff:
1 = inv linear
2 = inv square
- Inner Radius (_cone) - The angle of the cone formed around the directional axis. The area inside this cone will contain the brightest light.
- Outer Radius (_cone2) - As above, although the area inside this cone will fade increasingly towards the outer edges.
- Pitch (pitch) - The pitch of the light (-90 is straight down, 90 is straight up).
- Brighness (_light) - The first three 3-digit number are the colour (RGB). The third is the brightness.
- Is Sky (_sky) - 0=No, 1=Yes. If Yes, the spot_light will affect the sky brushes, rather than project any light itself.<BR>
Appearance (style)<BR>
0 = normal<BR>
1 = flicker A<BR>
2 = slow strong pulse<BR>
3 = candle A<TC>
4 = fast strobe<BR>
5 = gentle pulse<BR>
6 = flicker B<BR>
7 = candle B<TC>
8 = candle C<BR>
9 = slow strobe<BR>
10 = fluorescent flicker<BR>
11 = slow pulse, no black</TL>
- Custom Apperance (pattern) - Use a string of letters to provide a custom light style (see note).
- Initially dark (1) - If this is enabled, the entity will need to be triggered to work.
- The Custom Apperance property allows you to enter a string of letters from a to z, representing brightness. If you entered 'abcdefghihgfedcba' then the light would go from bright to dim and back again and then repeat. Complicating things, to use this feature, you must name the light. However, if you then use a trigger to activate it, then it will behave as a normal light.
- Multisource entities work as light_spot targets