Part of a burrowed Xen creature, tentacles are blind but extremely sensitive to sound. They will occasionally tap on nearby surfaces, looking for prey. When they pick up a sound they'll frantically strike at its location for a while. They cannot be killed by the player's weapons: damaging them only makes them retreat into their holes temporarily. They must either be avoided or destroyed using other means (such as in 'Blast Pit').
Tentacles can move their beak between 4 levels (0, 256, 448 and 640 units high). Their reach is about 336 units. To kill a tentacle, turn it off with a
trigger_relay. This will make it play its dying sequence before sinking into the ground, after which it will permanently be removed. Toggling a tentacle will make it play its dying sequence indefinitely.
Health (temporary retreat) |
Stalk damage (touch) |
Beak damage (touch) |
Beak damage (strike) |
All difficulties |
75 |
20 |
25 |
200 |
- Target (target) - When an entity is activated, it triggers the entity with the name specified by Target.
- Name (targetname) - Property used to identify entities.
- Render FX (renderfx) - Gives objects special render effects. Think of it as modifying whatever the Render Mode puts out. The options are as follows:
- 0 = Normal
- 1 = Slow Pulse
- 2 = Fast Pulse
- 3 = Slow Wide Pulse
- 4 = Fast Wide Pulse
- 5 = Slow Fade Away
- 6 = Fast Fade Away
- 7 = Slow Become Solid
- 8 = Fast Become Solid
- 9 = Slow Strobe
- 10 = Fast Strobe
- 11 = Faster Strobe
- 12 = Slow Flicker
- 13 = Fast Flicker
- 14 = Constant Glow
- 15 = Distort
- 16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)
- Render Mode (rendermode) - Controls the type of rendering that is used for an object. Options are:
- 0 = Normal
- 1 = Color
- 2 = Texture
- 3 = Glow
- 4 = Solid
- 5 = Additive
- FX Amount (1 - 255) (renderamt)
- FX Color (R G B) (rendercolor)
- Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) (angles)
- Trigger Target (TriggerTarget) - The event to trigger when the Trigger Condition is met. Used by monsters.
- Trigger Condition (TriggerCondition) - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its Trigger Target. The options are:
- 0 = No Trigger
- 1 = See Player, Mad at Player
- 2 = Take Damage
- 3 = 50% Health Remaining
- 4 = Death
- 7 = Hear World
- 8 = Hear Player
- 9 = Hear Combat
- 10 = See Player Unconditional
- 11 = See Player, Not In Combat
- Animation Sequence (editor) (sequence)
- Sweep Arc (sweeparc)
- Tap Sound (sound) - Claw attack sound style:
- -1 = None
- 0 = Silo
- 1 = Dirt
- 2 = Water
- WaitTillSeen (1)
- Gag (2)
- MonsterClip (4)
- Prisoner (16)
- WaitForScript (128)
- Pre-Disaster (256)
- Fade Corpse (512)
- Can't be peaceful (Prisoner) nor killed. However, it can get removed by killtargeting it with a trigger (which will remove it immediately) or by turning it off with a trigger_relay (which will make it play its dying sequence first).
- Can spawn in deathmatch.
- Not affected by func_monsterclip nor by world brushes.
- Can attack the player on ground regardless of cheating with "notarget".
- Glitch - Unconventionally, it can be thrown and float randomly in air if hit by a melee attack by monster_bigmomma, monster_gargantua, monster_human_grunt, etc.
- The sound of buzzing flies can be heard around the tentacle's base, even before the tentacle has revealed itself.
- The number of tentacles varies per creature - the one in 'Blast Pit' had 3 tentacles (each being a separate monster_tentacle, properly rotated to ensure their sweep arcs wouldn't overlap), but there are several places in Xen where single tentacles can be found.