
Kurosaki Ichigo11 years ago2013-06-14 15:02:13 UTC 2 comments
While I'm not currently mapping anything (that will arrive one day), I am currently active with my SoundCloud.

You won't find any original music by me but instead playlists of some of my tastes in music. I update them often sometimes removing and adding tracks or making new playlists.

So once again (again?), I'll be lurking around here as per usual.
Kurosaki Ichigo11 years ago2013-06-07 15:46:37 UTC 3 comments
It's been a loooong time.

First semester of 2nd year uni has come to an end after too much time leaving my computer on to render things for both 3ds Max and Maya, getting back in to acting through my Film & TV minor and thoroughly not enjoying a unit based around ARG's.

Still haven't opened Hammer in yonks and am still lurking here not logged in, as per usual. That is all.
Kurosaki Ichigo12 years ago2012-03-18 03:56:30 UTC 4 comments
3 weeks into uni and am loving it (chaos will come later but my future self will deal with that). I was going to pursue an acting career but ended up landing in to "Bachelor of Arts in Games and Interactivity" which I do not hate at all, rather it's the direct opposite.

It ain't all about making games which is what I like about it, you also go through the psych behind it all and deconstruct mechanics of specific games. Heck even going through the history of games (mind you, before the digital age) is not even boring as I'd thought it would be. I could keep on going about this but I do have to remember this isn't "LiveJournal".

In gaming news, I still haven't bothered picking up SourceSDK nor Hammer 3.5 again since those immature days of highschool and SSX on PS3 was disappointing at first (lack of splitscreen which was what made the franchise so fun, blander characters due to less voice acting and the inclusion of dubstep - now remedied by using my own playlist) but still quite fun carving up snow and pulling off unrealistically awesome tricks. Which reminds me I haven't gone snowboarding in years.
Kurosaki Ichigo12 years ago2011-11-18 05:46:01 UTC 4 comments
It's been 24 hours since I've completed High School and University awaits next year. Recently I've sifted through the shit I've posted as journals ever since I joined and man, just by looking at them I should've had a live journal back then! My grammar has improved slightly since then...

I've lost pretty much all of the motivation I've had in regards to mapping but yet I still stick around a mapping based site. I may one day open up the SDK / Hammer 3.5 but for now, it'll be a departure from blocky architecture and moving on to a course in acting. If that doesn't work out, I'll be starting vocal lessons and learning Korean (read, write, speak) soon so I hope those will aid me later on in life.

As for now I'll be lurking around not logged in as per usual. Laters~
Kurosaki Ichigo12 years ago2011-09-19 05:54:54 UTC 11 comments
'Tis my birthday today and am now 18. I'm now legal to do many things, most I probably won't end up doing due to sheer laziness. Yay...
Kurosaki Ichigo13 years ago2011-04-23 09:10:15 UTC 4 comments
Recently started playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent as sort of a family game you could say, where us teens would huddle up in the living room at 1 am to play. I'm the one in control of the kb+m whilst the others are there so I don't piss my pants or shit them either for directions.

We've barely progressed through the game from what I can tell (we just "burnt" down the organic mass blocking the way to the refinery) but I can assure you to those who haven't played it, the atmosphere is perfect. I've played the previous titles from Frictional Games (Penumbra series) and Amnesia carries on the pant soiling, cower-in-the-corner gameplay and atmosphere. Oh and we had our first monster encounter. Daniel almost lost his sanity (as marked by "..." in the description box) and we almost did too.
Kurosaki Ichigo13 years ago2011-04-16 11:29:18 UTC 1 comment
My brother purchased Magicka complete pack (all the current DLC's) and the things we do as opposed to what we're supposed to do in local co-op is hilarious.

Seeing as my character is wielding a Patriot staff (Staff with the Eagle on top wrapped in the American flag) that has the ability to throw "Liberty grenades" and an M16 burst fire, it's actually quite badass, until you deliberately hinder the progress of the story by throwing nades at fellow members especially when you try to BSOD a boss only to get yourself or your mate.

Crash to Desktop is probably the most spammed skill during our co-op so far as it targets anyone, friend or foe. The results... well whomever is targeted is flashed by a BSOD followed by their disappearance. Funny stuff indeed.

TL;DR Magicka co-op with the Vietnam pack + Crash to Desktop = LOL
Kurosaki Ichigo13 years ago2011-04-02 11:15:10 UTC 6 comments
User posted image
It was found? How..?
[/bad joke]

Eh, might start mapping soon... Apart from procrastinating for roughly 4 years, I have been reading up articles (not for four years straight either) from over the years on console ports on how bad and how decent some are. I guess the games industry is heading down that path... hopefully PC gaming doesn't leave anytime soon.

In regards to console ports I own Rainbow Six Vegas 2 would have to be my decent port to be on my list whilst Blur would fulfill my 'hands down' console port complete with CPU-bound code and minimal use of my GPU also bundled with the DLC "Hitch-tastic". Re-mappable keys not included. (Yet despite being a major console port, I still play it...)
Kurosaki Ichigo13 years ago2010-10-21 01:51:28 UTC 2 comments
Just found out that Portal 2 is already on the steam store. For sure some of you know it already but it was weird to find it out myself.
Kurosaki Ichigo14 years ago2010-09-18 21:24:09 UTC 9 comments
So today marks 17 years of me sitting in front of a computer...
Kurosaki Ichigo14 years ago2010-07-07 07:56:22 UTC 4 comments
Don't know if you guys have already seen this (seeing as it's a tad old) but:

Ignis Solus

I doubt the author intended it to be sad, but I found it to be... :(
Kurosaki Ichigo14 years ago2010-04-08 20:44:03 UTC 7 comments
I was never hyped up about Modern Warfare 2 and I don't intend on buying it either. Now I guess most of you have seen the steam news of the 'Free weekend' MW2 is having. I thought to myself, what the heck I'll try it anyway. So yesterday I downloaded it and waited until today to play as it was still locked then. The first error popped up; 'couldn't find localization.txt'. Alright. After a google search and manually putting the file in, I tried running it again. Another file missing, this time you can't add it in manually. So after returning to the site I found help from, I found out that I have only downloaded 1/3 of what you actually need to play. I've already downloaded 5.7gb and apparently there's another 8gb to go. By the time I download that, the free weekend's over.

I've deleted all content and went to TF2 instead
Kurosaki Ichigo14 years ago2010-04-07 04:28:54 UTC 2 comments
Lately I've been '2forting' a lot and to be more specific, going for medic chain runs. To those who don't know what medic chains are, you basically have two medics both with ubersaws; one will uber whilst the other medic being ubered will attack 4 times (25% uber gained each hit = 4 hits = 100% uber) and then switch.

Nothing spectacular but I've been added to the awards page for the most ubersaw kills.
User posted image
Kurosaki Ichigo14 years ago2010-03-30 01:50:02 UTC 1 comment
Just found about adding bloom to Half-Life 1 and mods. Adds that blindness every game needs.
User posted image
The Specialists with bloom (and 8x AA, 16x AF, blah blah)

NOTE: His instructions were wrong in terms of installation, you're supposed to put the contents into:


Not the mod directory you want the bloom to be in.

The downside to this is, and it even says on the download page in big red letters should you somehow miss it, you can only use this whilst in a LAN or unsecured server as the anti-cheat picks it up as hax.
Kurosaki Ichigo14 years ago2010-03-22 05:08:22 UTC 5 comments
Brother picked this whilst he was in the city:
User posted image
Part of my childhood
