
Moaby13 years ago2011-07-16 19:19:18 UTC 25 comments
Recieved a new PC from Dell or more precisely an Alienware Aurora R3. It set me back roughly £2100.

Some specs:
CPU ------- Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Motherboard - Alienware 046MHW
RAM ------- 2GB Kingston 1333Mhz/667Mhz x4
GPU ------- Nvidia GeForce GTX 580
HDD ------- 500GB RAID x2 (1TB)
OS -------- Windows 7 Home Premium
+ 23" HD monitor.

Now for the crushing blow, it freezes randomly. I'm not a huge computer wiz (only slightly) but I realise this isn't correct; everything just seems to freeze like the mouse, keyboard, screen and sound (loops) which causes me to manually shut it down. Any suggestions apart from getting intouch with Dell who has been emailed?
Madcow13 years ago2011-07-15 23:28:41 UTC 14 comments
I got into Uni! The physics course. This is a dream come true to me. I've been studying a lot of physics and it's really something that I love.

It's a 5 year long course, divided into 2 parts. 3 years of basics and then a two year master course after which you can attempt to doctorate if you wish. Perhaps I'll someday become a lecturer as I've always wanted.
Wish me luck. :)
satchmo13 years ago2011-07-15 22:13:48 UTC 9 comments
I was putting Scott to bed the other day for his afternoon nap.

He asked, "Dad, can you make more Portal 2 maps when I'm sleeping so I can play with it when I wake up?"

"Of course," I replied. And that's exactly what I did.

That's my boy!
DiscoStu13 years ago2011-07-15 06:27:41 UTC 6 comments
That's it. I'm moving to Brazil. How could anybody refuse to live in a city named like this?
User posted image
X-LAyer213 years ago2011-07-14 16:50:50 UTC 4 comments
Sorry for the journal spam but this is my 1000th login :D and I want to take the time to thank the TWHL community for helping me get into mapping. I'm pretty sure if I hadn't found TWHL I would have never gotten into mapping in the first place as before I found it I tried and failed at mapping several times.
Rimrook13 years ago2011-07-13 17:54:03 UTC 4 comments
Lappytop computer is dead.

A moment of silence please...

Thank you.

Now today I traveled 9 miles looking for the parts necessary to restore the data by adapting the HDD to an external enclosure. Turns out all I bought was some mud soap, which was $35 but I talked him down to $10, then had lunch and went home without my parts. I need a car, its too hot for this.
38_9813 years ago2011-07-12 19:55:04 UTC 5 comments
I just read about three girls who won a Google science fair. Holy shit, they're projects are seriously impressive, especially the one who figured out a work around for those chemotherapy drugs. And the prizes? A trip to the Galápagos islands and an internship at CERN? Dang.
Oskar Potatis13 years ago2011-07-11 04:46:57 UTC 12 comments
Nintendo 64 shopping spree! If you notice a 0.1 spam decrease it's because I'm playing
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire
Star Wars Rogue Squadron
007 The World Is Not Enough
Lylat Wars (Star Fox 64)
1080 Snowboarding
Extreme G
Body Harvest
Wipeout 64
Hybrid Heaven
Perfect Dark

This with a Rumble Pak, Expansion Pak (hooray, better graphics!), Controller Pak (about time I got one, can't save progress without one in several of the games I have) and a new controller (yellow).

I used to play Extreme-G 2 as a kid, the multi-player modes were great, I owned my brother at tank mode. Star Wars Shadows of the Empire is worth getting just for the first level (Hoth). The flying is really fun. The rest is pretty boring.

Can barely wait for it to arrive.
X-LAyer213 years ago2011-07-11 02:47:03 UTC 3 comments
The clan I co-founded for Half-life with a friend is shutting down today. This probably doesn't affect you in any way but it makes kinda sad. I, along with my friend, had a sort of sentimental attachment to it but we figured it was for the best, after our best 2 members left the clan, leaving only 3 members (myself and my friend included) who actually were actively playing HL.
Habboi13 years ago2011-07-09 13:50:47 UTC 6 comments
Edit: What cheek, he tried to scam me again only this time my mother answered. I told her the day before about him and so she messed with him for a bit before telling him to piss off and never call again. He replied with "Well your PC is freezing and we wont be held responsible if it goes wrong." and then hung up.

Hey hey.

Haven't journal'd in a while. Mainly cause I don't have that many interesting things to say.

So lately I've been making some new levels for my company while they concentrate on their main product. That's going well. I'm also working on a TF2 Pyro pack which is taking a lot longer than I expected. I started with the flamethrower and UV'd it but texturing showed I should have planned it a little better as the resolution of my brush strokes are blurry so I'm re-uving it right now.

Finally I got a scam call a moment ago. I could tell it was fake as soon as he said my PC sent a message to them that I had a if I'd have a virus in this day and age.

Here's the scam:

P.S. Moocow used cheats to beat Braid.
Archie13 years ago2011-07-06 22:21:28 UTC 21 comments
Back from holiday! yaaay!
Going to go meet Daubster tomorrow in Glasgow. He's down for a casting event we're both going to for an upcoming Brad Pitt film being filmed in Scotland.
In the meantime, check out some of the things I did on holiday (vacation, for the Americans)

Went into shop, acquired nice shirt with £24.99 price tag. Till was broken & cashier entered £4.99 by accident. Poker face. Saved £20.
Alabastor_Twob13 years ago2011-07-06 19:37:17 UTC 16 comments
It's my 19th birthday tomorrow, but I won't be around to celebrate as I will be going to Florida for holidays tomorrow.

Also, yesterday I met an old friend who I hadn't seen in about two years, at a party. Apparently in the intervening time he had come out as gay. Then another friend who I hadn't seen for a year since he moved to Australia showed up. We had a pretty good time.
brendanmint13 years ago2011-07-04 21:05:27 UTC 15 comments
WARNING. ARCHIE, THERE ARE PICS. Alright, I hope one of you can help me, because google isnt, so I have this model in Sofimage
User posted image
And I export it, and the textures, and they all work. Except this happens.
User posted image
Any Idea on how to fix?
Notewell13 years ago2011-07-04 11:04:59 UTC 12 comments
My brother came home for the weekend, which was nice. It turns out that he also bought Portal 2, as well, so I managed to get over 9 GB of the files from him, bypassing having to download those 9+GB and racking up a massive internet bill. After he left to go back to University and his new job, I got steam to fill in the blanks, and got to playing.

Now, I'll be honest here. At the end of the boss battle with [censored to protect spoilers], I was just shooting idly. I thought "Well, I don't know what else to do, might as well shoot the [censored]." I completely forgot what the Conversion gel was made of. Anyway, Brilliant game, well worth the wait, and I encourage anyone at TWHL who hasn't yet played it to get it. Next stops, the SDK and finishing the rest of the commentary.


Finally got my hands on the content for Portal 2, which I preordered off steam shortly before release, played it, was great.
Striker13 years ago2011-07-04 10:48:38 UTC 5 comments
Hold on to yer helmet!

Wiki info

There's little to no information about the game yet, and it might just be a 'forever' project, although it's set for a 2012 release.
As a child this was one of my favorite games. I played carmageddon 1&2.
Then after I got bored I remember I discovered on my own(didn't have internet at the time)how to cheat by modifying configuration files. Lots of fun.

Hopefully Carmageddon:Reincarnation will mean the same lots of fun, or even more, even though projects like this tend to loose their original fame.