
Penguinboy13 years ago2011-06-04 12:00:31 UTC 20 comments
New computer time! My previous PC died rather unexpectedly the other day, and since I was planning to upgrade sometime this year anyway, I got myself a new rig.

CPU: AMD Phenom II 1100T (Six core)
GPU: Nvidia GTX 570

The case I chose out is a really nice full tower case made by a company called 'Fractal Design' (info page here):
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And finally, a picture of the computer itsef:
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Striker13 years ago2011-06-04 10:25:06 UTC 4 comments
What a full week I had!

I was busy working on projects, but I went on a well deserved trip to a thermal spa resort, the best one in my country actually. I kinda got cooked in the sun. Yeah, I forgot to put sun lotion but I wasn't very worried either because I was mostly swimming in the deep pools. Turns out I was wrong. Even now, my skin hurts(it was a horrible pain the next day after the trip). I had incredible fun on the water slides too. I love to make huge water splashes :D.

I also played some field tennis and table tennis( I suck at table tennis though).

Thursday I went to the photography awards for the the local photo competition that was carried some weeks ago. Heh, most of the photos there really sucked and even the organizer had to classify them as "mediocre". I think there were 2 guys who owned a DSLR and made a couple of superb photos. I couldn't exceed them. I know it's being said that the photographer, not the tool matters but... you just can't ignore the quality output of a 1/2.3 inch sensor(my camera) with a APSC or something like that( like 23.6 x 15.8 mm for example) size sensor.
Anyway, I won the second place for diverse photography and second place again for black&white:

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Crystal drops on the delicate blade of grass by Carstic Productions, on Flickr

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Dog nose by Carstic Productions, on Flickr
(I edited this for b&w)

I am also a bit stressed because next week I will have my last hours of instructed driving, the driving exams are following and I am not so confident in my knowledge and driving skills.

Well, not a bad week at all. If only every week of this summer would be like that and I could find myself a summer job... Life deserves to be lived at its fullest.
Habboi13 years ago2011-05-31 15:50:04 UTC 5 comments
You know...I don't think I mention Plain Sight enough :)

No but seriously, we're working on a pipeline to make custom levels for it and in the meantime we're accepting ideas, drawings or actual 3D models made in any typical 3D modelling program. Heck, you could make it in Hammer and export it into a model.

Either way, if we like it, we'll remake it properly and put it into the game. Sounds like a good deal right?

If you want an example: - Set on a giant pocket watch.

Someone has already submitted a simple drawing: - Two giant robots with flags on their heads.

Here's a level I'm working on.

If you're interested (and why not? Anyone can come up with an idea. Just say "Make a giant toilet level!") then submit it at either:

Here: TWHL - Our Forums - Steam forums.

brendanmint13 years ago2011-05-31 04:20:25 UTC 3 comments

well, I'm back TWHL, and I have a few pics I need to get off my camera, but only like 2 or 3 are from San Antonio. My father and step mother decided they are splitting up. And I left on a plane instead of the 16 hour car drive home. After a 2 hour flight and a 3 hour lay over in Salt Lake City, I finally took a plane home, for only an hour. I took some pictures of the Beautiful mountains surrounding SLC, and some pictures from the plane, we went through a cloud and you could barely see the wing on my second flight! I love turbulence! I'll post pics as soon as my camera stops being a bitch.

Sunset from the car i was in.
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This is The Thing?! A tourist attraction that you will see a billion ads for driving down the highway, its a damn mummy. We didn't see it this time around.
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This is San Antonio from a distance, I would have some of it from the city but my cameras batteries died when I was at the Alamo.
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My aunts dog Max.
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The first plane I was on from San Antonio to Salt Lake City.
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some pics from the plane.
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Then I couldn't get a good pic of the airport or the city as I was at the wing of the plane, but here are 2 pics from SLC International.
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Then, the last three pics are blurry from the second plane, but the first two are of the mountions areund SLC, and then one of how we could barly see the wing of the plane. I got the exit seat both flights, and both times got the rows to myself.

Here are the two planes, my seats marked.
the first was a Canadair Regional Jet 900.
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And the second plane was a MD-90.
I originally was in seat 25C, but I moved back to 26E so a couple could sit there in case of an emergency. Because the row across from me was empty as well.
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So that concludes my fucked up weekend, ya miss me TWHL?
The Mad Carrot13 years ago2011-05-30 13:24:33 UTC 17 comments
Wait, is that Dimbark?

Death and destruction with supersoakers (ignore the Dutch, just hit play)
Rimrook13 years ago2011-05-29 22:06:19 UTC 6 comments
Made this.
Striker13 years ago2011-05-29 18:33:33 UTC 1 comment
Hehe, while I was on this site looking at how sorting algorithms work, I stumbled onto this link showing a "bubble-sort dance", filmed in Romania.
Now I wonder how a quicksort dance would look like...

[EDIT] That's funny, there's a select-sort dance there too :)). And an Insert-Sort one too.
... and a shell sort dance...

So far my favorite is the Insert-Sort dance.
Notewell13 years ago2011-05-28 22:38:19 UTC 3 comments
Second session of DnD.
I'm so cool. :P
Also, my internet connections (both the dialup and the "High speed" stick) have been shite lately. Any other Canadians notice this, or is the CRTC not to blame this time?
Luke13 years ago2011-05-27 03:39:35 UTC 11 comments
Saw Arctic Monkeys in concert tonight in Detroit. It was whole lot of fun.

Was within 10 feet of the stage the whole time. Really close. Really loud. Really fun.

They played a good variety. A lot of old and new songs. I'd write the setlist from what I can remember but I'm on my iPod and it'd be a bitch. I'll do it when on my PC later if I remember.

The opening act was really good too. The Vaccines. Check em out if your an Arctic Monkeys fan. I know I will.

There was some jackasses trying to make a moshpit. But they tuckered themselves out and it got better.

I fucking love this band :3
2muchvideogames13 years ago2011-05-26 00:28:40 UTC 1 comment
Someone mentioned IMUS the other day, I think. So Today let's go over IMUS's contributions in the vast stockpile of HL1 mods. They are all available on TWHL, just click his name above. But first:
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Okay, now that's over with, we can get to talking about IMUS's mods. He made 17 submissions that is in Da Vault, but I'm going to focus on the three singleplayer mappacks that he has here: The mansion, night things, and night things 2: woodstock manor. In all of these, IMUS shows his knack for frustrating clever puzzle solving in a dark, foreboding atmosphere. Consistent with this setting, your foes will tend to be headcrabs, zombies and slaves. Not soldiers. Ugh, the Almighty knows how many maps those days involved soldiers. Nothing but soldiers. Frankly I'm a bit sick of seeing that white camo everywhere I go. But nevermind about that.

This is his first 3-map pack set in...hmm...I dunno, maybe the Australian outback. It features a wide expanse of land right from the outset, dragging your framerates down to the depths of Atlantis. Right after that is the current Guinness record holder for Longest Hallway Ever in a Goldsource Map, also pulling down framerates. Then you are inside a mansion. Regrettably, I never did figure out where to go, and r_speeds didn't improve much, so I shudder gave up for a while. Forgive me.

Night Things
If I remember correctly, this one featured in order a creepy house, followed by two large outdoor areas. It's pretty interesting, especially when IMUS used render properties to feature some new scares. There is still the dark atmosphere and creepy setting, and the large outdoor areas are indeed large. It's one of the few reasons why I don't like goldsource's limits, but this place ill needs another debate on why goldsource sucks/is good.

Night Things 2: Woodstock Manor
This is the latest of the three, so it logically follows that this one is the most polished. I believe about this time IMUS figured that goldsource was choking on his large outdoor maps, so he cut down on the hectares used this time around. I must admit, the first annoying thing about this map is the murky puddle outside the dishes out radiation damage. Alot. Once you go take a stroll in that puddle, your health is gonna go down faster than the odometers in Earthbound. It might be fun looking at that but it certainly ain't healthy.

Once you get inside the house, though, the real frustration fun begins. I managed to kill a ghostly man who was stuck in the floor, and also see some variations of the message "this door is locked". So, gotta find the key. I mean, this can't be that hard, at least not as hard as finding Zeeba-G's kitchen key. Oh no.

Well after trying for 2 months with no luck, I just took that dam glock and banged all over the house. I banged the basement trapdoor, I banged the I banged the fireplace, I banged the chandeliers. Then randomly I banged one wall and it broke up revealing some goodies. SO AFTER FINALLY finding that bedroom key, the rest of the keys were no trouble. Then finally I get to the basement where everything's all foggy.

There is no way back up. This leaking steam pipe then blew up and explosions went all around me. After reloading couple a times, I got thru a pipe, or vent, out of there and end up back outside where I began. So finally I was going to complete the mod... and I walked across and fell victim to that dam irradiated puddle. F-

Anyways, IMUS's mapping is pretty good (progressively speaking). And they are available on TWHL. I recommend you try them.

Wait a minute did steam remove the ability playing offline? OH now that's crossing a line here. Gonna install WON then.
brendanmint13 years ago2011-05-25 21:09:43 UTC 8 comments
Hey guys, just saying good bye before I leave for 6-7 days, I'll be in San Antonio, Texas. Going to '6 Flags FIESTA!' and visiting my aunt, its like a 6-9 hour car drive, this shit will be hectic, why cant we have a huge Cross-Continental Rail-Way system or whatever you Europeans have. Well, see you guys! I'll post pictures when I get back, the state can be beautiful at times, and were passing through New Mexico, so that will be fun. I wish I would have had my camera when I went to D.C. Enough rambling, Later TWHL!
Rimrook13 years ago2011-05-23 20:05:52 UTC 5 comments
Lyssa is doing well. She decided to dance again after her surgery. It was a hard road to travel. This is her comeback performance, her head is in a vail because of the surgery-ness.

Come Back Performance

She also did this too

Striker13 years ago2011-05-23 10:30:18 UTC 12 comments
Well what do you know, a half-life like scenario could happen in Romania in the future. I'm talking about a resonance cascade, if anybody from earth obtains and puts an "alien" crystal in front of this.

TL;DR? :

Romania[2011-2014]: IMA CHARGING MY LAZOR!
Romania[2015]: IMA FIRIN' MY LAZOR!
Romania[2016]: BLEOOH!

[EDIT] From what I understand by 2020 it will be fully functional. I'll be 27 years old then hmm...

brendanmint13 years ago2011-05-23 05:30:54 UTC 6 comments
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Awe, missed my 1000th, at least I got my 1001st login.
Striker13 years ago2011-05-22 11:04:12 UTC 4 comments
Well, 21st December 2012 is the next Doomsday.