New computer time! My previous PC died rather unexpectedly the other day, and since I was planning to upgrade sometime this year anyway, I got myself a new rig.
CPU: AMD Phenom II 1100T (Six core)
GPU: Nvidia GTX 570
The case I chose out is a really nice full tower case made by a company called 'Fractal Design'
(info page here):
And finally, a picture of the computer itsef:
Man I am so pissed off.
Nice PC. Although fractals have nothing to do with a brick.
Very beast machine PB.. so jealous that your fps is undoubtedly epic... Tested any games on here yet?
Really like the case, pengy. Glad to see another person who favours design and purpose over flamboyancy. Full towers are awesome - so much room, so many cooling options.
Nice rig, grats.
Crysis 2 runs on "Extreme" graphics at a very nice framerate. Hard to tell from a screenshot but here's one anyway!
giggity gigigity giggity giggity
"Ho ho ho. I will be possibly getting an Alienware soon. I can already feel the envy."
Pfft. Glorified Dell system. Nice enough if you like that kinda thing I suppose.
Anyways, nice rig Pb. Enjoy kicking the shit out of every game ever for the next few years.
However, I think I would have gone for an Intel i5 2500K at that price range, at least for a gaming machine, although they both have their strengths. Of course, you Aussies have ridiculous price discrepancies compared to us, so the mere $25 price hike over here for an i5 could be greater for you I suppose.