
Habboi17 years ago2006-07-11 10:05:22 UTC 0 comments
Hello Habboi! This is your 3666th login.

666 :o No wonder I'm having such a shit day...


Stupid 24 hour posting...

"Ok so I had another driving lesson...
My 9th I believe except you see it was an hour and a 'half' so that adds on as my 10th (Well half) so now I have to pay extra for another hour and then I can pay for another 10 lessons after.

Today?s lesson was very pleasing...I am getting better and now that I think about it...I realise now why he got stressed today...Sure I made mistakes but the flipping car doesn't even have air conditioning so it was blazing hot and I stalled the car in the middle of the road...

He introduced roundabouts and that failed so bad...You wanna know why? He fails to realise I'm not confident with clutch control yet so he had a huge go at me like a stressy father...

Anyway after the stress died the journey got better and at the end he tested me by making me drive on, stop, start up again and repeat...

This was to see if I could control the clutch and I did...Very well I might add.

Apart from that it was good...Funny story I was turning right but I had to stop to wait for an opening...This guy offers me to go and because I take ages to get into clutch bite I thought shit if I don't hurry up he'll leave so I desperately let go of the clutch and by doing so the car jumped forwards and scared the hell out of the driver who let me go...

Oh well :)

In mod news...More progress...My concept artist is nearly done with the three drawings although he could be a bit faster...His work however is good quality to the amount of time it took...I got a few changes to mention to him and no I'm not going to show you them because the next media update will be a huge one...yes that's right, I'm going to have them modelled, skinned, compiled in, placed in custom levels and below will be the website name, a request for people to help and pretty much good joy ;)

So look forward to it...It'll be a while but it'll be worth it for sure!"
Habboi17 years ago2006-07-05 09:17:22 UTC 0 comments
8th Driving lesson...Feeling like I let myself down last lesson I really put my all into it and it was a lot better again however there were a load of mistakes and sadly I stalled it about 2-3 times...

Stay tuned for more driving lesson comments next week!

On the mod side...Nothing...Just a slow concept artist who is always busy...I'm getting it out of him extremely slowly but who knows...Maybe he has made me loads and is saving it for one big impressive showcasing.
Habboi17 years ago2006-06-30 12:22:31 UTC 0 comments
User posted image
Hoo zah! 5 hours and I managed to compile my qc...:D
Habboi17 years ago2006-06-28 09:42:14 UTC 0 comments
7th Driving lesson...Meh...Worst so far.
Habboi17 years ago2006-06-27 07:12:22 UTC 0 comments
Journal Update FTW! A new quote by moi...In fact I noticed I have quite a few actually...

Like for example when someone says they have ?1 I go "You can buy a car with that sort of money!"

Or my famous saying: "Life is like a sandwich, you never know what it is going taste like..."

I sometimes like saying: "Hello my fine feathered friend" and later found out someone says that same slogan on Spongebob.

In other news...This very day I thought I lost my USB stick containing not only my mod project files but other things...Thank luck for my friend who noticed it lying on the coach chair after he got off...

For his help I'm going to do something nice for him...Maybe include some aspect of him in the mod or so-so...

Finally mod progress...The part everyone loves to read...

Well I can go over the details but that'd be boring so what I'll say is this..."The mod is great, my artist is free to work, I got a sweet texture artist of whom you all know, I may and this is a big may have one of the three top coders known..."

I'll need a website someday once we have media so if anyone feels they are good enough to use Flash or some kind of professional Internet Language I never heard of them give me a call via PM or talk on MSN @

Thanks :o
Habboi18 years ago2006-06-21 07:41:43 UTC 0 comments
Well I just had my 5/6th driving lesson a sec ago and it turns out my 1st one was a double.

Getting much better now, I can control the car with ease and the whole clutch bite system is getting more efficient and quicker.

Handbrake release is great and erm apart from that I think the releasing of the clutch in gear 1 and perhaps braking needs a bit of work.

In other news, I'm working on a secret video project that'll hopefully be a good watch for you all...That's a hint.
Habboi18 years ago2006-06-08 02:40:56 UTC 0 comments
I got my fourth driving lesson today...I hope he gives me an easy lesson this time like driving in quiet areas...I hate driving in busy areas because you get wankers who swear at you for being slow etc...Well fuck them because they were in my seat when they were 17...

Some people...

Be back soon XD


I'm back and it was great! I'm much better now at controlling with the clutch however we attempted my first go at the U turn manoeuvre and you could say that was my weak point of today...It was to be expected. ?Look out TWHL! I'm a coming to get ya? ;)
Habboi18 years ago2006-06-06 11:28:05 UTC 0 comments
I was listening to the soundtrack I'm using for my mod...So brilliant and will make even the strongest man shed a tear ;)

I managed to hire another concept artist >_>
I had two if you remember but one ignored my emails...Don't blame him because of the mix up..I thought he was someone else and I must have given the impression of a noob.

Anyway I hired a concept artist who has actually played the game and has drawn his own before:

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User posted image

Very talented man.

Also slightly funny story:

It took him until today to receive my PM...I emailed it to him a few months ago...
Habboi18 years ago2006-06-03 09:50:14 UTC 0 comments
For those who aren't buying HL2 Episode 1...I have been recording each map on a daily basis...


The quality ranges...I'm trying to find a host that holds up to 1.50-2.0 Gig...Filefront does 1 gig limit (unlimited uploads) which is very nice of them...Except I have files that are 1.35 Gig...Don't tell me to cut it in half because I want to try to just keep them in order...I may have to cut them...We'll see but the quality is lost on Windows Movie Maker...I'm trying to get a program Hunter suggested.
Habboi18 years ago2006-06-01 01:20:39 UTC 0 comments
My third Driving lesson today was quite interesting...My teacher tought me to navigate through cross-roads like so : + - As in cars come from all directions.

I went ok but the braking process and perhaps steering was a little off for me today... :(
Habboi18 years ago2006-05-24 05:31:52 UTC 0 comments
Well the ICT went very well...All my friends who also did it agree that it was extremely easy...Why you ask? Because for some weird reason we received a book in our exam papers that contained all the revision notes so in other words we just copied off of the book...So I wonder what has happened to exams? They seem to be degrading...It was more like a memory test than a knowledge test.

In other good news:

My mod...I haven't said too much about it because I want to keep it a secret till I know it can be done...That way I won't look the fool if it fails...But I know it wont! I will not rest till it is done.

Dedication_2 will be finished...I just have to take a break for now?I have exams for the next 3 weeks and once that is through I can do whatever.

I do want to share some details about my mod plans because I feel it may inspire you...Below is a picture of a giant 'thing' called a 'Colossus'. The picture was taken from a PS2 game titled 'Shadow of the Colossus'...

Now when I asked people if they had heard of it they said no and I was so shocked to hear this...Never have I seen such a beautiful and clever game until this moment in time. The only downfall is they released it on PS2 only...The sheer size of the world is insane and I realise now they are my idols...Sorry Rabid :P

So I started with ideas because as you know I want to work in the gaming industry...I have it all planned out hopefully.

Now I have hired a concept artist like I wrote below and he has given me one piece of work so far...Only a sketch like I said before...Perhaps I'll show you in the future. I have the soundtrack sorted and right now as I write this I am typing out a director?s script.

My mod will be based in the same World as SoC however the game play will be slightly different because to make such a game for HL2 with my skills is impossible. So picture this:

The mod is 3rd person, you go around in search of the 'Colossi' to kill them with your only weapon...a sword. But it isn't that simple...These giants have weak spots and to reach them you must figure out how to get them to fall...Some will be easy like climbing the legs and stabbing it so it falls...Others will require you to shoot arrows under the feet...

Once they fall they are open for you to climb so you leap onto any ledges or fur you can grab onto and you simply climb as it tries to shake you off...There is a climb meter so time is of the essence.

The 'Colossi' have different themes like a giant human form or an animal...The soundtrack is brilliant I might add and I hope you think the same when the time comes.

For now may I interest you in a game play video from SoC??

It gives you the idea of how big they are, what you can do and how the game play works...Of course I won't have a horse and the world will be split into different maps...To make a huge World in HL2 is almost impossible.

Oh screw it: Here are more:

They are my favourite!

:) Feel free to PM me if your curious...Or just wanna call me crazy.

Just so you know I'm doing this to join the gaming industry, to allow people who don't own a PS2 to play such a beautiful game and because it differs from the usual 'shoot' 'shoot' mods...


What the hell...On they have links to some websites like Snarkpit etc and look at this description:

"We're not entirely sure what a Snark is. But they sure do have a lot of modding content. Mostly lots of great maps to explore."

Habboi18 years ago2006-05-23 03:17:32 UTC 0 comments
Less spam in the shoutbox -

I got my first AS Level Exam at 1:30...ICT.

Wish me luck Habboi! When you read this in the future...Laugh ;D
Habboi18 years ago2006-05-17 05:53:55 UTC 0 comments
I about 10 minutes my first driving lesson is going to start...Wish me luck :nuts:

See you in two hours :P

Two hours later and Oh My...

Twas nerve racking...He spent an hour telling me all the parts of the car and then for the 2nd hour I drove all around my neighborhood and boy was I shitting myself when we came to busy traffic...Most of the time I kept sterring off the road as changing gears requires a fair amount of thought...Plus my feet are short so XD

Amount of times stalled: 2

Hello Habboi! This is your 3333rd login.

In other news progress on my mod is slow but it will be worth while...I have a very good concept artist who has been spending a long time drawing for me...When the time is right I'll release some good media...Trust me when I say this will not be the typical media you see in crap mods...I can almost guarantee your reply will be "OMG"!
Habboi18 years ago2006-05-13 08:12:05 UTC 0 comments
My life...I couldn't ask for a better one to be honest...

I feel like sharing some news and what better place than here...

You may have read the post below this and most likely think I am crazy.
Well I'm not...I am indeed working on my own mod that will make me stand out in the gaming industry and thus make me appear more impressive.

Ambitious you say? Maybe...What I do know is I can do it...I'll explain:

My story is simple and it works out so well that this mod will not require too much work...I need modellers and coders so I manage to get a modeller with sheer luck. He demands concepts so I PM a load of professional concept artists and again by sheer luck I hire two.

Portfolio of one:

He has given me what he calls a 'quick' sketch and if that is true then I especially look forward to the final drawing.

Funny story: I hired one concept artist and receive an email from whom I thought was the same guy...So I post details and he replies with "What picture? You didn't send me one?" and it took me a couple of days to realise it was a different guy...

So now I have two concept artists drawing away for me...My plan is to draw three colossus and then get my modeller to model them out...Hopefully Strider can texture them...(Have you seen his texture skills? God-like...)

Once I have three modelled and skinned I will compile them in a few custom maps and post the media on a lot of HL2 sites...Then I pray a coder will come...I know for a fact that one will join...They may be rare but after they see the work I can do they will beg to join ;)

That's my plan so far and I really hope it works out.

Got my AS exams in less than 2 weeks time...Yikes.

If you want to help me then do say so...However I'm after professionals really...If you have friends who code then please do share.

On recent news I have not touched Dedication 2 in quite a while...Oh I plan on finishing it...Hunter encouraged me to make de_boshi better...

I may even start working on Dedication 2 today...Hunter sent me his room not too long ago and that has boosted my confidence again...His room is actually quite nice..Reminds me of those old doom games I never played but saw on Google.

Thanks for reading.
Habboi18 years ago2006-05-03 02:56:14 UTC 0 comments
Looking for Modeller and a gifted drawer!:

If you think you are skilled enough to make this:
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Then call me!
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