
Alabastor_Twob14 years ago2010-08-05 16:32:15 UTC 15 comments
This morning my brother was mowing the lawn when for some reason the lawnmower caught fire. My dad quickly began to move it somewhere where it could burn itself out safely, when it exploded and injured his leg. A while ago when he was cutting logs with a chainsaw a piece of wood was torn out and hit him in the leg hard enough to damage the bone, well whatever it was that came off the mower hit him in the same spot, and now it's broken in two places. Apparently it'll be three weeks until it'll be healed.
brendanmint14 years ago2010-08-04 20:42:57 UTC 9 comments
Well, here it is, my final journal before i start school. I cant complain, i had a great summer, i spent most of it sitting this site and facebook. Ill still be here, just not as frequent like i want to be. I should however shall have many more map ideas when i get on every now and then. Well, bye you guys.
Rimrook14 years ago2010-08-04 17:02:27 UTC 12 comments
1 Year Anniversary with me and my GF!

Went and seen Dinner for Schmucks in the theatre. Was a really heart warming movie. Will like have good cake and sex. :D

We will have many more years together without a doubt.
DiscoStu14 years ago2010-08-04 15:55:41 UTC 4 comments
Today I finally took the time to hit the drums hard. After about a year of barely having time to play at all, I actually made some loud noise for the first time since I moved in.

Besides recalling I truly need new ear plugs (I'm sure I lost some hearing today :P) I have found out that I also need headphones (rather than using the speakers across the room) as I could barely hear the music I was playing along with.

Before you judge, I'm a rather quiet player - hence I forced myself to play louder than usual, simplistic '60s-ish rocky music with room for a lot of fills and such adornations.

I had a pair of foam ear plugs but one day I took them off and they were all covered in ear wax so I washed them with warm water. But the foam never compressed again, and I have to go out and get me new ones.
brownc52614 years ago2010-08-03 23:40:31 UTC 7 comments
Just joined TWHL and having issues compiling lynxcity
Striker14 years ago2010-08-02 18:41:27 UTC 5 comments
I came across this wikipedia page... I thought it'd be cool to share it with you guys:
satchmo14 years ago2010-08-01 01:37:48 UTC 10 comments
I got this sound card from one of my friends.

His wife just had a baby, and I visited them in the hospital. He works for ASUS, so he gave me this card as a token of gratitude.

I installed it, and it sounds pretty sweet. But I think I need to get better speakers to really hear the quality sound this card generates.
monster_urby14 years ago2010-07-31 21:04:29 UTC 12 comments
Been working on this for a total of about 5 hours, tweaking the code and fine tuning the graphics. A guess a fair amount of credit should go to Rimrook for his epic texture package which helped make the concrete and metal effect which is perfect for the theme of the mod and webpage.

Anyways, still a few issues to sort out and some links to add in, but I'd like to know what you guys think.

The Core mod web page

Thanks. :)
Rimrook14 years ago2010-07-29 22:08:06 UTC 11 comments
User posted image
brendanmint14 years ago2010-07-29 16:39:02 UTC 4 comments
OK, so im on facebook, and i get invited to some event, about autism, im like, fuck that, im to young to go anywhere on my own(other than the mall and shit with friends) then i see that the description says my friends name in it, and was started by his mother, and there's a website link, and then there is a whole page telling a story about my friend having autism, and i still have no clue what it is, he always seemed normal to me, ive known him most of my whole life, so, because Wikipedia sucks, can someone explain to me what autism is, so i can better understand what my friends been going through?
Notewell14 years ago2010-07-29 09:10:51 UTC 6 comments
I had a strange dream last night. I was playing Valve's new "Half-life 2 coop" Which was more a TF2 MMO set in the HL world. I was shooting a demoman and a heavy with a paintball gun while running backwards. I ran right off a cliff in the process, and the demo followed. I kept shooting, wanting to kill him before the inevitable fall damage did. In desparation, I switched to my melee weapon (a sword) right before I hit the ground. After I died, the demoman fell on my corpse, impaling himself on the sword, and giving me a postmortem kill. I then did this multiple times because the demo kept running after me.
Alabastor_Twob14 years ago2010-07-29 09:09:27 UTC 6 comments
In my last journal, when I said I was back from my holidays, that wasn't strictly correct. I was at my grandparents house in England, where we were staying for a few days.
Anyway, I was in my Grandfather's shed mucking about when I spotted some old blank cartridges for a nail gun he no longer had. Being the enterprising spirit in the field of blowing stuff up that I am, I decided to try and set one of these off. Seeing as they looked like rimfire cartridges, I held a nail with some pliers and used a hammer to hit it into the rim. Other than making a hole, it did nothing. I tried again, with the same result. I took it out of the vice to inspect it - I found out I was right in my initial assumption, the primer was in the rim of the cartridge. I came to the conclusion that the powder must have gotten damp at some point. I decided to set it off by holding lit over a lit match. It worked. I decided to take another blank to hold over a match, as the bang from this one wasn't particularly loud. Not enough pressure had built up, seeing as there were two holes in the side. So I took a new cartridge, and held it over the match...

Long story short, the doctors managed to remove the metal from my arm. It wasn't in too deep, but it hit right in the elbow, where there's several large veins, arteries, nerves and tendons. It could have been rather unfortunate. I think I'm also partially deaf in my right ear as well because of it. My ears were still ringing several hours later.

This is the shrapnel:
User posted image
And this is it with a 50 cent coin for scale:
User posted image
Tetsu014 years ago2010-07-28 22:14:58 UTC 6 comments
Just picked up Starcraft II.
My life is over.
My compo entry is as good as doomed.

I'm installing right now. It's been nice knowing you guys.
Remember me with that.
Striker14 years ago2010-07-28 05:29:01 UTC 2 comments
After aprox. 1100 km traveled by train in aprox. 23(that's a like, a medium of aprox 50 km/h :| ) total hours of travel, I'm exhausted, but I survived. I'm still alive.
Of course, not mentioning that I traveled in a class 2 sleeping wagon... which is not really bad but umm... there's not much to entertain with when it's night, you can't go to sleep earlier than 1 am because you're used to go to sleep late and the only things to play with are the lights, thermostat and the LEDs near your bed(of course, if it doesn't get annoying to everybody else :)) ).
It will surely pass a long a time until we'll have something comparable to TGVs...
The awesome part is that if you go on the main train transportation site, there's a big image saying something like "Be green, choose public transportation!". Ahem, and you surely encourage us to do so...

Comments from the other journal:

brendanmint said:
take yur computer, so we can see everything right after you take the pictures, you can be like, PICTURE, connect, UPLOAD, done. REPEAT.

Unfortunately I don't have a netbook, or laptop(which would anyway be too heavy to transport over such a distance), neither a wireless internet connection. Even if I had, I'd only have to rely on the netbook's battery, because the sockets in the wagon are, of course, not working(I tried charging my camera on the way back).

ATDestroy said:
I would lose the will to live if I did that.

I'd probably lose it too if I lived in a better country...

DiscoStu said:
500km? 11 hours? It's a bit too long for my likes. It would take about 6hs (or maybe even less) in Spain or France.

Yeah well, we're like... 50 years before those countries when it comes to technology and public transportation comfort.
You know what's awesome about this though?
If WW3 starts, we're like... 50 years before those countries.

potatis_invalid said:
When I travelled a little more than 1000km by train, it took 12 hours. It was boring, but if you have something to entertain you (a DS/PSP/Game Boy/laptop or a whole bunch of comic books) you survive.

Well, I bought a gaming magazine and a photography one, so I wasn't that bored anyway.

But skipping the travel problems, the city I visited- Iaşi - is just wonderful. I almost feel sorry that I don't live there. I also made about 230 photos, it will take me a couple of days to sort them and post the best on the internet :)).
Even though it has a big population, it at least gives the impression that it's not congested at all, but still gives you the feel of thriving life. I like how the building are placed. Most of the buildings are tall, "strong" buildings, but they're not very close so it gives the impression of open space. The parks are also beautiful, there also a lot of monuments, and I even had the chance to ride for free a bike. It was some kind of "green" organisation sponsored by a popular bank in our country. I also visited a botanical garden, the biggest one I've seen in my life yet. But I'll post more on my blog (perhaps not today) as soon as I can get some of the pictures online.
hlife_hotdog14 years ago2010-07-27 20:53:13 UTC 1 comment
I haven't done a journal for a while, I've just been busy mapping and stuff. I'm much more active on deviantArt, Twitter, MySpace and GAMEployment, though, if you care.

I'm working a TF2 2 stage payload map, I plan to upload pics to myspace really soon as progress is coming along well.

Also, I'm considering opening free mapping commissions if anyone is interested. I think it's a good idea and allows me to direct my creativity towards individual ideas and create contraint for my environment. I also plan to build a portfolio now that I'm a Premium member of deviantArt. Anyway, if your interested in a commission, or just think it's a good idea, comment below, or go to my dA account where there is a poll on which engine people may want more.