
DiscoStu14 years ago2010-02-25 15:35:55 UTC 17 comments
Today is my 22nd birthday, if anyone cares.

Last night I had a dream in which I was Harry Potter. I was running around in a crazy maze with secret passages and stuff like that in a sort of team deathmatch HL - but with magic wands, and the teams were the Hogwarts houses. I remember thinking it was super cool and I had to make a map of that to put up here. Then I woke up and sadly, I realised it was a pretty shitty idea for a map.
Striker14 years ago2010-02-25 05:53:47 UTC 5 comments
I'm writing this journal from my school, in my informatics classroom. From the teacher's desk :D

We have a new teacher this semester, it's her first year in informatics( she was originalyl a mathematics teacher). And because I'm usually the best at informatics in my class, I'm like a secondary professor in my classroom.
It's pretty cool. It's a wounderful relaxing time for me :D
All I have to do is write some simple problems for my collegues at the blackboard and then I can sit at the teacher's desk computer. It has the fastest internet speed from the class.

It seems I'll have an easy life at school for the coming years.... :)
Kurosaki Ichigo14 years ago2010-02-24 07:50:28 UTC 3 comments
Today's mishap:

My 16gb Partition (with windows 7)
Borderlands save game files!

The Story
I was trying to free up some space as the partition only had 1gb left. So I browsed to the "My Games" (for those who don't know, this is where most of the save game files can be found for your games) folder found in "Documents" and looked for anything particularly big. I saw UT3 which I hadn't been playing in a while and deleting it was a good idea. I right-clicked it and it said it took up about 1.6gb of space. Hastily I shift-deleted the folder and was finally glad I recovered some space.

The Mishap
Funny thing was, was when I right clicked. I actually selected the entire "My Games" folder instead of "UT3" and when I "Shift-Deleted", well... that was the mishap.

-Lost 2 characters
(Hunter) Lv.41 (Was in the underdome)
(Soldier) Lv.39 (Was at Jakobs Cove)

Wanted to free space > went to "My Games" folder that contained save game files > deleted it instead of another folder > oops.
Habboi14 years ago2010-02-21 14:53:48 UTC 6 comments
Movie I watched this week is Transformers 2. Yeah it's late, I didn't exactly rush with excitement to see it.

I knew it wasn't going to be all that great since as people know, it's a CGI fest.

I think it dragged on too long and they have the big fight at the end but the end boss is like 1 minute just like the first movie. They need to learn that the fight is just a passing thing to build up the real fight between the protag and antag.

That reminds me of something...This film is the shit, word. (In case you don't get it I'm making fun of their attempt at reaching the black american audience with two characters who speak funny)
Striker14 years ago2010-02-21 05:21:21 UTC 7 comments
[EDIT] SC2 = StarCraft 2
Leakage !

Ok, seriously now, the beta version can be found on the torrents. Unfortunately there's no actual map to play, you can only view some replays.
But that doesn't matter. This is just a confirmation that sc2 is close to release. I just hope it won't be too expensive.
Captain Terror14 years ago2010-02-20 17:35:23 UTC 0 comments
My new obsession with sci-fi short story podcasts, which is currently supplanting my previous hobby of downloading movies all day/night (which i'm very happy about as an added benefit)

This one is my favourite so far..


Notewell14 years ago2010-02-20 11:50:25 UTC 5 comments
Half-life: Guard Duty has finally come to an end. I hope you liked it. Please, give comments and feedback.
I've been thinking of posting it on a fan-fiction site, as well. I'd like to know what you think about that.

For those of you who haven't read it, or didn't get a chance to read the last chapter yet,

Thanks for reading.
Tetsu014 years ago2010-02-18 19:40:44 UTC 11 comments
A friend of mine in school are going to make a REALLY SHITTY half life 1 mod.
It's based off a Black Mesa scientist who is doing genetic mutations on creatures and humans in his lab. He really wants to enslave his creations to take over the world. You're in on his plan until you figure out what's really happening.
The enslaved creatures are really the regular half life creatures. I plan on re-skinning some of them to look like screwed up animals and such.

The garg, i'm keeping the same - why not.

Some gameplay aspects: Black mesa-esque lab, city streets - suburban layouts, - some woods maps.

We're shooting for about 5-8 maps. Just a fun project to do in school.

I uploaded the cracked HL WON and hammer and all the tools to the schools network drive. :) stays put and anyone has access.!
Rimrook14 years ago2010-02-18 16:33:57 UTC 5 comments
Finally got TurboCAD back!

Here, have a free layout.
User posted image
Also, I just brought the back off my girlfriend's expensive computer chair. I'm ok, just a few bumps, but I won't be ok when I tell her later. :(
DiscoStu14 years ago2010-02-17 22:15:46 UTC 4 comments
I moved to a new house less than a year ago, and the new 'hood has way more frequent power outages. It's annoying as shit. I had to redo a lot of work. Until now. I got me a nice UPS.

Unfortunately it's rather heavy with its 4 batteries, and I can't put it on my surrounding... eh.. furniture, since it's mostly cardboard boxes I don't have a large desk yet (computer is on a small table, and everything else is on top of the boxes I haven't had time to unpack yet) I don't like to put stuff on the floor, but I guess it'll have to stay there until I get a proper surface.
Captain Terror14 years ago2010-02-17 15:17:03 UTC 5 comments
Enjoyed this, though i don't agree with many of the choices... (yes i'm a geek :D)

In other news, my mini work trip to London is coming to a close, and i'm heading home on friday... I will miss many things from this beautiful olde city, but i am a bit homesick...
brendanmint14 years ago2010-02-17 06:11:29 UTC 8 comments
Well, i found a site called and its a free chat things, pairs people up with another person, completely random, heres a conversation i had:
Me fakeing to be girl:
ou're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: 14/f/Canadia
Stranger: 14 m usa
Stranger: Wait ... Canadia?
You: yus
Stranger: Not Canada?
You: nope
Stranger: Whatev. U horny?
You: no i dont have horns
Stranger: U want to cyber?
You: whats cyber
You: is it like a game?
You: is it a fun game?
Stranger: Kinda. Like role play sex
You: whats sex?
Stranger: You're a bitch, you know that ?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

and then this:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: looking for dirty girls
Stranger: hi
Stranger: ????
Stranger: why?
You: cuss i represent dove
Stranger: you are a dirty boy?????
You: and want people to try dove, and be all clean
You: its like axe, just for girls
Stranger: represent dove?what does it mean?
You: Dove, the body lotion and hair wash shit.
Stranger: ???
Stranger: can you say it more clearly???
You: Dove, we make hair wash, and soap products, for use in shower
Stranger: got it
Stranger: so are you for advitising?
You: nom actually im just fucking around on the job
You: suposed to be in cali for a bored meeting semenare
You: oh well
Stranger: what?
You: i just got fired
You: shit
You left the chat!

Thats all, pretty funny results though, i have more, but these are the funniest, because they believed i was a girl.
DiscoStu14 years ago2010-02-15 16:37:25 UTC 14 comments
A couple of days ago, a friend said to me: You MUST check out this game. No excuses. And gave me a download link. We occasionally share abandonware and rare underground games, so I just downloaded it and thought nothing of it. It was a rather small file (around 100MB, small indeed for modern figures) and apparently had modest computer requirements. I needed to download a missing DLL which wasn't hard to find anyway, and I had it running in no time.

It was a modest game indeed. The title screen was the first level, even. The title of the game... Braid. Didn't ring a bell. No game menu, no help screen, only 5 useful keys in my vast keyboard: The arrow keys and spacebar. And only one thing to do, too: play.

You play as Tim, an (apparently sad) little man with a red tie who is in a mission to rescue an evasive Princess that has been kidnapped. You jump on top of enemies to get rid of them, and Tim's mission - besides finding the Princess - is to gather some puzzle pieces that vaguely picture his memories... it's a platform game. It reminded me of good ol' Mario, only this one has a twist: You can't lose. If you die, you just rewind the game back to when you didn't, and keep playing. But hold on, it's not that easy. Most puzzles are thought out around the idea that you can go back and forth in time, and so you must do that often to be able to gather the keys and puzzle pieces in order to continue. Each world (6 total) has a different twist to it, but I won't spoil. There is not much to explain here, anyway, as the game does an awesome job at self-explaining - even without words, as the only text you'll see onscreen is the game story.

Throughout the game, the story is (intentionally) kept rather vague and confuse. Only when you get to the end you can kind of see the whole picture, but even then you'll have to stop and think about it for a moment. What you've seen is not what you thought it was, that's all I'll say.

I finished it last night at about 4am, I was hooked. It doesn't have mind-blowing 3D graphics, or a bizarrely convoluted plot, or HDR, or whatever. It's a beautifully simple game like I haven't seen in at least a decade (not to say two).

In my games rating, it gets a 9 just because Mario won't be beat off the top so easily. Tim wasn't around during my childhood :P

TLDR: Check out Braid. It's a must.
Unbreakable14 years ago2010-02-15 11:49:27 UTC 8 comments
um, yeah, don't really know how to say this but my sister Shaena passed away lastnight, got the news at 3:20 early dismorning. She was only 11 months older than me, her birthday was on Dec. 24th. The funeral isnt set yet.. So this is my goodbye to the forum for a couple months, I'm taking what you might call a sick leave from the forum.
Striker14 years ago2010-02-14 18:12:13 UTC 2 comments
Here's what I do when I'm extremely bored, in 2 days :

What I do.

[EDIT] I was programming something in AutoIT and at a point(I was a little dizzy), instead of endfunc I accidentally wrote something else:
User posted image
I lol'd hard, especially because it wasn't "coming from my brain" at that exact moment what I wrote, if you understand :))