
hlife_hotdog14 years ago2009-11-13 20:55:05 UTC 1 comment
I apologise for spamming every aspect of the site. Haha, but it's finally released:

Enjoy, please comment, please??
38_9814 years ago2009-11-13 16:30:01 UTC 2 comments
Hey, remember that space experiment a while back where they launched a rocket into space to smash into the Moon? Well, it looks like it was a success.


Water on the Moon. And alot of it too. Maybe we can settle on the Moon once we're done with the earth me thinks.
hlife_hotdog14 years ago2009-11-13 10:21:33 UTC 1 comment
I'm sure many of you know about Chickenfist's Flat-Life mod? I'll assume so, and a few of you will know it was originally called Half-Life 2D. Well, he changed it because there was already a mod in devolpment by that name. I am now enganged in Beta testing of that mod. And it looks promising to say the least.
Livewire14 years ago2009-11-12 12:23:00 UTC 2 comments
Borderlands is awesome, I just hit the cap of 50 earlier today.

Still need to buy Modern Warefare 2 though, I can't decide what to get it on... PC or Xbox? Because it's blatenly obvious that IW isn't going to do much for supporting the PC version, one mutter of the word "Xbox" and the whole company gets hard.

Still not motivated to buy L4D2 either! I probably will but just... Meh, it's the same for Modern Warefare 2 aswell, It's obviously an awesome game, but I'll just buy it when I get around to it.

In other news...


What are we all getting? I bought myself a Tama Superstar Hyperdrive because I've been a good boy ( I'm saving my birthday money (1 month after christmas) so I can buy some bitching double bass pedals called Iron Cobra's. (

Apart from that, a new season of Top Gear starts this Sunday! Along with I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here, which I watch to enjoy them suffering.

That's all fo' now homies.
Captain Terror14 years ago2009-11-11 22:29:00 UTC 4 comments
Hello TWHL...

I have not logged in to twhl or even barely checked my email since like the 22th of october! That makes it like 20 days tho it's seemed like a year since i've been on, which is very odd for me since i LIVE online during my freetime (at least normally).

My absences started mostly due to being sick over and over again, plus work has been hectic. Then, even when things started to slow down and i was feeling better, i think i got used to just not turning my computer on, and just, didn't. As previously mentioned this goes against every fiber of my being, since my primary source of fun is internets =P

Anyway, i apologize to everyone for the delay in finishing rooms. There isn't really much left to do... Working on it right. now.


hlife_hotdog14 years ago2009-11-11 02:38:47 UTC 7 comments
I've been fiddling with the difficulty settings of Static Friction and made some interesting setups.

The Easy difficulty is relatively easy, of course, the odd battle will cause damage, but you'll most likely survive.

Medium however, is a little trickier. Enemies are tougher than usual, so you'll be using some more ammunition and take a little extra damage, but damage is pretty light so no worries there.

On Hard, however, you will need to pull some stunts, because the shit is about to hit the fan. Enemies will be more evenly balanced, so no easy targets. And don't underestimate zombies either, they are a tough foe to beat alone but in a pack you will need to be quick on your feet.

I believe i've adjusted it enough since beta testing, as many people complained it was too unfair. But i've adjusted Hard to be especially hard, to give even the most veteran players a run for their money, after all, that's what it's about.
satchmo14 years ago2009-11-10 13:29:50 UTC 10 comments
User posted image
Tito14 years ago2009-11-09 23:35:09 UTC 15 comments
Interesting Article On Immortality Through Technology was just brought to my attention by one of my fellow VRML world modelers I sometimes chat with in 3D.

Quote: "Telegraph has published a very interesting science article that states that we may be able to be immortal in 20 years in the future. This will be possible through the use of nanotechnology to replace organs with tech, so you become some kind of cyborg."

Well, this may be only available for millionaires. Most people will continue dying of flu, I think.

hlife_hotdog14 years ago2009-11-09 10:06:51 UTC 3 comments
I had one of those days at work. I'm not refering to one of those days were nothing goes right, rather, the ones that go smoothly. Sadly, we payed a price for an easy shift today. One of our lovely ladies at the nursing home passed away at 4.22 this afternoon, this would be the 5th person to pass away on my shift this year, bringing my lifetime total 8. The family were there too, which makes it so much sadder. Still, at least she is in a better place now.
ATDestroy14 years ago2009-11-08 23:50:00 UTC 23 comments
If you put a butterfly in a cage, it does not belong to you.

If you let the butterfly out of the cage, and it flies away, then you never truly owned it.

If you let the butterfly out of the cage, and it flies back to you, only then, does it truly belong to you.
Unbreakable14 years ago2009-11-08 20:03:58 UTC 1 comment
heres all the video footage of the Metallica concert I have seen:

I have some photos too, should be up tomorrow.. :P
IMUS14 years ago2009-11-08 01:32:28 UTC 11 comments
Never did post pics of my airborne virus map, so here they are:
User posted image
User posted image
Also my latest
User posted image
Notewell14 years ago2009-11-07 19:28:26 UTC 21 comments
Played the L4D2 demo today at a friend's house. Seems like a good game, new weapons, infected, refreshing daytime maps.
Should be DLC though, or at least have people who own L4D1 get a big discount.
Also, most of the regulars on the TWHL group got friend invites, so check your comunity tab. If I missed anyone who wants to be on my friends list, just send an invite my way. I still check it on web steam every so often.

Now to get highspeed at my place...
Unbreakable14 years ago2009-11-07 17:29:31 UTC 0 comments
So I came to a decision today, that I'm going to sell my two 9600GT's and buy two of these instead;

it would be a big jump, and the cost is fairly cheep considering..

I just got a new copy of cpu magazine and its ranked as the 3rd High end video card, magazine says its 349.99 then it goes to 559.99 and then to 709.99, so I think they'll be a pretty good buy.. even though I never seen any reviews one these, (searched youtupe and googled it) I think they'll blow anything out of the water, especially with two... ...only if it offers sli... think I'll go check that now actually...