
satchmo15 years ago2009-07-23 13:39:21 UTC 2 comments
I have created a video blog that allows me to address parents on vaccine topics on a weekly basis.

I am hoping that I can put a proper perspective on issues regarding vaccination for parents.
Striker15 years ago2009-07-23 06:24:16 UTC 14 comments
I found this cute thing :

Try this
hlife_hotdog15 years ago2009-07-22 09:18:36 UTC 36 comments
So i've been playing Fallout 3 for a while...and is wondering. Has anyone found 'Vengeance'? If you don't know what i'm talking about then you don't know :P
Rimrook15 years ago2009-07-21 19:09:27 UTC 9 comments

It's not all there, I figured its better to actively update it.
hlife_hotdog15 years ago2009-07-21 11:20:16 UTC 15 comments
My life seems to change every week :P i'm now engaged :) yes it's true..
Tito15 years ago2009-07-20 00:11:48 UTC 23 comments
I don't know how many of you here are Xbox360 or PS3 owners, but I am sure some of you are. Now, I am sure all of you know that both console camps have their share of the good'ol fanboys. Among those loyal fanboys, there is a select group of rabid Sony and Microsoft followers that just have no life at all and make it a mission of their worthless lives to engage in a constant battle of venom spewing against the other console owners. Just take a stroll through's forum boards and you will see what I mean.

To make matters worst, among the elite of the most hate filled fanboys, has risen a super fanboy with a cult leader status, and he has made his home at YouTube. Some of you might know him, he goes by the name "ELPRESADOR", and the name of his YouTube organization is "The Trey Brother Hood". This guy is unbelievable, if you are one of the lucky people who have not seen this clown talk, well you have to see him to believe it. To make a long story short, this ELPRESADOR goofball is the ultimate PS3 hyper fanboy that goes out of his way to preach Xbox360 hate on his YouTube channel.

Here's a link to one of his 60 anti-Xbox360 videos:
Striker15 years ago2009-07-18 16:31:37 UTC 13 comments
I just saw Final Destination 1,2,3. I really can't wait for 4 to be here !
What can I say is that I like them all in the same manner : every film has 1 or 2 "best deaths"(and some comic ones too, like the guy in the bathroom in the first film).

These films just gets you so inspired to do horror machinimas :D.
Notewell15 years ago2009-07-17 19:05:23 UTC 20 comments
Game Tech journal!
I was playing Gmod at my friend's place, and while he was showing me some of the SENTs (Scripted Entities) he had downloaded, I noticed that one package had similated liquids.
Using HL2 models, the SENT pack had small and large versions of soda and beer bottles, plus a water jug and milk carton. You use the containers, and if they're at a certain angle, a particle effect 'pours' out of the end of the container, in colours to match the liquid it simulates. You can also use it again to close the container, stopping any remaining liquid from coming out. I think it also works on an angle basis, so if the level goes down enough, certain angles will stop having liquid pour. I think this is great. A little refinement, like a denser particle effect, a pool on the surface below, and a pool fade effect that changes how long it takes depending on the material it comes onto, and the light level from the maps light_enviroment that hits the area the pool is in, and you have a respectable liquid particle effect.
Add to that a brush entity that fills its volume with the chosen particle and then removes itself on map start, a prop_container with differing model and liquid choices, the ability to see the particles inside transparent props, and a new console command to update the particles in hammer form the game (think the command to update prop_physics), and there you go.
Just make sure you recode the prop_container to make +use open/close the container and switch submodels appropriatley, and that's the peak of innovation.
Are you reading me, Valve? Got it? Good. I expect to see it either in Episode 3 or HL3.
satchmo15 years ago2009-07-17 01:05:22 UTC 12 comments
I tried getting fiber optics to my house, but it's not available in our neighborhood yet.

srry15 years ago2009-07-16 04:14:44 UTC 7 comments
Finally got my car running tonight! I probably woke up everyone in our condominium complex.
38_9815 years ago2009-07-16 00:26:52 UTC 4 comments
Long time since the last update.

I'm going back to England for a few weeks to visit family and old friends and what not. Should be good real good, though im not looking forward to the flight. Some 10 hours being in a tin can full of other peoples farts and arriving jetlagged by about 8-9 hours? Yay.
Notewell15 years ago2009-07-15 20:03:57 UTC 18 comments
EDIT: Chapter one is here:
So, I've been thinking of writing a short novel of some kind to practice my writing skills. And I came up with Half-life: Guard duty, A story about Sargeant Henry Pierce, a security guard in Black Mesa. Henry works in the Area 7 Security offices, near the recreation centre. Below is an exerpt from the first chapter, which I just finished. (This is the first section, Pierce is not introduced here)
8:47 AM
Black Mesa Research Facility
Black Mesa, New Mexico
(Tram line)

The young man on the tram glanced at his watch, a look of worry on his face. Late again. The Administrator would have his head if just one more experiment was delayed on his account. The tram, leaving the stop at the sector B coolant reserve launched into its automated welcome speech. Like anyone else was on the tram line this late.
?Good morning, and welcome to the Black Mesa transit system. This automated train is provided for the security and convenience of the Black Mesa research facility personnel??
?It?s gonna be a long day? he thought.

Post below with your opinion, Because I may just post a thread with the chapters in it as soon as they get writen.
Tito15 years ago2009-07-14 19:40:07 UTC 18 comments
Just when I thought I have seen the dumbest internet ideas out there, come this one: A chat room where you can chat with...........God. Yep, you heard correctly, you can now talk to God directly, or at least an artificial intelligence version of it called "iGod". So my question is, how many retards out there are going to "lay out their life's story" with full details, and then mysteriously get their identities stolen a few weeks later? Yea, go ahead and try it, talk to God:
Livewire15 years ago2009-07-12 18:48:43 UTC 29 comments
Sorry guys, not killing myself today, I passed. <3

Tommorrow I take my driving test again, if I don't pass this time I'm going to hang myself.

I'll update this post when I get home tommorrow, my test is at 11:40am.
satchmo15 years ago2009-07-12 16:57:35 UTC 7 comments
For some reason, I kind of lost interest in playing games recently.

I just can't find the motivation to fire up Steam and play.

So I signed up with Netflix. While my wife works at night, I will watch a movie (instead of playing games).