
Rimrook16 years ago2008-04-23 19:50:16 UTC 6 comments
I entered the competition.

Spike16 years ago2008-04-22 13:53:13 UTC 3 comments
I've done a video of WIP I'm doing, i'm not sure if it's team/class balanced, at least i tried it.
Penguinboy16 years ago2008-04-22 06:43:28 UTC 10 comments
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Orpheus16 years ago2008-04-21 13:09:18 UTC 1 comment
For those interested:

My time is somewhat restricted so please follow the instructions.

Be good,
Orpheus16 years ago2008-04-20 18:26:24 UTC 2 comments
Some may be interested, some not, but this is what I've been workin on for the past year.

Of course, these pictures are now a year old but you still have an idea.

This thread

will give you some ideas as to the particulars.

When I get time and the internet, I will post some updated pictures.

Be good,

To those that be, the new site looks grand.
Take care.
VJ30016 years ago2008-04-20 02:23:29 UTC 3 comments
Im loveing how Enigmas 1st level is turning out. For more info on it, just goto the link below.

Btw, which cover should I use for the mod, number 1, or 2?
Luke16 years ago2008-04-19 23:47:13 UTC 11 comments
Just saw Cloverfield.

I heard a home theater wouldn't do the movie justice, but my home 'theater' did pretty well.

The movie was well done. Some may think the ending was abrupt, but I like the way it did it as if the tape was actually recovered after this incident.

Probably the best monster movie I've ever seen, too (of course, it's not that hard to beat others).

I hope they do a sequal, because there's so much room for more story. Maybe from other perspectives / a something following a compiled military log. Would be interesting.

I'll give it a 9/10.
AJ16 years ago2008-04-19 11:33:25 UTC 3 comments
User posted image
He's been updated. Now with more... adorable-ness?
Tetsu016 years ago2008-04-19 10:57:29 UTC 3 comments
So after a shitty day I come home to wonderful news!
I had to leave the Ochos Rios Sunset Grande resort this morning at 11am
Leaving behind free food, booze and a wonderful female I met from London.
Nothing happened, but she was a blast to hang around with. So the plane-ride sucked then we had to deal with customs and my bag got randomly searched and they checked every nook and cranny of every article of clothing i owned for weed. They even checked the inside brim of my brand new Red-stripe hat.

So customs was a bitch and the busride also sucked because first, i had to deal with new-york traffic, then my iPod died right in the middle of "Cumbersome" by Seven Mary Three But it was all right because i was about 20 min from home.

And i didn't get a tan because it was cloudy all fuckin day. Every day.

But im home, and the compo is extended! :) Happy day.
Daubster16 years ago2008-04-19 03:46:35 UTC 4 comments
Off to Mexico (Cancun) for two weeks tomorrow to celebrate my cousin's wedding.
Too bad there's no Mexican TWHLers I know, something could've been arranged otherwise. ;>

IMUS16 years ago2008-04-18 18:36:37 UTC 1 comment
Ok my map messed up as I was near finishing(not the first time this has happened). It complies fine with no errors and I have tried a few things to get it to work. It runs for a second(blank screen) then just gives an error message. Don't know if I'll fix in time for the competition, but we'll see. It was an AVP2 remake.
trooperdx311716 years ago2008-04-18 11:26:22 UTC 4 comments
Well todays my birthday so I am now 16 which means I am now legally entitled to have the job I already have yah. In other news mt compo entry is almost finished i'm making a few little additions and a bit of polish although I was hampered last night by a catastrophic crash of all my trigger_changlevel entity's which means I had to cut some corners in the levels and I might not even finish. To make matters worse i'm in a play tonight which means i'll have very little time to fix my entry, oh well I might ask penguinboy to give me a bit of extra time.
HLGenius16 years ago2008-04-18 09:30:38 UTC 3 comments
Happy 300th login HLGenius!

yay my 300th login! now what to do what to do about a dedication map to twhl. If you have any suggestions just comment.
jaguar16 years ago2008-04-17 15:25:39 UTC 0 comments
I "fixed" my picture...
May be now it's better...
User posted image
hlife_hotdog16 years ago2008-04-17 02:10:53 UTC 2 comments
Well, MOTM for Santa's Revenge 2 finally appeared and I couldn't stop laughing!!! If I hadn't been in a public place a the time I wouldn't have cut the videos short because I would have exploded!!! (with laughter) Thanks guys :)