
VJ30016 years ago2008-04-16 21:45:25 UTC 0 comments
Just uploaded the Beta Version of Enigma. While it was fun makeing the mod, it also taught me that effort will capture the players attention, and detail is needed to make somthing worth looking at.
srry16 years ago2008-04-16 19:24:56 UTC 1 comment
I didn't even realize Demonoid had been back up for five days now. Hooray for the internet coming back to life again, little by little.
satchmo16 years ago2008-04-15 19:48:38 UTC 8 comments
Somehow, he learned to conduct.
VJ30016 years ago2008-04-14 17:03:43 UTC 0 comments
Havent mapped since I have been working on HLFF. But other then that, heres the most recent part of how Enigmas teleporter is looking.

Besides Enigmas teleporter, here is the cover for Enigma. The Circle with the E and Spiked Rectangle is the logo for the mod.
Tetsu016 years ago2008-04-14 16:07:49 UTC 4 comments
I'm at a computer lab in jamaica! it costs freaking $6 for a half hour of use so i'm not gonna be in here for long.
that's basically it.

greetings from jamaica, man:)
combo1216 years ago2008-04-13 12:41:35 UTC 0 comments
so i made a my 27th map. so far so good.

probably realease it to the public but im fixing this glitch

func is broken
Luke16 years ago2008-04-12 17:55:41 UTC 3 comments

Probably old, but is still amazing.
HLGenius16 years ago2008-04-11 02:23:11 UTC 9 comments
Today I am deleting my map in TWHL :Flat-Life Puzzle. Because The map was just a practice for HL2D.'s all!
Luke16 years ago2008-04-10 16:21:12 UTC 10 comments
Got a 25 on the ACT, not sure if people other than Americans know what that is, though.

Standardized testing FTW
Tetsu016 years ago2008-04-10 08:45:08 UTC 4 comments
Well penguinboy extended the competition, but i don't get to benefit from it much. Saturday morning i will be leaving for Jamaica and will not be able to finish everything i wanted to finish for my competition entry. I will be away for a week, and the deadline is smack in the middle of the week i will be away from this country, and a mapping-capable computer.
It's sad really. I've been making so much progress, and i actually have been working on this through out the entire time period instead of just in the last week. (like my previous 2 entries)

And i STILL run out of time.
I guess that's my luck though.
I'm just going to truncate the levels, debug everything, and ship it out Friday evening. I guess all those easter eggs will have to wait until after the comp and i release EVERYTHING i wanted in the mod with it to the general public. Daubster did offer to help code in the fog as well. Which would have been a huge HUGE visual boost. But due to his own problems combines with my crappy schedule the help came a wee-bit to late.

And for those who offered to beta test; I'll be happy to let you guys test the final product after the competition is over.

Good luck to all the other contestants!
Penguinboy16 years ago2008-04-10 06:33:46 UTC 2 comments
TWHL3 Development Diary Thingie #5

The subject this time is the Wiki. I've discussed the functionality of the Wiki in Diary #2, but basically it'll be similar to the current entity guide and glossary, except editable. You'll be able to add links and lists and possibly tables, and so on.

The reason I'm not making it like a full Wiki (every page editable) is because it isn't needed. You can only edit the content pages for each entity, error or definition. You'll be able to add new entries, but only admins can add whole new categories.

The job of a Wiki moderator is to look over changes and approve or revert them. Users who spam and/or make stupid changes will eventually have their editing privileges removed, and possibly a ban from the site. Each entry will also have its own comments, which are only reserved for helpful additions to the entry. Comments will be screened before being added.

An example of a useful comment is a specific case for the use of say, an entity - "This entity can be used for Specific Case x, set parameter y to setting z, etc etc etc", or maybe a different solution than stated to a compile error - "This error can sometimes be fixed by using function x on entity y etc", and so on.

Some examples of useless comments:
In error guide: "hlp i got ths error an i duno wut 2 do plz help"
In entity guide: "how do i use this to do blah blah"
In Glossary: "o i get it now thx"
etc etc. I think you get the point.

Too many of these useless comments will mean you will have your editing privileges removed (includes commenting privileges). Users who contribute lots of helpful information in the wiki (tutorials too!) will be rewarded.

Anyway, that concludes this diary for today. Next time will be about user control and the strike system that is being implemented.
Strider16 years ago2008-04-10 01:12:53 UTC 4 comments
User posted image
More awesomeness.
Daubster16 years ago2008-04-09 06:57:13 UTC 4 comments
Back. For good this time.

End of March was a bloody mess, we've been in a long moving process, which only ended last week. Finally got my interwebs up yesterday, not as good as I expected, but hopefully enough to start that TF2 server.

I've stopped working on all the projects I'm in for almost a month, so I'll do my best catching up. Guess putting up Dec and Jan Motms would be a good start (woo, only two months late!) - will do that somewhere tonight.

Good to be home. ;>
Rimrook16 years ago2008-04-09 02:42:01 UTC 0 comments
Holy crap, awesome bit of info.

The hardest jobs to get because there is an over-abundance of people for them are:

Modellers (damn)
Concept Artist (crap)
Level Designer (sad... sorry guys)
Illustrator (bah.)

Jobs that need to be filled because of lack of capable people:

Programmer/Scripter (big money but not for me, maybe for Daubster)
Character Riggers (ok.)
Animator (i suck at it)
Lighting Specialist (I have a basic understanding)
Shader Artist (BINGO! Texturer all the way!)

Straight from Doug "Jolly" Rogers himself.
User posted image
Higher resolution compared to the HL constraints I'm accustomed to. Its for class, the second part of the class with the same teacher that failed me for the "Purple Box of Doom" animation. I hope this satisfies, wish me luck.
HLGenius16 years ago2008-04-07 21:49:41 UTC 5 comments
Yay! I have Maya 8! Now how can i model?? hm......