
Rimrook16 years ago2008-04-07 19:17:37 UTC 4 comments
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Accidently said Snarks instead of Snakes when talking about the movie. Thus I did this.
jaguar16 years ago2008-04-07 11:06:06 UTC 2 comments
My first concept art...
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Strider16 years ago2008-04-07 05:51:28 UTC 7 comments
For the love of all that is good and holy, sign this now!
satchmo16 years ago2008-04-06 23:16:35 UTC 1 comment
When you're a baby, you find new and exciting things everywhere.
Spike16 years ago2008-04-06 19:27:58 UTC 0 comments
Added more WIP
Penguinboy16 years ago2008-04-06 03:28:41 UTC 6 comments
TWHL3 Development Diary Thingie #4

Well I thought that I should just keep along with doing these, as I am always doing stuff with TWHL (whether in the background or obvious). Since launch, a massive amount of bugs have been razed, new additions have been raised, and changes have been....made.

Whether my slightly incorrect grammar and terrible wordplay affects site development or not is yet to be known:- but, it is known that Uni is affecting it like nobody's business. I have hardly any time to get any sort of coding at all done.

That said, I am still getting some things done, such as the AJAX shoutbox, which was a completely random "out of nowhere" kinda thing, but now enables admins and moderators to edit and delete shoutbox posts without having to load up the shoutbox "Live" (which is even less "live" than the current shoutbox), which will be updated given the time of Ant's designing skills and my coding skills. The new shoutbox live will look similar to the one you see on the left, except with avatars. It will refresh every ten seconds.

Admins will get their moderator privileges back as soon as I finish coding the admin panel (maybe before), and they will be able to see the currently limited admin tools for themselves. That said, the prospects are looking good for admins and moderators, and the site is already much easier to use.

The addition of comments to journals seems like it is going well. The point of journals is to want other people to read them, and comments allow discussion and feedback. On the other hand, news comments seem to be nothing but spam, since news announcements are meant to tell you something and not expect a reply. They will remain though; maybe we can start posting some half-life related news in there and start getting some constructive discussion happening. In all seriousness though, anyone spamming "first post" comments anywhere on the entire site will be temporarily banned. You may have noticed that this happened to skals.

The wiki system is getting off to a slow start, but is still happening. I've decided to use a different system to the tutorials, and approach it more as MediaWiki does, where changes are made, and then approved afterwards. Some may have noticed that the Source entity guides are available to use, but they are currently a bit dodgy. This is simply because of my method of inserting all the information in, and I expect every entry to change drastically, with a lot more information, useful comments, and the like, on the introduction of the wiki system. (Some may have seen my SDE module, you can try it out right here; This is ripped from MediaWiki and modified, instead of the old PEAR module i was using before. It will be used in the wiki system.)

The tutorial system has has a bit of a workout, but now it's dying down a bit. A request to all members of the site: Propose a tutorial! We need Source tutorials, not so much Half-Life 1. Team Fortress 2 and Portal in particular need tutorials. To everyone with a draft tutorial: get writing!

Okay, I'm getting a bit sick of typing so I'll stop now. More stuff later.
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2008-04-06 00:06:26 UTC 3 comments
After looking for ages on my hard drive, I finally found my account details. =.= Yes, it's not safe to store account information on you're computer but I don't give a damn.. for now. Anyway, while taking a break from mapping I decided to muck around in UT2003 (because it's the only UT I've got). The Redeemer, nearly anyone who's played this game should know it. Here's something I came up with. :D
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The redeemer: Huge consequences when used incorrectly
Unbreakable16 years ago2008-04-04 10:10:03 UTC 1 comment
YeA! Its almost done, I just got to learn how to not make it look so blured, maybe I'll add more reds to the character or something.. dunno..
Anyways here it is...
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Rimrook16 years ago2008-04-04 05:06:22 UTC 3 comments
Unbreakable has the right idea. Althought the issue with my professional career doesn't hold much hope as far as my concept sketches go. Its not as pretty as the calibre you normally see. I'm hardly a painter as is, its mostly photoshop tricks I know.
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It was fun however, and I'll likely do it again. Just keep practicing and stuff.
Unbreakable16 years ago2008-04-03 10:36:36 UTC 3 comments
so I made another peice today, don't think I'm done with it... But here it is:
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Unbreakable16 years ago2008-04-02 10:54:42 UTC 4 comments
Hey guys.. So I just finished up some more concept art.. more or less, quick sketch.. Check it out!
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AJ16 years ago2008-04-01 09:17:35 UTC 8 comments
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A proposed refresh of this page (Final).
Rimrook16 years ago2008-03-31 16:51:40 UTC 12 comments
I screwed up my career i think.

Yeah, I probably should've spent more time actually mapping rather than other things. I talked to my adviser and he said I wasn't a good modeller nor level designer, nor a good illustrator, but a "phenominal texture artist beyond the levels of professional".

I feel good and bad and all of the above. He also said to work on my level designing. It supports my star talent.

Well.... no shit.
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2008-03-31 02:27:39 UTC 0 comments
It's been a while since I've logged in but no, I haven't stopped mapping. I've just been busy for the past few weeks. Progress: Frag Fence WAS supposed to be re-made into HL2DM but Hammer screws up every time I try to make a freakin' box. Yes, a box. The minute/second I hit <Enter>; BAM! There goes Hammer. I guess it's just my SDK that's screwin' up. Anyway, while I try to get the SDK working again, I'm making a filler map called "Plain random". It won't have awe-inspiring geometry, uber-leet textures or intense fire fights; just one random thing I thought of... ;) Catch you guys later! ~Josh
satchmo16 years ago2008-03-30 23:24:54 UTC 2 comments