
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2008-01-08 04:30:42 UTC 0 comments
Every time I log on here, I do my usual routine:
1. Check if I have any PM's.
2. Check the map vault to see if anything has been put up and is worth downloading.
3. Go through the forums because I can. ( :aggrieved: )
4. Read through the journals. (Yes I do that because I've got nothing else to do :tired: )

Now today as I was reading the journals... I came upon Saribous' latest entry. Knowing that someone in your family that's ill for a long period of time is something you'd be sad about because you then think of death. And when something like that actual comes it hits you hard. You know it's coming yet it just kills you. I've experienced that a few years ago so I know how it feels. R.I.P ~Regards Josh :(
Felix The Third16 years ago2008-01-07 15:06:38 UTC 0 comments
Right, so for that Flat-Life compo...

I've been working about 3 hours on different ideas for a level, and at the very last minute, I took in texture restrictions... that narrowed it down to a few choices, but I like what I'm starting with.

I call it hl2d_mainframe. Since the only story is going to be in a readme file, don't need to detail it. :

hl2d_mainframe is about 5% done- I just got the basic frame of the starting area finished, aka 'Ground Level'. :aghast:

I'll pretty much fly by the room shapes and textures. When I'm finished, I'll go through adding entities, details, etc.

So look forward to that.
Saribous16 years ago2008-01-07 08:55:21 UTC 0 comments
After being sick for several years, and having spent the last six months lying in bed, my grandfather passed on early today.

R.I.P, you will be missed.
Felix The Third16 years ago2008-01-06 10:01:20 UTC 0 comments
Bow chicka wow wow chicka tow wow bow chicka wow.
Striker16 years ago2008-01-04 06:28:35 UTC 0 comments
Oh man, it's hard to learn programming . I just started to study the c++ language , it's quite hard , but beautiful . :) :)
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2008-01-03 01:46:15 UTC 0 comments
To pass time I decided to make random crap in Gmod 9. (I know, I know, "where's 10") Mucking around in cs_italy and cs_office I made the following Desktop backgrounds:

Dog and Lamarr

Shoop Da Woop Lamarr

*Anti-Aliasing only worked properly on cs_office at 1024 X 768 but cs_italy decided to muck things up and when I put the resolution down it looked as though anti-aliasing wasn't on at all! :furious:

I'm currently working on other background ideas so stay tuned! :D
Athlete16 years ago2008-01-02 22:59:07 UTC 0 comments
Need pie.
Rimrook16 years ago2008-01-02 08:50:51 UTC 0 comments
Don't let 2007 hit your ass on the way out. I certainly didn't, in my vacation time (roughly 8 days) I managed to pull 6D into demo ready status. However, I do have some setbacks i need to investigate.

For Christmas i didn't get much, but it was the happiest Christmas ever because so. I wasn't disappointed with anything that i got, unlike the multitudes of depressing commercials on the radio and TV. Also everyone loved the gifts I gave, even though they weren't expensive or anything... except for Jon. I got a buddy of mine a PS3 with Assassin's Creed for Christmas. He deserves it, with a Fiance and a baby to take care, plus college, and a crappy job... he has no money to spend and he's been bitchin about the PS3 all year which made his Christmas friggin epic.

Of course, the best gift of all is money. A large sum of it fell into my hands before december, and it was grant and scholarship surplus money from school... and it was a lot. Thats how I afforded the PS3 and the remainder of my PC parts as well as everyone else's gift. But you have to pay back loans so I wrote a check to my mother who takes care of the financial crap. So I broke even and they can use that money to make payments instead of paying out of their pockets. Which they can bounce back from Christmas and recent expenses.

So the last 1/12 of 2007 wasn't so bad, and I got so much done for me and everyone I know and for one, I feel good about doing good.
Madcow16 years ago2008-01-02 06:17:57 UTC 0 comments
Hello Madcow! This is your 5000th login.
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2008-01-02 00:41:07 UTC 0 comments
It's 2008 yet it feels as though it's still 2007. :| I bet 1 cent that this year will go faster than 2007! :P I'm now playing games on a decent comp (won't specify the specs) and CS:S is what is occupying (<-- is that how you spell it?) me right now and so is Swat4. Speaking of Swat4, my worst experience online is when I got flashed, stunned, pepper sprayed, hand cuffed and then shot in the head. :zonked: I don't think anyone would deserve to have that would they?! Would they? :aggrieved:
Athlete16 years ago2008-01-01 09:35:40 UTC 0 comments
God, my ovaries.
srry16 years ago2007-12-31 21:11:42 UTC 0 comments
Sniff sniff

I liked that half-naked Christmas chick in my avatar!
Daubster16 years ago2007-12-31 07:03:06 UTC 0 comments
I was born today, 17 years ago.
Another birthday when you don't feel any older/more mature at all. Oh well.

Happy birthday! - Ant
Strider16 years ago2007-12-31 06:29:36 UTC 0 comments
Happy New Years and all that.

So I went away for a week at Christmas, caught up with family etc. etc. Now I have 2 weeks left of my holidays and I plan on sitting on my arse for most of it. Life is grand.
Striker16 years ago2007-12-31 06:16:36 UTC 0 comments
Hello The_(c)Striker ! This is your 400th login and a happy new year ! :biggrin: :heart: :glad: