
kol18 years ago2006-10-03 08:30:20 UTC 0 comments
Re: The guy underneath me: Why i love mapping for HL1:

1. Nostalgia - yeah, it's a no brainer, but it's true. I love that game. It's the game that got me into the whole mapping scene.

I can never forget the countless hours i spent in front of my sceen playing leaky, shitty maps i made and using the crowbar to bang my name on walls.

2. It's got Retro feel. Nothin, no game, ever - will FEEL like HL1. No game CAN feel like HL1. It's not only the look and the controls, it's everything. If you want to know what i'm on about, play half-life again.

3. It's got prestige. If you can pull off stuff like difficult entity setups, complex moving objects, and abstract architecture, always pushing the engine to it's memory alloc:block limits... and if you do it right: everyone who has ever tried to map will respect, and want to improve on what you've done. It's a lot more difficult to do some things in HL1 - and that's why it's so much more rewarding to work for.
Exos18 years ago2006-10-03 05:22:19 UTC 0 comments
How can some of you people still want to map for Half-Life 1?? I know It is the greatest game ever made. (That and HL2) But NO map in Half-Life 1 could meet up to today's standards. I don't care how CRAZY GOOD you are at mapping for HL1, it will not compare to if you did the same map in HL2. So why? I can understand still PLAYING it, but mapping for it? No, it is was more....logical to map for HL2. HL2's mapping is so much better.(AND EASIER!) Now I know alot of you will say "HL1 FTW!" Only because you like HL1. I can tell you now they didn't make a worse engine when they made HL2. HL2 can have higher poly models, better texture resolution, and alot more. So why seriously map for HL1!?!? PM me to discuss. :P

(NOTE: I love Half-Life 1 but I don't even play it anymore because HL2!!)
Rimrook18 years ago2006-10-03 04:15:43 UTC 0 comments
A truly skilled man would never copy his own work.
Trapt18 years ago2006-10-01 03:01:02 UTC 0 comments
Hello Trapt! This is your 2100th login.

AJ18 years ago2006-09-30 22:21:41 UTC 0 comments
Gunter18 years ago2006-09-30 21:03:11 UTC 0 comments

Doesn't the complexity and originality of the story just boggle your mind?
Penguinboy18 years ago2006-09-29 19:31:13 UTC 0 comments
for those wondering why i split my tutorial into 4 parts, I did it for several reasons.

Firstly, it is much easier for Ant to write up parts of a tutorial. If I did it in one long one, he would be like, "Screw this, I'll do a shorter one" (lolol)
Also, take a look at this. See how messy it looks compared to the parts. It is also way too long for the TWHL site. People would take one look at how long it is, and give up straight away because it looks too hard (messy and long, :/ )
Finally, I designed the tutorial to be in sections. First is basics, second is explaining all the features, third is the link database, and fourth is tips and tricks.

As for part 3, I decided to make a list of links to other tutorials instead of rewriting them. I am a big supporter of original content. I learnt how to use displacements from these tutorials, and they deserve credit. It's useless to rewrite a tutorial that is already on another site. I don't like plagerism.

Well I hope this clears up your issues.
Displacements are complex and need long tutorials to make them easy to understand.
If anyone has any questions/comments, feel free to PM me.
Exos18 years ago2006-09-29 17:14:45 UTC 0 comments
Why is penguinboys tutorial split into like four sections. Why not just make it one big tutorial. AND the third section isnt even a tutorial! It just has a bunch of links! It is good don't get me wrong, (If I could rate it it would be a 5 Star) it just doesn't make and sense to me.
davideo5918 years ago2006-09-29 07:30:20 UTC 0 comments
De_Bedroom has made a lot of progress since those screenshots! I learned how to make reflective / see through textures so I tried my best to model my actual lamp (where the fan was in the 1.6 version -.-)

This brought some problems with the lighting because instead of having the light come from the four corners (making nice, but very unrealistic lighting) I had to get the same effect but make it come from a certain point, I ended up creating 3 very large spot lights pointing down and with some fine tuning its starting to shape up.

The textures alone are about 12 MB, the map 2.5MB, and I am planning on adding custom sounds to the map which will probably take it over15 MB (Making it hard to spread on Steam but I still hope people will like it because its basically ALL custom textures (except for like one or two).

Look forward to seeing me post it in the vault soon, it just needs some play testing and final touches now :D
Xyos21218 years ago2006-09-29 06:14:34 UTC 0 comments
Oh GOD!, THere is the most annoying person in my computer hardware class! Everytime the professor says something, he pretends he knows more, and contradicts him with RANDOM stupid jibberish! Literally every minute he is saying something stupid! Everyone wants to punch him in the face :)

Anyway, Ive been modeling a wee bit. I started a train. Its FAR FAR FAR from being done, and Im kind of modeling it from only one perspective, but it still looks good so far:
User posted image
38_9818 years ago2006-09-28 21:30:24 UTC 0 comments
congrats to penguinboy and his tutorials!

The final part? Wow, your tutorial is way big!
The HL Oracle18 years ago2006-09-28 12:46:17 UTC 0 comments
I don't complain the management of the site, it's the greatest HL site I've been ever....but.... COULD THE STAFF PLEASE PUT ANOTHER HL1 COMPETITION????? Remember, both HL2 and source didn't exist when this site started, so I think it's time to "go back to our origins" and put a good hl1 competition.....
Exos18 years ago2006-09-28 05:23:53 UTC 0 comments
Hey I am at school right now and I am bored!
The Mad Carrot18 years ago2006-09-27 08:17:43 UTC 0 comments
Got myself a new graphics card today! :D

Sapphire ATI Radeon X1600 Pro 512 mb! :D:D:D
SpaG18 years ago2006-09-25 12:40:45 UTC 0 comments
Internet is mine! At last :>