
Jobabob18 years ago2006-05-26 13:13:08 UTC 0 comments
Day 1069: Bludgeoned Oates over the head after the bastard tried to desert us. Fried him up this morning with one of Edgars buttocks I'd saved in my backpack. I think I'll have a chat to Wilson and Bowers tomorrow, lunch is on one of them, literally.
Good times.
Penguinboy18 years ago2006-05-25 21:58:44 UTC 0 comments
Hello penguinboy! This is your 1000th login. Teh Master!
Hugh18 years ago2006-05-25 15:34:12 UTC 0 comments
Hello Hugh! This is your 600th login.

Hurray, 100 logins in 9 days... I'm really going log-in crazy, eh guvnas? Nothing to say here, so PEACE OUT NIGS.
Orpheus18 years ago2006-05-24 19:02:11 UTC 0 comments
ALAS, I nearly forgot about my rice topic. Dear me. :aghast:

Day 22
Well, firstly, rice is good. After all, 2 billion Chinamen can't be wrong. Rice can be used in a whole shitload of ways from recipes to weaponry. If you doubt it, think about how many individuals spend their wedding nights either digging parts out of their eyes, or the night at an emergency waiting room.

Stay tuned. Next week we will look at the history of rice warfare.
fizscy4618 years ago2006-05-24 18:40:35 UTC 0 comments
I am looking for a co-admin and members for my Half-Life 1 / Source community that I just started - - The Hammer Map(pers) Creation Society.

My site is a basically going to be an open content database for tutorials and resources. Members (Who can sign up quick and free) can currently submit tutorials with ease to a database with gnu release permissions assigned. They can either partially, or fully release it where any site can use it (And edit it in the case of full release). They may also chose to leave it Unreleased and only allow The HMCS to use it. I will also soon allow members to post tips that randomly appear, and useful information and resources. Websites will be able to click a link on the tutorial and get the raw text with bbcode to post the tutorial to any forum, with proper credits (Although it won't appear on Unreleased tutorials).

Basically I want the co admin to take care of getting members on the forum while I code in the features at which point I'll join in posting and seeding tutorials.
Jobabob18 years ago2006-05-24 09:50:46 UTC 0 comments
Day 1065: We have now been without food for 2 weeks, Oates seems to be succumbing to the cold, I've wrapped him up best but I think it may be the end, his scurvy and hypothermia have led to internal haemoragging for which there is no known cure.
So very cold.
Habboi18 years ago2006-05-24 05:31:52 UTC 0 comments
Well the ICT went very well...All my friends who also did it agree that it was extremely easy...Why you ask? Because for some weird reason we received a book in our exam papers that contained all the revision notes so in other words we just copied off of the book...So I wonder what has happened to exams? They seem to be degrading...It was more like a memory test than a knowledge test.

In other good news:

My mod...I haven't said too much about it because I want to keep it a secret till I know it can be done...That way I won't look the fool if it fails...But I know it wont! I will not rest till it is done.

Dedication_2 will be finished...I just have to take a break for now?I have exams for the next 3 weeks and once that is through I can do whatever.

I do want to share some details about my mod plans because I feel it may inspire you...Below is a picture of a giant 'thing' called a 'Colossus'. The picture was taken from a PS2 game titled 'Shadow of the Colossus'...

Now when I asked people if they had heard of it they said no and I was so shocked to hear this...Never have I seen such a beautiful and clever game until this moment in time. The only downfall is they released it on PS2 only...The sheer size of the world is insane and I realise now they are my idols...Sorry Rabid :P

So I started with ideas because as you know I want to work in the gaming industry...I have it all planned out hopefully.

Now I have hired a concept artist like I wrote below and he has given me one piece of work so far...Only a sketch like I said before...Perhaps I'll show you in the future. I have the soundtrack sorted and right now as I write this I am typing out a director?s script.

My mod will be based in the same World as SoC however the game play will be slightly different because to make such a game for HL2 with my skills is impossible. So picture this:

The mod is 3rd person, you go around in search of the 'Colossi' to kill them with your only weapon...a sword. But it isn't that simple...These giants have weak spots and to reach them you must figure out how to get them to fall...Some will be easy like climbing the legs and stabbing it so it falls...Others will require you to shoot arrows under the feet...

Once they fall they are open for you to climb so you leap onto any ledges or fur you can grab onto and you simply climb as it tries to shake you off...There is a climb meter so time is of the essence.

The 'Colossi' have different themes like a giant human form or an animal...The soundtrack is brilliant I might add and I hope you think the same when the time comes.

For now may I interest you in a game play video from SoC??

It gives you the idea of how big they are, what you can do and how the game play works...Of course I won't have a horse and the world will be split into different maps...To make a huge World in HL2 is almost impossible.

Oh screw it: Here are more:

They are my favourite!

:) Feel free to PM me if your curious...Or just wanna call me crazy.

Just so you know I'm doing this to join the gaming industry, to allow people who don't own a PS2 to play such a beautiful game and because it differs from the usual 'shoot' 'shoot' mods...


What the hell...On they have links to some websites like Snarkpit etc and look at this description:

"We're not entirely sure what a Snark is. But they sure do have a lot of modding content. Mostly lots of great maps to explore."

inuendocrash18 years ago2006-05-24 04:38:38 UTC 0 comments
so, i havent made a pointless journel entry in a while, so.... ya
Orpheus18 years ago2006-05-23 16:58:14 UTC 0 comments
Day 21. Arrived home from an atrocious trip to Phoenix. The weather was horrible out there. Recent droughts and such. shrugs

I arrive home to find one solitary PM from, what must be this sites biggest moron.

Oh well, every site has at least one.

Anyway, I am guessing that the confusion is past for most everyone who is anyone.

My favorite quote from all the PM's since I arrived... "You won't have any trouble figuring out who the assholes are".. That was prophetic but I also found it to be fairly accurate.

Conclusion, TWHL has none worth mentioning.

Stay tuned to tomorrows journal entry. I will study next, why rice tastes better than noodles.
TawnosPrime18 years ago2006-05-23 14:27:53 UTC 0 comments
Well, I might as well use this sometime.

I began my mappin' w/ CS 1.6. However, a couple o' weeks ago, I had a falling out w/ the owner/admins of the only decent server I was ever able to find (by decent, I mean AWP/Autos are allowed and they don't mind swearing (some say I have an addiction, but I just love to swear, that's all)).

Anyway, I've now moved exclusively to Source ('cept HL1 and a mod or 2), mostly so the asses at that CS server can't play the maps I told them I was workin' on. THe move does allow my to create some maps that I wanted to though, maps that aren't possible in 1.6. By this, I mean my secret and original idea (least I have yet to see it done anyway) that I have codenamed 'reversal'. It should add a pleasant and interesting twist to the gameplay.
Habboi18 years ago2006-05-23 03:17:32 UTC 0 comments
Less spam in the shoutbox -

I got my first AS Level Exam at 1:30...ICT.

Wish me luck Habboi! When you read this in the future...Laugh ;D
Xyos21218 years ago2006-05-22 14:42:31 UTC 0 comments
1000 logins! Teh master!
maestr0218 years ago2006-05-22 01:30:18 UTC 0 comments
I hate Hammer!
Rimrook18 years ago2006-05-22 00:45:43 UTC 0 comments
I gave myself a haircut. Did an alright job too! a little thin on the left side but it grows like a weed anyway.

:glad: :heart:
IMUS18 years ago2006-05-21 19:39:48 UTC 0 comments
I just released two maps. One is a HL map that is the last one I did. The second is Airboat:Sewers, which is one of my first HL2 maps. I released them mainly because Dawn of Terror won't be done anytime. :cry: I really have to get it done so that I can start on Night Things 3, which has most of it already planned out.