
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2007-12-15 19:29:47 UTC 0 comments
Christmas is almost here! YAY! <insert Shoop da woop here> I know you guys don't care but as you know I play Maple Story :o And if you do know that there is a Christmas event going, you'd probably know about the Snowman boss. It doesn't have much HP'Z but you only hit 10's... :aggrieved: I disconnected about 3 times due to the MAJOR LAG but it was sort of worth it due to the fact it dropped heaps of stuff and yeah. The following video was recorded in Khaini so you won't see me at all (IGN: OreoB4ndit > Server: Scania) but you'll see what I've been going on about! Clicky! :D :D :D :D :D :D
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2007-12-04 03:26:34 UTC 0 comments
Updated avatar! :D School is almost finished for us Aussies (about 3 days to go) and what could be better than sitting down, lounging in front of the computer? GOING OUTSIDE! But, really, I have nothing to do so yeah... I don't even know why I even write these use-less journals. Oh well, bye for now. ~Josh
: : : : :
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2007-11-18 21:40:37 UTC 0 comments
E-Games at Exhibition Center (Jeff's shed) was awesome. Ranked 4th in UT 2004 tournament and 1st in the Quake 3 arena comp (Gauntlet FTW!) AND I got to try out Crysis on an uber-non-lagging-super-leet-r0x0r-pwnz0r-0wing-comp that also had a 28 inch LCD to go with it! If you're unsure if you want to get Crysis, trust me, it's worth the money! :D

PS: I killed 10 people in row using the Gauntlet BUT they were nooby people :(

PSS (<-- WTF): I hate when people make stupid/idiotic/dumbass comments (I think everyone does). This comment came from the example map 'Rotating Weapons' and this is what Moab wrote:
(08 Nov 07 at 20:06) Moab
Just stick the guass on a invisble func_rotating...
FAIL!!!!! :x :x :x
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2007-09-28 20:22:10 UTC 0 comments
Ok, I'm holding all current maps on hold while I start to make my first mini-mod, "Half-Life: Resident Evil All Stars". It's a weird name so I might change it later on. The story is NOT going to be set in a mansion or anything to do in Raccoon City but in a different town which still needs a name... :| The reason why it's called All Stars (for now) is that you can choose any character from the Resident Evil series and play their story in this city. I can obviously change this story but I'm gonna stick with it for now. Also, this story is practically like any other Resident Evil game because you have to escape the place. I'll update this when I complete this first area. :|
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2007-09-19 23:40:22 UTC 0 comments
My B-day was on Wednesday... :D Starting to build my trap map which is going well and I'll have more time to design and build now that the holidays are coming up! :D :D :D ~Josh
Kurosaki Ichigo17 years ago2007-09-07 17:38:11 UTC 0 comments
Won't be mapping for a bit but instead I'm going to be drawing up ideas for the trap map because the other one I HAD didn't look too good! So don't expect me to be submitting any maps any time soon. :P Anyway while I'm gone watch these vids:

Sparta Techno Mix

GMOD Techno Rave

How to Dance at a Rave

New Dance "The Box"
Kurosaki Ichigo17 years ago2007-08-17 03:06:40 UTC 0 comments
Starting to improve my mapping skills... That's all I have to say. :quizzical: Actually, I'm attempting to make Federation Square (in Melbourne if you don't know where that is!) which is very hard for me since I had/have major assignments and stuff like that to do. I might post up screen shots of what I've done but it's just a waste of space if I do it right now! ~Josh 9:06pm :aghast:
Kurosaki Ichigo17 years ago2007-08-02 02:10:27 UTC 0 comments
ARGH!!! Hard Drive HAD to be re-formatted cause of "errors" on it. Don't know how they got there though... Obviously everything on my hard drive was deleted and of course all the bits and pieces of maps gone. :furious: So I don't think I can start Carpocolypse's map or even my trap map all over again! :furious: :furious: :furious: Serves me right for not backing up my stuff in like 8 months!
Kurosaki Ichigo17 years ago2007-07-18 02:04:36 UTC 0 comments
First week back from the holidays and our school already gets a day off on Thursday! (probably Wednesday for you guys) I might continue on my trap map AND Carpocalypse300's HL:FF hazard course but I still got that "blank-mind-can't-do-work" with me. :nervous: So for Thursday, it's probably go outside more (unlikely), map those maps I mentioned (maybe) and waste my life on games (of course!) If you didn't notice, I HAVE NO LIFE :aghast: ~KI Aussie time (GMT +10) 8:06pm
Kurosaki Ichigo17 years ago2007-06-21 17:24:27 UTC 0 comments
I've just started to make a hazard course for Carpocalypse300! So far it's only got the starting area (hazard suit and basic jumping). Also trap map has already got the first trap in. It's the tripmine one. I decided to put that one in first coz I have no other ideas to put in. :S Please PM me! I need more ideas. ~KI (Today's my day off.)
Kurosaki Ichigo17 years ago2007-06-11 02:42:42 UTC 0 comments
Got puppy today!! :D Uploading photo when I actually have it! :P Still got exams but not much (about 3 or 4 to go!). Can't wait til holidays which is in about 2 weeks!!!! Then I'll probably map my "trap" map. :lol:
Kurosaki Ichigo17 years ago2007-06-07 00:15:05 UTC 0 comments
Kurosaki Ichigo17 years ago2007-06-01 01:40:06 UTC 0 comments
I'm back. :| Haven't been doing much lately. Half-Life 1 mapping is getting boring. :( There's nothing much to do for me. I want to enter a mini compo but I don't have the time for one. :( Got new avatar. GunBound, CS, MapleStory and Gunz is getting really boring.yawn I need to get outside more. ~K.I
Kurosaki Ichigo17 years ago2007-05-04 05:56:32 UTC 0 comments
Stopped mapping for HL for a bit now. :( Been playing on the PS2 (where's the PS3!!) and on Maple Story... don't ask. Anyway school is STILL boring except for P.E. Don't have much to say but bye. :D
Kurosaki Ichigo17 years ago2007-04-21 03:33:14 UTC 0 comments
Haven't done an entry in a while.... I think. School is still easy but exams are coming soon. :( It'll be my first time having them too. :( :( Anyway working on my map "tv" (tell you more about some other time), also starting to improve the Frag Fence map which hasn't been touched since Feb 19, mucking around in Hammer, running the old Half-Life in D3D which looks REALLY weird especially since my comp is OLD and my "graphics card" is an ATI 3D RAGE PRO which is really a 2D-ish card (poor me) and finally playing Abe's Exodus which is really fun even if it's old :). Well I think that covers some of the stuff I've been doing.