
The_6th_Monkey20 years ago2004-08-26 03:07:54 UTC 0 comments
Yay just became joint mod leader of the Critical Mass Modification

Contact me if u are interested in doing a little bit of mapping for the mod ....if u are noob sry we need good quality maps.....oh and finally if u join u won't need to do much work only a small map, but u can make as much as u want if u really want...and remeber if u want to join send examples of work to me it must be made well or we will get a bad impression...oh and the maps should in a smilar style to black mesa...btw the mod is already 40% done


Anyhow email me at

p.s. -_- = @ I just don't want any of those email collection bots to get my email...maybe I'm paranoid but I don't care :)
Seventh-Monkey20 years ago2004-08-25 12:35:41 UTC 0 comments
Journal image spammers read my journal.
Seventh-Monkey20 years ago2004-08-25 12:35:27 UTC 0 comments
This journal post is to remove the huge-size images from the front page. People who post gigantic pictures in their journals will have selected forum posts edited...
Howdy20 years ago2004-08-25 11:33:13 UTC 0 comments
im experimenting whit my html and swf skills...
feel free to give me advice or simply to yell at me...
ok maby not to yell at me ;)
kol20 years ago2004-08-25 10:46:03 UTC 0 comments
Ack! Stop posting large images into your journals! :zonked:
Cpl.1nsane20 years ago2004-08-24 12:00:43 UTC 0 comments
At last i shall have my new pc !!!
BJ20 years ago2004-08-24 11:54:58 UTC 3 comments
Updated all my examples maps to add .MAP file
AJ20 years ago2004-08-24 01:28:34 UTC 0 comments
Hello Anthony! This is your 900th login.
davideo5920 years ago2004-08-23 20:22:07 UTC 0 comments
I have started making a HLDM called dm_underground. It's called that because it is undergroud but its more like the blackmesa facility type underground. Its turning out really good so far, I just have to keep getting idea's to put into it and make it decent sized!(Theres nothing like a small dm map, its absolutly terrible!!!).
On other news its 11:18pm and I have to get up at 5:50am (Thats like the earliest I have ever had to get up on a regular basis for my First Day Of High School . And hell am I excited. The only nervious I have is finding my way around (how typical and stupid sounding.... anyway.... )
kol20 years ago2004-08-23 11:50:07 UTC 0 comments
Just realised i got all my dates wrong and it looks... wrong.. got back and feelin'fine :)
SilentGunz20 years ago2004-08-22 21:05:18 UTC 0 comments
Got my compo entry all fixed! No more errors! Thanks to Andy for the extension on the compo! :)

Well... my sites are doing well...
that's about it...
but wait!
I made a new map that tests your Skills! Called L337 Skillz!

In other news...

-Hilter is back from the dead, and has a partnership with Osama.
-Monkeys took over Zaire in Africa
-I almost died from the West Nile Virus
-A astroid is coming to destroy the Earth
-The Russians are going to nuke America, and all that will be left is ruins and cockroachs
-Frozen Martians were found in Antartica

jk... :P
ZeG20 years ago2004-08-22 11:31:00 UTC 0 comments
AJ20 years ago2004-08-21 22:03:13 UTC 5 comments
Creative Arts Night this Wednesday! I'm pumped!
spark20 years ago2004-08-21 19:22:20 UTC 0 comments
Just visited, and I was awed at the pictures!

I have got two ideas on a map, the first one is to do a DOOM 3 style level, and the other one to do a tall cathedral style building that looks a bit like the Combine from Half-Life 2.

And, yes, I know not to map for my imagination but for the engine; another reason I can't wait for mapping with Source! From what I've read so far, the maps will be HUGE, taking you ten minutes to walk across a full-sized one!
The_6th_Monkey20 years ago2004-08-21 13:07:37 UTC 0 comments
W00t I get to beta test the hl:improvement mod......

....and I got to help out with one of the maps today :)