
DiscoStu12 years ago2012-09-28 20:31:42 UTC 19 comments

Hi all TWHLers! I've just read your comments in my last journal. Here's a small update.

Here I am, broadcasting live from New York City itself. In a few hours, I believe our friend Tetsu0 will be arriving and will probably join me for breakfast tomorrow.

To those who said there's a public computer in every corner: I don't know which way to look when I get to a corner, because I haven't seen any. Even working payphones are hard to find (fortunately there are a lot more in NYC than in FL). But, amongst a few other things, I got me this beauty on monday. Haven't had much time to use it, but I have some time in between walks now that my father went away to do the laundry. So, HI!

To Captain Terror: No, I have nothing but a seven year old desktop at home. But I found a pretty good notebook for a very good price so I am no longer computerless.

So yeah. Just stopped by to say hi. Half past five here in the US and I'm already so tired I want to sleep right now. I'm having a pretty good time despite some inconveniences I will detail later. Will stay in NYC until sunday. Then I'll be somewhere upstate for a few days. I'll be back home next thursday with a full account of my adventure including pictures (not featuring me).
Striker12 years ago2012-09-25 13:19:52 UTC 4 comments
So I just finished Rochard. This is a 3D platformer.
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It was quite a nice blend of action and puzzle solving. It teaches you to inventively use the environment at your advantage. I enjoyed playing it, and honestly I didn't get bored almost at all.
The gameplay mechanics center around the G-Lifter, gravity and shooting. The game is a constant shuffle of "if you can't do this with that, you can do it with the other thing".

The graphics and environment are really nice, and not demanding. As a term of comparison, it's TF2-like cartoon style. It was made on the Unity engine.

I do have some objections though. While the story has potential, I think the dialog part was a bit neglected. Rochard is a funny fluffy guy, but his lines seem a bit cheesy at times.
Now I don't know if the team got inspired from HL2 or not, but the G-Lifter has some striking similarities with the Gravity Gun. It picks up objects and can throw them. But I was convinced this is a Gravity Gun copy when Rochard picks up "Helga", an old G-Lifter model that can pick up anything- including bio-matter( the soldiers). Uh-hm.

Also, I tried collecting a most of the "Gold Collectibles", although didn't succeed. Please don't tell me this is only for an achievement? That's not nice!

All in all, I liked the game, it could be better, but hey, it's an indie! I recommend it( got it through Humble Indie Bundle 6).
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Screenshot not by me
Captain Terror12 years ago2012-09-25 08:16:16 UTC 18 comments
Top-10 mundane, but extremely-useful everyday inventions
10. Wet Wipes
09. Lint Rollers--the sticky things that you peel off
08. Plasti-rubber sandals--the nike ones last for fucking-ever.
07. headlamps (headtorches for the engrish?)
06. Individually-wrapped anything
05. spray bottles
04. non-dairy, powdered coffee creamer (this stuff saves lives)
03. Santa Hats
02. zip ties
01. yer mum

In other news
I'm finding The Shield a very nice stop-gap measure whilst waiting for the 2013 final episodes of Breaking Bad.. Another great show!
monster_urby12 years ago2012-09-24 23:09:26 UTC 5 comments
Bit of an SnC classic here, packed with YouTube video and pop culture references from around the time it was created. It is also totally mental and everybody dies.

Sleep is Death SnC flipbook #6

Archie12 years ago2012-09-24 13:26:23 UTC 36 comments
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My head... It hurts so much.
monster_urby12 years ago2012-09-21 11:38:12 UTC 19 comments
So, with BF3 currently down in price will any other TWHL members be joining in the fun? The TWHL platoon on Battlelog only has a lowly 10 members? Just think, you could be a part of that AND you get to shoot people in the face.
Habboi12 years ago2012-09-19 10:48:21 UTC 12 comments
Arrrrr guess what day it was yesterday me hearties!
Archie12 years ago2012-09-18 10:34:10 UTC 19 comments
I'd say about 50% of my working day is spent rendering. It still counts as working hours despite the fact I'm merely sat here twiddling my thumbs and browsing TWHL so I'm still getting paid for it and nobody bats an eyelid because everyone in the GFX department who uses After Effects is completely used to it.

TL;DR, I am currently being paid to browse TWHL. About time.
brendanmint12 years ago2012-09-18 07:02:54 UTC 3 comments
Hey TWHL-ers! Anyone getting Torchlight 2? I finished pre-loading it last night, I have a friend who might play it with me, but anyone else wanna group up for the Co-Op? The game looks like it's really going to be great. I can't wait to see what mods people come out with for it. Just add me on Steam or something, we can have a little 4 man TWHL Torchlight 2 group!
Instant Mix12 years ago2012-09-16 14:31:33 UTC 4 comments
Christ I'm buzzing for borderlands 2 to come out. My friend and I have both booked off of work to play the absolute shit out of it when it comes out.

I'm surprised I have a social life
Striker12 years ago2012-09-16 10:38:02 UTC 1 comment
This is probably the longest article I've written in a while.

Black Mesa Source review.

Warning: lots of images.
DiscoStu12 years ago2012-09-15 06:10:03 UTC 9 comments
In 18 hours I will be sitting on a plane headed towards the US. I will be computerless while there, I will be back on 4 OCT. And now I am going to sleep.

Over and out.
Striker12 years ago2012-09-14 17:23:30 UTC 22 comments
BMS download complete. Installation completed.

Opening game now.
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I think I'm spending more time looking at props and admiring walls than actually progressing the game. I'm like a laughing baby right now!


[EDIT 2] Seems like when I start the Apprehension campaign the mod crashes.
monster_urby12 years ago2012-09-13 16:15:37 UTC 29 comments
As of writing, there are now less than 24 hours before Black Mesa is released. After losing and regaining interest a couple of times during it's development, I am now pretty psyched to think it will be available in less than a days time.


Do you have any plans? Are you just going to sit and power through it in a single session or play a bit at a time, savoring every moment. Are you having a day off work or school to play it? Are you going to record a let's play, or are you planning to review it?

Personally, I will be going to work as normal since the countdown ends at 15:45 for me. Little point in skipping work to wait around all day. What I will do however is give my wife a call in order to start the download as soon as she can. :P

As for playing it, I will no doubt play through it in large chunks, maybe 3 sittings, and I plan on recording gameplay in order to do either a "Gentleman plays" series of 10 minute vids or 3 or 4 short highlights videos with captions and whatnot.

So... do tell...
2muchvideogames12 years ago2012-09-12 02:51:15 UTC 4 comments
For the past week I was:
  • getting scammed in games
  • watched a game about ditching a girlfriend (see #1 below)
  • played a bunch of super mario world hacks, none of which I could beat legitimately (see #2 below)
  • watched an anime about an MMORPG only to find out later that it gets explicit and R-rated
  • Tried out E.Y.E Divine cybermancy (see #3 below)
1. I watched a playthru of what can be considered the shortest visual novel ever, about you trying to ditch your closely attached girlfriend. The entire game was in sepia tone and there was something very wrong about the whole affair. Needless to say, the very life of the protagonist was hanging in the balance.

2. Played 4 hacks (or mods, same idea) of super mario world. I was able to beat none of them. One had a coding problem where bowser's castle opened but the path didn't so I couldn't go there; the hack was riddled with a bunch of other problems as well (such as levels being blurry because the transition effect screwed up)

In another hack, it was so difficult (imagine playing mario with NO MUSHROOMS AT ALL anywhere) that I gave up. I'm too lazy to play a game with savestate spamming.

In yet a third hack, I was able to beat this boss but the boss room didn't register its defeat because a lone goomba was left in the room. I was unable to get rid of the goomba because in SMW you can't kill goombas directly; you can only throw them into other enemies. I gave up on that one.

In the 4th hack I got all the way to Roy's castle where you must get thru THREE AREAS, two of which are AUTO SCROLL LEVELS. In both autoscroll levels, you must run like a mofo to jump from springer to springer avoiding spikes and landing on 1-unit long ledges. It was getting boring. I made it into Roy's room but STUPIDLY DIED when he only needed one more bop.

3. I tried out a demo of E.Y.E Divine cybermancy, a source engine FPS-RPG game on steam. All I can say is, it's a bit too complicated for me. Theres too many skills and no quick way to access them: Theres super jumping, super sprinting, cloaking, healing, and about 10 others, with a possibility for maybe 30 more skills. While your menu is open you are VULNERABLE to enemy fire. The weapons have iron sights and multiple fire modes, and unfortunately aren't very strong. I keep getting killed by these armor clad samurai creeps armed with better weapons. And what's worse, they have a respawn point right outside my starting room, so there's pretty much an endless stream of them. I couldn't go 1 block without getting swarmed by like 5 samurai creeps.

There's a money purchase system that's quite widespread in the game, with many possible ways to develop your character. The focus of this game is obviously on skills and abilities development rather than on weapons loadouts. I'd recommend this if you are good at micromanagement of about 30 or 40 odd skills. Otherwise it might be too overwhelming for you. (By comparison, borderlands had 1 skill per character.)

Yeah, so, not particularly thrilled today.