I had my first day of Uni today. I'm studying Civil Engineering, and am already starting to stress.
My maths subject sounds impossibly difficult, and the many assignments for my other subjects will take alot of time and higher order thinking - things not required in high school.
Oral presentations are going to be prevalent - one of my weak points is public speaking, so now I'm stressing even more.
People keep mentioning MatLab, SolidWorks and PebblePad, is anyone familiar with those particular programs?
I found myself falling asleep in my 2 hour long Engineering Materials lecture, as the chemistry he was explaining turned into crazy theorems and concepts which completely lost me.
My subjects include: Mathematical Methods for Engineers 1, Sustainable Engineering Practice, Engineering Materials and Computer Techniques.
Tomorrow I'm off to get my textbooks, configure my laptop to work with the university's wireless network, and spend 3 straight hours in maths lectures and practicals. Oh joy.
Well there you have it, folks! What do you guys have to say. Anyone else completed/completing/wanting to complete an Engineering Degree? Anyone in the same or similar situation as me, or have been? Anyone got any advice?