Journal #5591

Posted 15 years ago2009-01-19 16:53:37 UTC
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
HEY! I got a spotlight for Riverpool over at Podcast17!

Have a listen!

Its at roughly 32 minutes in, its worth the wait. I was so happy to hear it, considering the comments from the vault have been rather lacking. I poured my heart and soul into that little room.

I guess people around here expect that I will do good work all the time. I want to do better. I really do want to improve far beyond what I can do now, and continue to impress TWHL with good work, but its a little disconcerting when people do the zombious 'oooh aaah' and all that. Yes, I like the HOLYSHITFUCK kinda comments, they at least let me know I have made someone happy, but if you sit there and complain about the minor details of negative points, how can you enjoy it for what it is? Nothing will ever be perfect, but practice pays off.

Aside from that, they mention about TWHL which brings a bit of recognition to the site. They may check back because of the Rooms compo. Keep up the good work.


Commented 15 years ago2009-01-19 19:33:59 UTC Comment #40860
I get the feeling TWHL is sort of de-sensitized to your work.
If you want some reassurance: You've churned up many of the best looking maps I've ever seen, and you tend to keep raising the bar with every new "serious" map. You also have a very unique imagination that you are excellent at translating into a model or texture or map, that is very inspiring, but would be hard to pull off for others. You're great, you're fantastic.
But we're used to it, and over time, the Hawthorne effect has hit hard. The vast majority of your work is certainly worthy of "HOLYSHITFUCK", but it's hard to stay surprised every time. It's also probably because TWHL has followed every tiny step you've taken since Castle Rimrook, instead of seeing the giant leap that others would.

If you had a brother who was a great actor, would you be surprised to see how well he did in every new movie? Probably not, but others who are unfamiliar with him might see his movies and be like "HOLYSHITFUCK!", and you could say, "Yeah, he's a damn good actor"

Or maybe I'm just a dick.

Commented 15 years ago2009-01-19 19:51:46 UTC Comment #40862
Agreed. It's my turn for greatness anyway. Gimme some love.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-19 20:46:01 UTC Comment #40861
Err, Rimrook...
The majority of the comments where on engine trouble, and there is hardly a bad comment among them. If people couldn't get it to even work to begin with, why did you even expect these comments? Sounds a little bit too much like a plea for attention to me. :/

It is a very nice looking map, but literally coming out and asking for "HOLYSHITFUCK" comments is just.. ugh.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-19 21:12:36 UTC Comment #40863
That link doesn't work.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-19 21:20:03 UTC Comment #40870
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-19 23:01:51 UTC Comment #40864
Agree with Strider, and yes, the link doesn't work. I actually want to listen to it, too. Got a mirror?
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-20 01:01:52 UTC Comment #40868
but if you sit there and complain about the minor details of negative points,
Yeah i've noticed in a lot of maps here people are overly negative and petty about even the best maps sometimes, but like strideh said i didn't really notice any comments like that for riverpool. And like you and WCD said, if you constantly put out amazing work, expect the judging to be a litte harder too.

I know i tend to overrate maps a bit, but it fucking kills me when some assholes take a map as good as this and give it 3 stars(which i've seen a lot on this site). especially people downrating maps who don't even map themselves!!...just makes me want to hurt them...

Keep up the good work, you're an inspiration to us all. = )
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-20 01:05:59 UTC Comment #40865
Personally I would prefer critical advice over "LOL THSI MAP IZ AWSUM", because the former will help you to improve for the future, whereas the latter will just inflate your ego to unstable sizes.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-20 01:58:04 UTC Comment #40866
I always try to give a good mix of both negatives and positives for the maps I comment on. I do like your maps, but that won't stop me from saying what could be improved. I expect constructive criticism on my part, and I will always give it to the people whose maps I comment on.

Believe me, I've improved a lot from the criticism I've received on my own maps and by reading comments on others' maps as well. However, there is some undue criticism that is just people whining/nitpicking about small things - which is useless to gain any sort insight from. For example, I've had people whine about a brick texture I used on a Source map - simply because that texture was the first on the list and they use it as a base texture instead of the dev textures. Makes me wonder if they use AAATRIGGER as a base texture when mapping for GoldSRC since it shows up by default.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-20 03:47:52 UTC Comment #40867
Any kind of comments/criticism work for me as long as the one commenting has played your map/mod. People playing the stuff you've worked so hard on is definitely the best reward any mapper/modder could ask for.

And agreed with WorldCrafter on the comment thing. We're pretty much spoiled by the constantly insane level of quality in your maps. Seeing how you're going further and further towards perfection, it's pretty normal for people with expectations too high to get nitpicky.

Anywho, congrats on the feature. :>
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-24 02:04:57 UTC Comment #40869
WOW! they said very nice things about the map and talked about it for a while, but i don't think they mentioned your name once! = (

Oh and thanks btw for making me aware of podcast17 it's pretty cool! =>

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