Journal #6390

Posted 14 years ago2010-02-10 23:03:49 UTC
Some of you might already know about this, so this is for those of you not in the know:

Did any of you PS3 owners see this coming? Let's just say if it happens, which most likely it will happen, it will mean that one of the best argument PS3 fanboys have for owning a PS3 instead of a Xbox360 will evaporate.

Sure, The PS3 is more powerful and it's games are more prettier looking than the Xbox360's games, but what really counts to people is having something that's really good......for free. But once you remove that special something that people are already used to having it for free, should be very interesting to see what happens next.

What might be coming:


Commented 14 years ago2010-02-10 23:18:13 UTC Comment #59828
It was probably just a matter of time. Every blind capitalist running those big companies (Sony, Micro$oft, Apple, etc.) has only one policy: You're never making too much money. It's never enough. They'll squeeze every cent they can.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-10 23:56:09 UTC Comment #59824
I think the ones that are really going to get hit hard first with fees are the users of Home, which is like a Second Life wanna be. The PS3's Home membership is massive, it's in the millions already, making it one of the biggest 3D virtual chat worlds ever. It's probably only second to Second Life's membership size, which is also in the millions.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-11 01:30:46 UTC Comment #59804
"The subscription offering would provide new premium features you could choose to pay for and are in addition to the features currently available for free such as access to online multiplayer gaming (current features would remain free)."
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-11 01:41:08 UTC Comment #59808
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-11 02:35:41 UTC Comment #59809
PS3 is gay.
Xbox is gay.
Second Life is gay.
Tito is questionable.

Commented 14 years ago2010-02-11 04:23:50 UTC Comment #59825
@Rimrook: If you are going to call both the Xbox and PS3 gay, then I take it you don't like consoles too much, uh?

"Second Life is gay"
Yep, it is. Never tried it, never will. Besides, I hear their 3D is very dated, is not that good. Sure, they are very popular and huge in social everything, but their particular 3D/chat platform is not my cup of tea. I rather stick to the official specifications from the web3D consortium (X3D & VRML).

"Tito is questionable"
If you mean as in gay, then HELL NO!
I hate homos. But if you mean as a hard core drinker, then I just might be a little questionable in that.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-11 04:41:26 UTC Comment #59813
Homophobe. Not cool, Tito.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-11 05:02:47 UTC Comment #59822
What Penguin said
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-11 05:37:41 UTC Comment #59805
Homosexuals suck! Hard-core drinking is cool! Assassinate anyone who dislikes America!

Jesus, Tito. Words fail me.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-11 13:16:55 UTC Comment #59810
You're all sinners.
Everyone knows that God hates homos and is trying to save America from their kind.

P.S. I own a 360 and a Wii. My 360 is currently being used as a paperweight, and my Wii is in a cupboard somewhere.
Having spent many hours playing PS3, I can conclude that it is no better than the 360, and as such I would never consider buying one.

If you own a decent PC, consoles are literally pointless. Crap online play, no third-party content, dumb-down graphics and quite often poor framerate.

Controls are pish for FPS games (although 360 is VASTLY better at it than PS3) and as 360 controllers can be used with PCs, fighting games and sports games are still better on PC too.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-11 13:26:44 UTC Comment #59820
I just want to say I agree with everything Huntey just wrote. I love the 360 controllers, I have one plugged in to my PC but I would never buy a 360 (or PS3/Wii).
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-11 15:36:48 UTC Comment #59826
"Hard-core drinking is cool! Assassinate anyone who dislikes America!"
Hold on a second there, Strider! Are you suggesting that I previously said all that? Really now?

First off, I never said drinking is cool. In fact, I said...quote - "then I just might be a little questionable in that",......big difference there!. To be honest, I don't really drink that much. Sometimes I will go for 2 or 3 months without drinking a single beer.

And then that bit about "Assassinate anyone who dislikes America!"....definitely did not come from me like that!. If you are referring to that one other journal post a while back where I threatened this other TWHL member (which I forget his name), I need to point out that I did take back what I said by posting a subsequent apology to the TWHL member that I offended. As far as I am concerned, that been buried, it's in the past.

Well, seems that Huntey (and potatis_invalid for backing him up) took it a big notch further than I did by bringing up God in this! To really be honest here, I did not think anybody here in TWHL would have had the balls to lay it out like Hunty did, but I guess I was wrong. It is the right course anyway, after all, the Bible does say that gays have it coming, it's not going to be pretty for them.

Now, can we get back to bashing the Playstation Network?......
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-11 17:03:25 UTC Comment #59811
Why can't we all be as reasonable and rational as our representative from the church of Christianity - Tito.

Commented 14 years ago2010-02-11 20:39:36 UTC Comment #59806
"And then that bit about "Assassinate anyone who dislikes America!"....definitely did not come from me like that!. If you are referring to that one other journal post a while back where I threatened this other TWHL member (which I forget his name), I need to point out that I did take back what I said by posting a subsequent apology to the TWHL member that I offended. As far as I am concerned, that been buried, it's in the past."

"Well, seems that Huntey (and potatis_invalid for backing him up) took it a big notch further than I did by bringing up God in this! To really be honest here, I did not think anybody here in TWHL would have had the balls to lay it out like Hunty did, but I guess I was wrong. It is the right course anyway, after all, the Bible does say that gays have it coming, it's not going to be pretty for them."

I'll let you figure this out on your own. But the bit about Homosexuals having it coming, and it being the "right course"... wow.

"Now, can we get back to bashing the Playstation Network?......"

They've given me no reason to bash it. I've had nothing but fun with my PS3 and I'll continue to.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-11 21:20:21 UTC Comment #59815
You know what I say...?

You are all very strange...but interesting none-the-less

Commented 14 years ago2010-02-11 23:25:35 UTC Comment #59827
You know what hlife_hotdog, I think you just posted the smartest post so far in this journal. I think I will end my participation here, this journal has become a runaway train that jumped tracks.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-11 23:32:03 UTC Comment #59823
I don't suppose you mean end your participation on the site, do you?
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-11 23:36:48 UTC Comment #59812
Lest I live in fear that Tito never grasped my dripping sarcasm, I wish to point out that
a) he is an intolerant asshole
b) he is an idiot (justifying anything by the bible warrants this)
c) I am atheist.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-12 05:25:47 UTC Comment #59814

.. honestly, how do we manage turning every topic into a religion-bashing debate? I can see social problems branching off to one's beliefs, but console gaming?
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-12 05:45:02 UTC Comment #59807
Consoles -> Preference -> Homosexuality -> Religion

It's just how TWHL works.

Of course it helps to have a homophobic, overly-patriotic zealot in here to speed things up, my job included.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-12 16:43:02 UTC Comment #59819

I don't think god understands the concept of a "precision strike"

...It seems there's a lot of collateral damage here...
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-12 17:02:22 UTC Comment #59817
He's carpet bombing humanity with AIDS.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-12 21:07:42 UTC Comment #59816
I see this turned into an AIDS discussion so I thought I'd post.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-12 21:29:12 UTC Comment #59821
Consoles -> Preference -> Homosexuality -> Religion -> Sexually transmitted diseases -> The Iraqi war? Socialism? Censorship? Apple?
Nah, better end this here.
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-09 00:11:06 UTC Comment #59829
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-09 00:18:41 UTC Comment #59818
But yeah, AIDS reminds me, I'm glad the Iraqi war happened. It helps prevent those socialist people at Apple from censoring my dong.

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