Journal #6539

Posted 14 years ago2010-05-04 04:12:30 UTC
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
I sometimes say that I have to represent in some way the most intense dreams I have sometimes. I had some dreams with meteors crashing(the representation I'm showing you now), and an atomic bomb, which was kind of intense.

The Meteor Dream


Commented 14 years ago2010-05-04 07:15:28 UTC Comment #56931
Your special effects work looks familiar. Did Carlton or Damon hire you to make a CG submarine sometime last year?
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-04 07:43:32 UTC Comment #56933
^ Win comment is win.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-04 10:24:33 UTC Comment #56938
Who are Carlton and Damon?
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-04 11:02:05 UTC Comment #56935
u watch too much movies with meteors and atom boms in them, :)
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-04 11:13:35 UTC Comment #56936
Sorry Strider, I don't know who are those two.

@skals: no, not at all :).
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-04 11:21:27 UTC Comment #56929
Could be worse. Sometimes I dream about seeing the moon in the early morning sky grow larger and larger, then I realize it's actually falling toward the planet D:

Nice effects, but tiny explosion is cute :3
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-04 12:28:09 UTC Comment #56932
I had a dream once where me and Einstein were sitting at a tea table, and were making an atom bomb. I was trying to put an uranium ball into a bigger uranium shape so it would reach critical mass. Well I succeeded. The whole uranium mass started shining, contracted to a size of a match-box. Then just before the explosion, Einstein said, "that's it", and we blew up. I then woke up.

That's one of the most awesome dreams I've ever had.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-04 14:30:46 UTC Comment #56930
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-04 15:23:30 UTC Comment #56940
Sheesh, I never have cool dreams. The best one I can remember was when I dreamt I was riding my bike down the sidewalk when suddenly the road opened up and I looked down and saw a whole lot of black with pinpoints of blue and green light scattered into it. So I just kept on riding but I saw some people falling into it. Scary :<
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-05 00:29:59 UTC Comment #56939
Interestingly enough, I had a dream last night about posting something in TWHL about meteors, and how to avoid the loss of thousands of dollars in damage they cause on property every year. Members were expected to panic and try to devise something to avoid it. It was supposed to be the best prank in the history of TWHL. It doesn't seem so awesome now that I'm not dreaming.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-05 08:02:45 UTC Comment #56937
Well soup miner, interestingly enough, I dreamed almost the same thing last night. The moon was approaching, but when it was close already, I strangely saw it as planet Mars. It passed right near me and it never collided with earth, just scratched the atmosphere. It was intense.
Next moment I see myself above earth watching it like a map. I strangely saw 2 continents between Africa and Antarctica.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-06 11:51:08 UTC Comment #56934
A few days ago I had a dream in which I was the leader of a big citywide resistance, and our official goal was to destroy the fascist govornment run by none other that Adolf Hitler. But nobody knew that I started the whole thing simply because I wanted to steal a kickass Darth Vader figurine that Hitler had on his desk, and if I had an army with me then there's more targets for Hitlers gaurds and therefore less chance of me getting shot.

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