I just took a glance through my games library, and it kinda made me think. The fact I've already pumped 123 hours into Terraria suprised me, since I only got it about a month ago. I wanted to compare it to something else I consider my many hours well-wasted on. I looked at Mount & Blade, and saw it only had 131 hours on it. This was kinda odd to me, seeing as I've had it for at least 2 years now. Yet it has felt like I've played Mount & Blade so much more, and Terraria so much less.
I looked through several other games that I thought I'd pumped quite a lot of time into (games like Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers and Burnout Paradise), and found they only came out to 45 and 38 hours, respectively. I honestly thought I would've played Burnout more than MtG, but I guess not.
Plants VS Zombies holds a rather honourable 161 hours, and that's because it's damn fun. I wasn't really suprised by this number, especially when other people have played it occationally. Puzzle Quest holds a whopping 224 hours, but if it were solely
my hours, it'd be closer to 10, maybe.
I was kinda shocked to find it'd put 215 hours into Left 4 Dead. I guess I did used to play it every afternoon after school with a friend at one point.
I also looked at the achievements, and it's safe to say how many achievements you have is completely unindicitive of how much you play a game. In L4D (215 h), I've only gotten 61 of the 73 achievements. meanwhile in Portal (10 h), I've gotten them all. I'd probably have all of Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter's (24 h) if most of them weren't solely Multiplayer ones. I still hold that achievement are far from an indication of skill in a particular game, unless you get all of them, in which case it remains unindicitive of skill, and becomes an indication of how much time you have to blow.
Sorry for the paragraphs, especially if you read them. I just wanted to empty my brain.
tl;dr - I play 2 much video games.
Though I'm now curious. What games have you guys gotten all (or most) of the achievements in? Do you care about/like them? Do you go out of your way to get them, and if so, how hard do you try to get them all? (Little Rocket Man, anyone? =P) Or do you just wish they were gone?
You get the gist.
For games I just play, Mass Effect 2 has 120 hours (and I'm only nearing the end of my second go!) Deus Ex 1 has 50 hours since installing in late last year, STALKER has 60, Half-Life 2 has 174 and Episode Two has 165.
When did that happen.
If it tracked non-Steam games in your list, I think my highest would be Darkloader, the custom mission manager for Thief 1 and 2. So many great fan missions.
I don't regard steam hours, because most of my time was into HL mods back into WON days, but even then steam does not track your hours of playing mods.
I have the little rocket man achievement, which isn't that hard due to how short ep2 was, although I have gone back in HL2 to try to find all the caches, but failed because I missed like 3 of them..
I also got like 80% of the 300 or so TF2 achievements, I can assure you that that definitely is 2 much video games because I had to cash in 400 hours for these pointless endeavors. It's too bad there aren't many HL1 mods out these days.
Anyway, the game I've playe most is Half Life, with 74.9 hours on record, followed by Team Fortress 2 with 44, and then Opposing Force with 40.1
I have Fallout 3 on console, and I had about 140 hours on that. I also got Borderlands on XBox 360 when it came out, and played that with a friend for about 30-40 hours straight.