Journal #7906

Posted 11 years ago2012-07-20 07:34:34 UTC
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
I was recording a couple of lines last night and while I was at it I decided to do another reel. Rather than mimicking existing characters like my last reel I decided to make things up on the spot.

I'd love to hear your thoughts :D


Commented 11 years ago2012-07-20 09:36:13 UTC Comment #43655
You've done stronger American accents in the past. These ones were a bit flaky by comparison. The rest was good although the audio peaked occasionally causing distortion.
Commented 11 years ago2012-07-20 10:38:17 UTC Comment #43654
Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out the right levels in audacity. The mic is awesome but living on a main road in a small house means that there's backround noise EVERYWHERE.
Commented 11 years ago2012-07-21 16:06:04 UTC Comment #43656
The meteorologist voice needs to be more convincing, making one's ear to be more alert.
The Town Center voice seems more like a parody to AoE than a realistic attempt. It's too... nasal.

The voice acting at 00:10 struck me as being the best, and it's quite indistinguishable from your natural voice. Nice!

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