I already posted a link in the Gaming thread but here is just a little explanation. If you've ever read the Living in Oblivion blog by Chris Livingston (author of the Concerned HL2 comic) you should get the grasp of this fairly quickly.
I have started out in the world of Skyrim, completely avoiding the main questline or any other adventurous outing and instead I am looking to make my fortune in other ways. Ways such as alchemy, hunting, fishing etc. If I need to travel I will do so on foot, no fast travelling and no cart hiring. This makes things incredibly dangerous for a man with no weapons, dressed in rags. Day one was pretty successful but has left me with few options for day two, meaning I will most likely have to travel further into the wilderness. This terrifies me.
You can read the blog hereYou don't need to sign up to wordpress to post a comment so please do if you enjoy reading it or even if you don't. It would be most appreciated.