Bulding a pc rig - 600~ euros...
Hello summoners (no wait hello twhl)

i am planning to build a new pc (finally, actually mine is 7 years old)
can u help me? i want propositions with/without GPU. I might think about building a rig for 600 euros without GPU which i will buy 2-3 months later.
A 1060 is ~200eu, and i believe its the bare minimum for some "futureproof'ness" and a really good gaming experience now. I'm running one now with a 7700k (what an underkill compared that my rig was 10x the price of the 1060
Anyway I recommend AMD now for budget builds because they have come back to screw Intel with low cost, high core count medium-end chips.
i will buy GPU next(?) month so far i got an old GPU radeon hd6850 1gb ddr5
Asus B350M-A - 80eu
Food for thought if you decide to go the AMD route.
Why the DVD drive ?
i think that i spend more time in software than games..
well i need dvd drive, i have a lot of backups and games on dvd's
I think Ryzen cpus are excellent for multitasking.