
Posted 3 years ago2021-06-12 17:54:04 UTC
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
So in my last journal, I talked about a bunch of things. How I'm finishing high school, how I made a game prototype and wrote a 48-page thesis about it etc.

This would be the sequel, "what happened next". I'll keep this one kinda short. In a nutshell:
  • On the 3rd of June, I entered the game development competition, and made 2 new friends cuz' they also made a shooter and I liked their game
Me briefly mentioning my ioquake3 forkMe briefly mentioning my ioquake3 fork
  • On the 4th of June, those 2 friends and I made it to the top 3. I was 1st, they were 2nd, and some other guy was also 2nd cuz' they all had the same points.
Spreading the word about TrenchBroom ;)Spreading the word about TrenchBroom ;)
Teh trailerTeh trailer
  • On the 7th of June, I officially graduated from high school.
I'm gonna sign up for the local IT college. I just have to. I don't like academic stuff, never really liked school, but I can go through 4 more years of it, cuz' without a diploma, hardly anyone's gonna take you seriously here. It's just how it is.

So once that's done, I can initiate

Teh Epik Master Plan IV

I also showed it in the last journal, somewhere in the comments. People who have been here for a long time know what the original was about (my advice: it's awfully embarrassing, don't read unless you're into that stuff). However, the latest revision of this plan roughly predicts how long it'll take for me to form a gamedev studio here. A fairly optimistic estimate is 4 years, assuming that everything goes well and I have a job the whole time. A less optimistic estimate is 10 years, which is still manageable and short enough for me.
User posted image
Essentially, the plan happens in 2 stages: one-offs and saving:
  • "One-offs" are quality-of-life improvements (like hardware upgrades) and other one-time expenses (like a VR headset or electronic components). In this stage, I'd be living with my parents because it's a lot cheaper. Once this stage is done, or a week or two before it's done, I'll most likely move out, so I can be closer to the workplace. :>
  • "Saving" refers to the stage where I'm pretty much saving up money so I can run a game studio for at least 2 years, most likely alone. The budget accounts for the company registration, paid activities needed for the game (e.g. voice acting), an accountant, a lawyer, and other costs. I'd be additionally spending a minimum of 12 000 KM (approx. 7000€) per year per developer, so until I achieve really big profits, that's just not gonna happen.
What I ultimately want to do is just make games & sell them on Steam. So, in my little pockets of free time during college and holidays at work, I could probably work on a single game, so by the time I want to open the studio, I already got most of the game finished. If there's any success, great. If there's major success, even greater.

Having read through Bosnian tax laws, it appears that Bosnia's tax baseline is 10%. So if you make 10 000 KM brutto, you get 9 000. However, taking into account Steam's 30% cut before taxing (AFAIK that's the order in which cuts go), I'd be left with a total of 6 300 KM. Of course, there's more than that to it, like amortisation, paying the lawyer, paying the accountant etc. So to be safe, let's just say 5 500 KM.

I haven't seen any data for the sales of the kinda games I am planning to make, so I can't provide any estimate on that. I'm pretty sure there's a market for half-likes out there though. :]

The plan will go through a couple of more revisions. I haven't taken into account certain types of expenses, accidents/emergency cases and such. So far, it's less of a plan, more like a guideline.

Oh, and don't worry, I'll find some time for HL modding. If anything, I'll keep working on my HL SDK tutorial series.


Commented 3 years ago2021-06-12 19:23:22 UTC Comment #103590
Hey Admer456!

Congratz :)

P.S. Don't forget to offer me the tester position >:D
Commented 3 years ago2021-06-12 20:46:37 UTC Comment #103592
Bravo Admer :) Good will and good luck with your youthful future.
Commented 2 years ago2021-07-10 20:22:50 UTC Comment #103605
I signed up for college. Got 85% on the entry exam, not too bad, I suppose.
Commented 2 years ago2021-07-11 09:25:27 UTC Comment #103606
I signed up for college. Got 85% on the entry exam, not too bad, I suppose.
sv_cheats 1 :sarcastic:
Commented 2 years ago2021-07-11 11:38:26 UTC Comment #103607
News just came in, I'm 6th by total score. By being in the top 55, that means... well... I'm in. ^w^

I hide all my cheats in the skull. There's a chance they may evaporate that way, but... it works pretty well.
Commented 2 years ago2021-09-08 04:40:05 UTC Comment #103709

Wow! College. That was in 1991 for me.

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